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Feb 2020

I've been working on this team's designs for almost two months now (in my book, that's an INSANELY long time) so I think I'm at that point where I need to either smash my skull on my desk and end it all...or seek help. [scroll to the end to get the gist]

So a little bit of background: this team is a sort of fusion between Western superhero and traditional magical girl themes. I wanted bright, bold designs with lots of contrast, like this first one:

Of course, when I tried to apply this pattern of coloring to the other two girls; I got into a bad rut...they weren't nearly as flashy:

I especially hated Green-chan; a lot of the shades of green were quite nearly the same. So after a long break, I decided to go back to it and make up a completely original color scheme; to hell with the pattern:

...Turns out, I like this change a LOT. The expanded range of colors really helps sell the Western-superhero influence. ^^

BUT NOW, in order for this team to look like a team, the other girls will also need an expanded range...I really don't want to change Red-chan; her design was always the best one, so I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope she looks uniform enough in the end. Purple-chan, however, isn't that great, so I took a stab at modifying her:

...Eeeeeeeeeeeehhh...I was into this last night, but now I'm not so sure. It's like I went from 'Meh' to 'Meh but with more colors'.

Long story short, Purple-chan is the one I would like help with!
A few notes:
-She has a flower-themed (specifically, tulip-themed) costume. I kinda tried to use actual tulip colors with her new scheme, and it didn't work so good, but if anyone else could do it well that'd be swell~
-Her base color is purple. Whatever new design she has should be at least 60% purple.
-The hair being two different colors on the inside and outside is kind of a thing...there are a couple other design 'rules' I have for this set, but I won't bother the general public with that. If you want to know, just ask.
-Basically, I want something bright and colorful, but still mostly purple, and better than that thing I did. ;D

Here's a transparent .png if anyone wants it...this is what normal digital artists use to color, right?? Let me know if I need to provide something else.

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    Feb '20
  • last reply

    Feb '21
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So I did two where the only difference is that for one white is a main color over yellow. I took out the blue a red, those colors were distracting for me; they made it hard to tell purple was the main color. I think the schemes I made are darker than what your going for, so there that. This was goo color palette practice so thanks. And I know you said you liked red's design, but add a little more of that cyan you used on her watch in other places might work out.

I definitely love your second design... It has such a great color dynamic and feels together overall. The first one does have some great color contrasting though!!! I love them both!!!

I’m not sure she passes a de-saturation grayscale test when I do it but her design was just too friggin cute to not color. You said you wanted her to have kind of a two color hair thing so i added it to other parts of her outfit too like the gloves so it wouldn’t stand out too much! Idk I colored her several ways I just like all the tulip aspects of the design so much huehue can’t wait to see this kid in a comic or something!

You said a fusion between western superheros and magical girl.
western superheros usually have the primary colors schemes that reflects their power or origin (at lest in the original ones).
the western superheros also have simple uniform or not complex.
magical girls colors and clothes can go any where.
I suggest that the color will reflect her personalty and disposition I suggest to go to more pastel colors.
examples of schemes.

11 months later

It basically took a full year, but I finally did it:

I recently decided to give her design another shot, and since I had this thread open for reference I thought I might as well post the end result. A very belated thanks to everyone who helped~