5 / 8
Oct 2022

:joy: I have grown up with paranormal things happening here and there and I'm very sensitve to things involving the forbidden board anyways I been having weird things happening and today was not it. I woke up to my closet door opening, then on my way to the restroom the light was on but then it turn off and now while I'm sitting here writing my water bottle is moving slighslightly. I'm going to write a novel about this :joy:

Share your stories in the spirit of spooky season! :pumpkin:

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    Oct '22
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    Nov '22
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Well, my family has this television that sometimes randomly turns on to things like football. We believed it to be some sort of ghost. I scoffed when I heard it. One time, when I was down in the living room one summer, the television came on and I realised that I was in the ghost’s presence. I performed a rudimentary exorcism ritual. I did not have the bell or the candle, so I just used the book. The ghost is no longer there.

Okay so it has been proven that my neighborhood is lowkey haunted.
Whenever someone moved in, there will be a case of everyone screaming at each other, getting angry at the slightest thing. It happened to my family too, when we first moved in. we screamed at each other, throwing things, and just doing things we would never do in our old house. The screaming will eventually disappear if we go through it for a couple of weeks.
But! I don't know why the house beside mine always had it worse. When we first moved in, the house beside us was used for a gaming center owned by a family. Like always, they would fight a lot and eventually had to move out.
A new family moved in, and they fought even worse than my family to the point where they would hit elders. They moved out after a couple of months.
Then, someone decided to make that house into an office. It was peaceful because no one had to live in the house except the janitor.
There are times where I heard loud noises (like running up the stairs with boots on or marbles falling down the stairs) in the middle of the night. One night, my father went out and found the janitor sitting on the porch. Then he told my father that it's impossible to sleep there cuz things just won't stop moving and disappearing out of nowhere.
Again, the whole office moved out. Now there's no one using the house.

It turns out to be a very long story, lol! I hope you're enjoying my experience. :smile:

Not recent but when I was a child, I used to hear voices coming from empty rooms. It sort of sounded like someone talking on the phone. I would be wondering around trying to find my parents and hear the phone chatting and go into their room and discover it was empty.

I haven´t seen anything for a long time but I believe in paranormal things and I heard an invisible horse
riding through my gf and me while sitting on a park bench in an open field with no possibility of hearing
an echo sound and it was also in the middle of the night in the outskirts of town with no free riding horses
which ride around in the middle of the night. It was really scary. The good thing is that I wasn´t alone and
can always ask that gf about it. This was in 90s and we were not high

Last night my computer woke up all on its own. Had a hard time falling back asleep.

1 month later

closed Nov 12, '22

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