Heyo, I'm planning to go back and fix up volume one of The Commune (episodes 1-46) When I say this, I mean not redrawing, but making adjustments to the drawings I already have.) This is mainly because I'd ideally like to print one day, and also because there are some glaring things that stand out to me.

Like I'm already aware that Anopheles' coat looks absolutely huge and flat early on, and that the proportions and hands could be fixed up, stuff like that. Also, there's a bit of messiness in the art and shading fixes (such as overdone blush) that can be changed.

I think it'd be good to get some feedback on what other ppl think needs fixing as readers, since I don't have that kind of perspective about my own comic. You don't have to read the entire volume for this either, the first few episodes is what I'm looking to fix up the most since it'll help new readers get into the comic.

The only thing I'm concidering redrawing from scratch is this scene:

Because it just doesn't convey what I wanted, and it looks flimsy honestly.

But yeah, feedback would be appreciated! Like the first volume will still have its issues ofc but small fixes will help improve the reading experience! (But I don't plan to redraw bc I don't mind people seeing my art get better over time :smug_01: ) A lot of the first volume was a whole new learning experience, it's inevitable things are gonna look wonky and funny unintentionally :sweat_02:

  • created

    Aug '23
  • last reply

    Aug '23
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Yeah the coat is huge in the first few eps.

I looked through the first chapter and these are the panels that stands out to me the most. None of them are egregious tho, and you dont need to fix them if you don't want to.

The "action blur" here doesn't work. I think it should be at the back of his head instead of infront for it to be him falling forward. His hand is looks like it's reversed bc pinky looks like thumb when its separated like that.

The front character's face at this angle is a bit odd

His leg's too small

There's something offbalance about the chest here. Right chest is popping out too much and left chest is too narrow. I think it's partly to do with how far the shirt folds into the chest on the arm not holding the microphone.