10 / 20
Aug 2015

I had my new series, and I left it with 3 episodes. 2 weeks has passed, and I haven't worked on anything yet. (Because of procrastinating and studies). But... What if I suddenly published something? Is it too late already? Can new readers still see my comic? (Even if I left it for too long?)

  • created

    Aug '15
  • last reply

    Aug '15
  • 19


  • 1.3k


  • 16


  • 15


No worries! You should post whenever you have something ready.
There is so much content on Tapastic. People don't get bored!

Just remember why you're doing the comic. If it's just for the heck of it then it doesn't matter that much what you do as long as you can feel happy about it. But if you try to practise for something more steady then I'd recommend kicking yourself a bit and pushing that page out, there's no other way to get the page done except doing it smile

I am having trouble with my next page 99, so...I can relate, but my readers have gotten previous 2 pages in shorter time period and they've gotten used to my sliding schedule now, also most of them know where my twitter feed is where I post reasons and meanwhiles smiley

BEST way to get page done is to start streaming while drawing, picarto is good place for that. Just get somebody watch you work and FEEEEL THE PRESSURE smiley

Every time you update, your comic shows up in the Fresh-section, AFAIK - so new readers would definitely see it! I mean, there are comics out there who regularly update only every two weeks, or once a month, and they do just fine.

Chillax man. Everythings gonna be fine. If you need a break then take a break. Tapastic will still be here waiting ever so patiently.

I had to stop updating my own comic for like 6 months so you're already better then me in the update spectrum.

If you upload a new chapter, it will show up in the NEW comics page, and of course your readers will see it, If you add a new page to an existing chapter, don't forget to click "send" button after saving (it will ask you if you want to send a fortification), then your watchers will receive notifications.

Don't worry about it. Life gets in the way for everyone. Your subscribers will see the updates whenever you upload a page or chapter, and it will show up in the fresh section on Tapastic's front page! Actually, I'm kind of in a short hiatus for my own comic as well, but I am preparing for a convention, which is why I need to take that time.

Wait... Do most people click the "Fresh" section?

u re making useless problems to yourself.
what tapastic, the people/world/universe is doing, at the moment, is not your business.
do your work.

That's bit blunt, it's fair to wonder about these things and it's even more important to have a safe place to air your doubts ^^though I think you meant well and perhaps your point was "you don't have to worry about others, it's your comic"? And not "stop whining you slave of the public! whipcrack back to work!" smile

2 weeks? here's my longest hiatus for U-Speed (archives from another webcomic hosting site):

That's almost 2 years! But of course a lot of things will be different. Some of the fans are not active anymore, some fans unsubscribed, views and visitors at an all time low, etc. But I never lost the loyal fans who were happy that I came back. smiley

So 2 weeks isn't that big of a deal ... 2 years, and you might think of rebuilding a fan base again. And that what lead me here to Tapastic (But thats another story).XD

@mg78 That was a bit mean. I'm sure you meant no harm by it but he is a young creator who is new to the whole making comics thing, he wants to learn and get to know other creators on here.

Let me tell you something important from another artist i know that had a hiatus issue.

You need to ask yourself if you want to go back to it, it really dosn't matter how much other people do or do not want it to come back, it depends on if you want to bring it back, no matter how long its been since the last ep. If you find yourself working on the next page and just asking yourself why you cant put the pen to the paper and the answer you have is "I just don't want to" then maybe its time to let it go, but if you start another page, and then another, and then another, then you shouldnt worry about if other people want you to bring it back and realize that your ready to start it back up again.

Sometimes a hiatus can end things for you completely, but sometimes you just need a break (however long) and come back refreshed.