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Feb 23

I view in two different ways

1.) If your using for lets says making things for a dnd campaign to make enemies and what not then I think that's fine

2.) If your using it to make money then that's cringe.

I make a point NEVER to use it. Let's just say my worries are more existential and no one would believe them anyway.

If A.I. has a million hater, I'm one of them

If A.I. has 5 hater, I'm one of them

If A.I. has 1 hater, that is me

If A.I. has no haters, I'm no longer alive

If the world supports A.I. then I'm against the entire world

Till my last breath, I will abhor A.I.

The one aspect where the Admech is right, A.I. stand for Abominable Intelligence.

It's worthless garbage that needs to be scrubbed of the face of the Earth. There is no point in using it, not now, not tomorrow, not ever. It's nothing but a scam by silicon valley to try and remain relevant and maintain a facade of innovation, so they can continue to hark in millions if not billions of investments dollars. Buying into ai is falling for a scam.

AI art... where 6 fingers, extra limbs, uneven eyes, and boobs on both sides of the body is normal... :laughing:

I still heavily dislike seeing people actively worship AI art and it's even worse seeing millions of AI artist trying to profit off of it. I'm sitting here thinking anyone can do this, its aggravating when they pretend like this is a master piece OMG.

  1. AI “art” is not art. It is, however, based on real art stolen from artists without their consent and often without their knowledge, to make money off of their art without giving any of it to them.
  2. AI is very harmful to beginner artists, as they may get accused of using AI when they’re actually just making very human mistakes. (Had that happen with a drawing of mine where the hand looked slightly off.) This may also ruin artists’ confidence, because how would you feel about a machine with no brain or soul doing the things you love the most seemingly better than you?
  3. AI is extremely harmful to the environment. Generating one picture with AI takes as much energy as fully charging your phone.

So… don’t use AI folks. I don’t, and sometimes it gets very difficult because everyone around me does. I got a school assignment once to generate a picture with AI to match a scene from a book we were reading in class. Everyone used AI, I drew the picture myself. The teacher deadass thought the AI pictures, which looked extremely weird and uncomfortable, were better than my own picture because mine looked “like a children’s book illustration”. Screw AI.

I cannot stand AI "art". It pisses me off every time I see somebody share an AI-generated meme on Facebook, and I will usually point out that it's AI garbage. Yes, I am "that guy".

AI "art" is theft, and not only that, it's creepy. Vacant expressions, ungodly finger counts (I even have a screenshot of fingers with fingers), weird text/logos (I see this a lot on AI generated "concept" cars that show up in a lot of car groups that I follow).

I suck at drawing hands. I'm so bad at it that not even AI can screw it up as bad as I can. At least I usually get the finger counts right though...

I have never entered a prompt into an AI thing. It's actually been bugging me lately because Microsoft is trying to cram AI down my throat with Office 365. Every time I use Word to write something, a little popup will show up saying "rewrite with AI". I want to kick the computer every time. Facebook has replaced their "search" with "ask Meta". Every time I google something the first result is an "AI Overview". Hell, even in GMail, I recently got a credit card bill and it had an AI summary at the top which was completely wrong - it showed the amount I had as "Canadian Tire Money" (if you're Canadian you'll know what this is) as my minimum payment due. In reality, I have a balance of $350 in Canadian Tire Money and I owed $11.50 on the card because one of my streaming service subscriptions comes out of that card. It wanted me to pay $350 on an $11.50 balance. Even Amazon is doing it: If you check the reviews of any product it will start with an AI overview stating what customers liked (and a very small blurb about what they didn't).

It is supremely annoying. It makes me feel like this:

(and yes, I stole that image off a Google search. Don't care, since the person that hosted it stole it from The Simpsons)

Its "quality" in terms of appearance has lost relevance ro me because it continues to consume more including the almalgam slop its pumped out but the core issue remains its theft and environmental harms not to mention violently corroding the job market as actual people are losing work to it

as a math and numbers machine it had its place. as a tool in the medical field it had its place. but thats not what's being so aggressively pushed and promoted its "dreaming machines" and all these other buzzwords. as it exists now is something i wosh never came to be but instead people opt for cheap lazy shortcuts and thats probably one of the things that concerns me more than just it's existing or how it's used but the way its actively making people dumber and lazier

so many people dont want to write the thing, draw the thing, do the research they just ask the machine to do it for them and they dont really learn and rhe icing on top is teachers with sense hate seeing it used 🤷

if im too lazy to draw a character I'll look up a character creator like picrew or something, if im struggling with a design ill look for clothing stores or history books or whatever but in my opinion ai has zero place in the creative field or other fields as its beenused thus far but because of blind pushes for "progress" without measuring potential consequences being as relentless as they are all we can do is just do what we do till it dies if it even does

edit: its also RUINED search engines imo so finding results that are accurate not weirdly boosted because ai or just straight up slop is getting so so so much harder so i despise many of its forms :upside_down:

Putting aside the ethical issues or social implications, it's not suited to either novel writing or to comics. It just isn't fit for purpose.

Comic art requires you to draw a specific original character the same way in a variety of specific poses and extremely specific expressions across multiple pages. AI is bad at doing a specific OC, its poses are all boring or nonsensical, and it is terrible at expressions other than canned happiness, vague sadness, or blank neutrality.

There's only been one AI-made comic that I've seen that was passable in terms of quality, and after looking at that creator's process, it took so much work and art skill that he might as well have just drawn the dang thing. All other attempts I've seen at AI "comics" have been so poor that I felt embarrassed on behalf of the "creator" for being unable to tell that they were of such low quality.

It's a similar situation for AI writing. If you're using AI to write your novel for you, just don't. Authors who can't be bothered to write the novel themselves will get readers who can't be bothered to read it either. AI scenes and plots are generic, boring, and unsatisfying.

There are a few use cases for generative art and writing.
1. For dungeon masters running D&D, where you need to make some research notes to find or to write a puzzle riddle or somesuch. These things take a lot of time to format and build, their quality doesn't need to be that high, just passable.
- Caveat: Never use AI for TTRPG ideas. it is terrible at ideas. It's only good for embellishment of ideas you already have. AI generated game ideas will bore your players.
- Further Caveat: I probably wouldn't use image generation abilities for this. My campaigns are always so unique and specific that AI art cannot easily capture what I have in mind. Better to just draw the dang thing!
2. Put your story ideas into it and see if the AI writes something similar to your story. If it does, throw your story out and start over. Your story is too generic and won't hold reader interest.
3. Put your character design or other art ideas in. If AI can make what you have in mind relatively easily, then your ideas are generic and you need to refine them more!
4. Put your own unfinished art sketches in and see what it makes from them. Take things that work, figure out why they work, and consider incorporating them into your work as if you had just had a reddit thread of 1000 mediocre artists tell you what they would do in that spot. Don't put any generated product into your final art piece.
5. One-off worthless meme-level images. That stuff was slop anyway.
6. Personal use where you want something like a unique logo for your Rollercoaster Tycoon ride but it's not worth it to make one yourself.

On the other hand, the explosion of generated images has been great for traditional artists like myself because people suddenly aren't as interested in highly produced digital paintings as the used to be while their interest in rougher handmade work has increased.

And in about 3-15 years there will be a lot fewer capable artists as people who rely on 'good-enough' generative images never develop the skills to be good artists themselves. They are the real casualties of this fad. I know if I was a 15 year old I would just use generated images because they're so much better than what I could do then, and my ideas were not developed enough to care about how generic it was. Then I wouldn't have become an artist at all!

One further point - every purveyor of AI images I've seen online acts like the sleaziest sort of scammer. If you have to act and talk like a scammer to sell your services...you might just be a scammer. And I'll never be a scam artist.

Regarding AI-generated images, I view them differently from the perspectives of illustration and novels.

For illustrators, I can accept people using it for reference or to inspire some design concepts. However, they shouldn't directly use any part of AI-generated images in their illustrations.

For manga artists, I can accept using AI to handle some unimportant and tedious backgrounds, like crowds or distant city buildings. But main characters and important backgrounds still need to be drawn by human hands. Personally though, I wouldn't do this - I wouldn't let AI-generated images appear directly in my work.

For amateur creative works, I can accept using AI-generated images as thumbnails or banner headers.
For commercial authors' novels, I don't accept their use of AI images.

But regardless, I hate the behavior of those who profit from mass-producing AI-generated images. This has filled several art-sharing platforms I frequently visit with loads of poorly made digital garbage.

And some art-sharing platforms have done nothing about this - I can't filter out AI-generated works on them, which often results in entire pages where I can't see any human-created artwork.

What's more depressing are some malicious uses of AI.

For instance, I once saw someone take an artist's unfinished work during their live drawing stream, feed it to AI to generate an illustration and upload it first, then accuse that artist of stealing their work.

There are also some malicious internet users who deliberately use an artist's style to generate copyright-infringing content, causing that artist to be misunderstood and punished.

Not to mention the rampant cheating in art competitions now with people using AI-generated images.

I really don't understand why these people think AI images count as their work. From a realistic perspective, they're more like clients commissioning work rather than creators, yet they love to pose as creators.

It's ugly, uncreative, and a bit too overused.

It's mostly just recycled from other people's work, and sometimes not always done well. Like the anime AI look like photos with filters over them.

It doesn't help that companies are jumping on the bandwagon, it just makes AI Art feel like another lazy corporate style. I also feel like a lot of the original novelty of AI was sort of worn off. It feels passé. Like maybe starting out, people were curious about it, but now that it's everywhere, it's slop...it's brainrot.

Regrettably, AI-generated images lacking artistic value are already good enough for most people. In reality, most people don't have very high standards for images.

Where I live, this situation is getting worse. Besides some corporate official social media accounts starting to use AI images, many well-known brands are also using AI images on their packaging. This has taken away countless job opportunities from artists.:weary:

For me personally, the number of illustration commissions I’ve received has significantly decreased since 2023. Nowadays, opportunities for illustration commissions are very rare.

Additionally, some non-creators say things like: 'AI won't replace you, people who know how to use AI will.'
To me, this is like saying 'Guns don't kill people, people with guns do' - just unhelpful cold comfort.

Art competitions should be draw right there at the physical venue.

And essay writing should be hand written. Done in the classroom within a specific alotted time frame.

Back to the old school days...

All Generative AI is bad AI, because all generative AI has been trained in copyrighted material. Only when the authors are rightfully compensated, once anyone can opt in if desired instead of a mediocre opt out, once there is transparency, maybe then generative AI could be considered as a 'help', bus as the nature of the technology is to find a middle point on their trained data, then al results will be just allucinations of reality. It won't give you real egiptian clothing, because it doesn't know it, it won't give you real medieval buildings as reference because doesn't know it. Its a cheap replacement for real investigative work and it should be avoided. Maybe as quick reference can have an utility, but nothing that should be considered esential for the final work.

Oh honey you done struck a hornets hive.

Ai ain't art. Sorry, not in a shot within this gods green earth. What's made me pissed is references, Pinterest, Google, actual reference sites, its all AI.

Its trying to enter the art world like a virus and it's winning.

Whenever I scroll through Pinterest or just about any website with art, I always see these slop AI "art" and it's getting really irritating now. I feel bad for the artists who actually put effort on making their art just to get overshadowed by AI, and it gets even worse when people are actually profiting from it!

AI wouldn´t exist without theft,

Using AI makes you part of the problem.