12 / 66
Apr 2021

Here is my novel.
Currently doing some feedback for some people here, tell me if you want one or just a read.

I badly need to reboot the first episode (well... probably the first few but that's the really glaringly bad/kind of pointless one) but I guess that's probably a pretty common theme amongst new comic artists.

Mine is the story of two strangers who run away from their lives together, with plenty of secrets and drama along the way. I haven't gotten much engagement the past few weeks, so any new eyes would be very appreciated :pray:

The road to there seems so long ! Almost halfway, let's keep going !

Wow, it's BL! XD I'll check yours, please check mine too. Hopefully you're interested!


a 10th of the way there!

I really need feedback, I got some before and it was really helpful. There's a long list so I don't expect you to get to it but any advice is appreciated by anyone!

Please do check out my comic


Ok First round - next round comes, don't worry!

@cherrystark you got a colour rush kind of writing style what's great, you make the reader stand in the middle of the actions. Makes me feel like i am there in the book, just lovely. But sometimes you make monster sentences, it's eases after a while. I didn't read much yet, will continued definitely. So I don't know if you do it usually or it was just for the start because you wanted to get all the information in?!

@ZakuraTheFungi I like that you write the POV of different characters, it gives me as a reader background info but not to much revealing scenes. Also thanks for the translations, i hate it when people write a full sentence but don't translate it. I would have been lost without translations tbh. Red Dragon/His Eyes etc. at that moment you didn't described the person screaming at all. It would be a nice addition just to know who's screaming and how they body react to seeing the red dragon - would make the scene more colourful to read for the reader.

@queen_of_spades Love your bite-sized episodes, that I can just read before leaving for work. I love the relationship Thomas (my absolute favourite Name :heart_eyes:) and Delilah got, they are cute and how much Tom knows about her is adorable. It's so well written that I can imagine them in other scenes together after only reading a few episodes. The only thing that throws me off are the beginning of the sentences, they are almost all the same. You use quite often she, her or him, he. Try to describe the character, like Delillah as an example would be wavy brown hair (only read it once) or use other starters.

Also Delilah's situation reminds me of the saying " Don't stress the could haves. If it should have, it would have." Maybe this inspires you a bit :grin:

@Nossumy Seriously if their is no one out there who is even making the pillow? I need answer! Just joking, you comic is funny and super cute - it feels like homemade cookies. The only think I don't really know of because I don't draw, its the speech bubble. Sometimes they are so big you can't even see the cute art and i think it's a pity to say the least. But as I said I don't draw so I don't really know if it should be like that??!

@bulletcrucifixion I just have to say that, I get Thor vibes. Full blown Asgard feelings with the title. As mentioned before I love bite-sized stories, it just easier to read. And the music is the cherry on top, please keep that up! The only thing that confused the hell out of me was the "fathers cousin" "great grandfather" etc. it's just a bit much, but i understand that's a big family and that lives a long life. So don't change that. I just wanted to mention it that it's confusing and if readers ask don't get mad at them. (And you commended twice what's funny :joy:)

@All_and_None It's interesting to see people be actually into Germany and their people. I don't know a lot about Nietzsches Story, but I love how you build up the story and your art is magnificent. There are some tip errors like Frits and Fritz (Fritz would be right) but nothing to bad. Also Fritz called his Mom Sie what's uncommon even for the 19th century, she would be addressed as Frau Mama (Herr Papa for dad), as far as I remember. And he wouldn't have called his sister Elisabeth, she is only know as Elisabeth because she liked it more but he would have called her Therese (her first Name) as a kid. And the last think is the Ü, write it when needed because Ubermensch doesn't make sense. But overall these are just minor mistake I have to correct as a German (sorry!).

@crowstories I like your art style, it's simple but loud, it speaks the message. There are some tip errors but with a second look on it you will find them, they aren't big and with good will over-read. It's a classic school bully story and I am excited to read on, I am just afraid that I might get flashback from my own school time. But i will get on with it even with a little break between but you got my read for sure!

I hope to reach around 100 subs by the end of the year. But that may sound like I'm overreaching myself.

Anyways, here is my weekly Sunday strip.

Thank you for your detailed review ! Feels nice to have one. Yeah they northern, snow people haha not surprising you got that vibes. This is a big family, hence succession issue, not much I can do for that. I tried to look for an short word for great-grandfather like grandpa for grandfather but couldn't find one. I come up with greatpa, in other chapters. I know it doesn't exist but it's kinda cute. Thank you for the comment on music ! Just came up with the playlist last week, I was so excited about this. Anyway thanks for your overall review ! ^^

Thank you for the review! I really appreciate the feedback and I'm glad you like my writing style ^_^ I hear you on the translations part too haha.
I would like to note though, the reason I didn't describe the person screaming is because since it's in my MC's POV, he would have to be looking at the person to be able to describe them. But since he is locked onto his target and is pretty much used to people screaming, he doesn't bother to look at them. I wrote it that way to make it feel like he can hear the people around him, but isn't paying attention to them. I hope that gives a little clarification. I just try to keep in mind what my characters are actually able to see/are looking at to make it more realistic.

@bulletcrucifixion as I said, it's not bad. You just need a second to adjusted to the names and find out who is who :joy:
Excited for the more music, tbh ^^ also you are welcome, I am glad I could help a bit.

@ZakuraTheFungi That makes sense didn't thought about it even though I praised your POV writing :confounded: , I am sorry. Totally agree with you at that point. Just so used to get everything over described....

Hey there! Thats a nice idea :slight_smile: Here is my comic, I uploaded many more chapters on webtoon already. The comic itself starts at episode 6, the first episodes are more lika a disclaimer/intro.

Thanks for the read! I'm glad you enjoyed it. The first chapter is kind of a beast because I needed to establish a lot before the story begins. Once you dive in more, things do speed up.