2 / 15
Apr 2018

And i need help making my first true comic. The problem is, idk how or where to start and in my opinion, compared to the artstyles of other creators, my art is complete trash. Any advice?

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    Apr '18
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Start a comic anyway. Keep practicing, have fun even if your art feels like trash. You'll get better eventually.

Well, I think the first thing to do is to ask yourself where you'd like to start first:

  • Do I want to improve my art skills? How can I get feedback on improving?
  • How does one get started on a comic script?
  • Where can I share my ideas or brainstorm?

It can also help to post some of your art and ideas here, as well as engage others in the community!
I can definitely start you off with this thread!

But as @xanedis said -- it's more important to have fun with your comic!

You are you, and that will make anything you create unique to you. If you're a novice artist, the best way to get better is to do more art. You know a great way to make tons of art? Making a comic! Welcome to the club!

Tapas actually has a huge range of talent with various experience and skill levels. It takes time and hard work to get better, it didn't happen instantly to any of those people. So don't compare or be intimidated. Go at your own pace, and do what will make you happy.

And as to being a first timer! For many it's a good idea to make a short comic first, as a test run. That will help you see where you need improvement, and what questions you might have for the forum, as well as prepare you for bigger projects and learning about your own out-put abilities.

and also @xanedis

i would have mentioned it all in 1 post but for some reason it wont let me mention more than 2 people

Oh yes, one final bit of advice. If you're the type(like me) to get easily intimidated by other people's writing/drawing prowess, I would recommend simply not looking at other people's art/writing for a while. It worked wonders for me, might work for you. Just focus on your own work, make it work on your terms. Create something that you yourself would enjoy, and someone else is bound to like it, as well. It's as simple as that.

Comics are more than just about art! Just because your style and/or skill level isn't the same doesn't mean you can't make a great comic! Just focus on creating something you are happy with and proud of!

When I first started posting here I was so absorbed in comparing myself to someone else and it made it want to quit writing. Now, I just focus on improving and a writing and I am much happier for it!

Also welcome! :grin:

Welcome! 2 pieces of advice to hit your two questions:

Don't stress at all about this part! The secret to getting better is practice, and by doing a comic you'll practice a lot, so that'll come with time. The other cool thing about comics as a medium is that even if your art isn't like the most amazing thing ever, the story/writing can help carry the load! People will read an entertaining comic regardless of the art level.

I recommend starting with a short "one-shot" comic (or 2 or 3)! A one-shot is basically like short stories in writing. The length can be anything you want it to be, but like 1-50 pages is probably a good place to start. There are a few reasons starting with short stories is useful:

  • Starting with a short project can help introduce you to the process of comic making in a "bite sized" fashion. It'll allow you to write out a whole story, script it, thumbnail it, and produce the pages, which gets harder and harder the longer the story is.
  • It's easier to complete a short story without getting demotivated or burning out. Where a long, epic story might take years to complete, a one-shot should be complete-able in a few months to maybe 1 year. Creating a full story is really important so you get to have experience with every step of the process, and also just for that awesome feeling of completing a project.

Doing a few of these will give you a sense of how fast you work, and most importantly experience so you can plan your future endeavors better!

I guess the above mostly just applies to story driven comics though. If you're doing like a weekly strip style comic just hop in and get started xD

Best of luck and hope to continue seeing you around the forums!

ok but the easiest place to start is a bulleted list of the absolute most important plot points in the comic. it'll become your rough outline. stopping at spoiler territory mine looks like this

then after that i make more detailed bulleted lists for the chapters themselves, outlining the flow of each and listing important dialogue/dialogue subjects, character movement, and general environment descriptions. i then write chapter scripts based off this. this is literally the only reason i've been able to make it to 180+ pages tbh, and it really isnt rigid and it doesnt lock you into one idea, i'm constantly editing the script as i draw pages. it just keeps me from writing myself into a wall.

also!! keep an update schedule. and you really cant wait for your art or the story to be perfect before starting, because it'll never be started. your art will start rapidly improving the more pages you draw.

I don't have any good advice but welcome ^_^

Hope you have a great time here, surrounded by the lovely people above.


Hii! I'm new here to and welcome!

I feel your problem.

My advice is - DON'T compare your style to others (if only objectively, to see your mistakes). Improve your skills (anatomy/face expressions) and as long as your drawings are technically correct, they will look great!

Good luck

The ORIGINAL One Punch Man was low on the art level, and look at that dorky Little webcomic now : D

good art does NOT make a good story, it's the story itself, remember that

Your art is not trash, I may not have seen your art, but it's your own unique style....And if you want to improve just keep practicing and I say making a comic is a good way to practice! Story wise if you don't have any idea what type of story you want, just relax and do other things. Your inspiration will come to you in due time, and when it does get creative and start that comic! Welcome to Tapastic we hope you enjoy your stay! (This community is full nice people and jokesters)

1 year later

Hello! im starting this week doing novels.
I want to ask if is possible to put illustrations in the novel chapters.:grinning: