8 / 9
Dec 2024

Hey all! My comic "Reaper's Storm" recently had a post on Newgrounds asking peeps what made the comic unappealing. The overwhelming response was "The comic is fine by itself, but the cover art and lettering kinda suck".

So! I commissioned a new cover and am currently working with another artist to get the lettering done more professionally! Whilst the lettering will be a while, I can show you the cover art now! Feast your eyes!

And here's the old one for reference:

I'm rather pleased with it all! So my question to y'all is what you guys have done to make it more appealing for readers. Any before and after covers to show? Or maybe you had a different approach! I'd love to hear!

  • created

    Dec '24
  • last reply

    Dec '24
  • 8


  • 232


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I'm in the process of updating!
This was the first one.

this is the second (and current.)

and this one was my most recent concept for a third cover, but I don't feel like it fits for the main cover so I'm discarding it.

Old cover

New cover

Feels like a whole genre change :skull: the first 100 pages of my comic have too many happy vibes for the old cover. I also thought that scarf looked stupid.

I did because i changed my story's title. the new one is was better anyway, but i can't find my old cover anymore lol:

originally the novel was called "Tic Tac Toe"

I did, just over a year ago on November 6th 2023. It was something I had been wanting to do for a long time in fact, but just never found the time to do so.

This was my first cover, drawn all the way back early 2020! And it was alright at the time since I was still fairly new with digital art back then.

Now this isnt how it originally looked when I first made it, and I had to modify it every once a while with this one version being the latest update I made to it before going with my current one, which was probably a signifier that it wasn't going to hold out in the long run. Plans to replace it began around late 2022 but it wouldnt be until late 2023 that I would get around to actually make one, this time in CSP!

And this is it right here:

I feel the new cover better reflects what my series is going for. While old one was going for a more action heavy feel focusing more on the main character, the new one has a more fun feel to it, and emphasizes that the story isnt just about the main character but his friends and family