What really got me in trying to do webcomics was Questionable Content, for me is not a matter of confidence but a matter of guts. I feel if you enjoy what you do and continue trying to improve and don't give up you will get to a point when you will think, wow! did I really made that? did I really improve so much? or did I really made a complete webcomic by myself? (I am better giving advice than following them XD).
I run into this idea of having ideas and not knowing what to do with them often. What works for me is knowing what I can't afford to leave out. It's fine to have world-building lore or details, but I personally feel like.. I should only include it if it's gonna come up in the story later on. If anything, I'd have it be like a bonus page of information or something. Like fun facts, I guess.
If it's ideas for the plot that you're struggling to put into the story.. again, see if you reaaally need it. If so, think about what way makes sense for the idea to be introduced. How do you get there? Is it even possible to get there? Break it down into steps of how to make it work, these individual steps should be easier to incorporate your idea into the story. It'd be like a checklist or a recipe of events.
Here's an example. Say you want a boss fight in a game, how do you come to that point? Have the level dedicated to them. Ok, but is it out in the open? Probably not, hide the level somewhere. But how does the player find it? Hint at it throughout the game, or have a map vaguely telling you where it is. Would be easy to get in once the player finds it? I doubt the boss wants anyone to just walk in, so have the place leading up to it be dangerous or put a locked door where the player needs to find a key. Is this hypothetical key easy to find.. etc.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Overthinking an idea can benefit you at times when you're in a creative space. Try your absolute hardest to see it from the perspective of everyone reading your story, it's not easy because you, yourself, are the writer, and you know the ins and outs of the story, but yeah. Take small steps instead of jumping over the whole staircase. Hope this helps!
I actually didn't have a lot of confidence in entering in contests but Tapas as helped me gain the confidence to publish my stories for others to read. I have been looking for a place where I can share my ideas through stories in a format that will work for me. Visiting this site I found it to be great to help myself. I've always wanted to write out stories with my ideas for others to see. So I guess I gained the confidence as I continued to work on my own pieces and talked to others who shared my passion.
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If I allowed myself to doubt and try to have the most perfect idea, I would never had started any of my comics. I don't think anyone is really ready to bare their soul with a story, entirely. There is always a gamble, whether there's feelings of inadequacy about skill or not knowing where the story will lead. Planning will help greatly but there needs to be a point where you stop waiting to be good enough and just draw it out.
I was working on a story idea for years, constantly changing the themes and character motives. I was so bogged down with making it perfect that I fell out of love with the idea all together. More than anything I just wanted to make a comic and be proud of it. So I started fresh with a new concept that was very simple, but I liked it and ran with it.This way of making comics doesn't work for everyone, but if you are like me and have doubts, but compelled to create, you sometimes have to throw yourself into a project.
Confidence is built over time, with a lot of mistakes in the process, but you adapt eventually. Start with finding something your passionate about, and don't weigh yourself down with every detail. When you figure out a story, draw it out, and be consistent. Lastly, don't measure success by readership, subs, or relevancy to an audiences. Measure by every page you get done, and pushed through the doubt.
Really I had originally written it with pencil and paper and showed it to my friends. They enjoyed, but I was so worried I end up re writing the first 3 chapters 2 times and the first chapter 3 times. I think I gain confidence to publish when I showed one of them the first chapter that I have rewritten the 4 time., and besides spelling errors, they said it was really good and they enjoyed it.
Thou they may have been saying those words just to be nice, those words matter to me a lot. So buckled down and pressed submit.
Actually I think that I started my comic “prematurely”.
I didn’t have any sort of idea what I wanted my comic to be - I didn’t have any storytelling skills or any messages I wanted to convey. Looking back at my notes from a year ago, All I had written were one-shot jokes where the dialogue could apply to anyone. It was written out like a daily gag sort of comic, but that wasn’t at all what I was going for. I wanted to create a narrative with a beginnig and end, with themes and heart and all that, but I didn’t know how. As a result, the beginning is pretty terrible and it’s one of the things I absolutely hate about my comic.
The opening of a story supposedly tells the audience everythjng they should expect from it - the premise, theme, tone, etc.
but my opening is so bland - a character wakes up, is late to somethjng, and has a shallow conversation with her roommate. Looking back on it, it doesn’t connect with what I have planned for the future at all. My readers don’t seem to notice at all but it bothers me sooooo much, every time I go to write a plot point I can’t connect it to the beginning because the beginning is meaningless.
One of the most popular tips for starting a webcomic is to “just start it” and to extent, yes, that’s what you should do. But in my experience, you REALLY should have a couple of things SOLID in your head before you start:
- beginning middle and end
- tone
- what format? (Webtoon or graphic novel, etc)
Hope this helps!!!
Who told you I was CONFIDENT??
I think it's important to remember that there will always be room for improvement. You're always going to have a better idea, you're always going to look back and have some sort of regret on what you could've done to make your story "better".
Problem is... if you're aiming to create the perfect, most flawless beginning... you're never going to start, and if you never start, you'll never improve! If anything, you'll be constantly stressed about NOT starting. Like I was.
I'm a firm believer that the "just start" ideology for comic making is flawed... does a scuba diver just jump into the ocean without their gear? NO!!! Comics require the same kind of preparation. However, if you find that you're dwelling on creating the Best Idea Ever, it's probably time to stop procrastinating (and yes, going back to perfect what's barely been started is a form of procrastination, believe me) and push yourself to begin.
With my comic, I've had the story brewing in my head for at least 2+ years, and in that time I've been designing characters, writing scripts, rewriting scripts, redesign characters, drawing full-color pages, scrapping them... I've been through so many beginnings that there are certain characters and scenarios permanently seared into my memory. I knew what I wanted, I just wasn't sure how to get what I wanted. Like you, the beginning was the hardest part; I wasn't sure how to introduce the world without taking away from the story, and I constantly found something wrong with the composition of the pages and/or the story itself. I finally broke down and posted a cover page this month (as well as scheduled my first update) and you know what? It actually broke the cycle. And I feel pretty good about it.
Often we are our worst critics, and sometimes you have take a chance, despite your fears or desire to "put your best foot forward" and just write, draw, and post. And repeat. And repeat. You'll find your work was good enough as it was.
The important thing is to know your story, and have a basic idea of how you want to tell it as a whole. DON'T GET CAUGHT UP IN THE DETAILS BEFORE YOU EVEN BEGIN
my advice would be to take the best parts from all your scripts (hopefully you saved all of them) and compile them into a final script, and start. or better yet, just start with what you already have. save that eagerness to improve for future pages, because that's where you'll improve the most anyway.
Well, I don't know how you think or work, but I find getting the skeleton for the whole story helps with that confidence issue. I can't draw at all, but by hammering out the key points in the story and their chronology in really high detail, I can feel more comfortable about the first chapter since that key point is planned in detail. Just try and get an idea for general story flow and timing beforehand, it worked for me at least. Hopefully this helps.
I'm only sitting with my 3rd episode in the making of my first comic ever - and confidence has unfortunately not been my biggest issue.
My issue is mostly "do I make the most out of the scenes I encounter?".
Sometimes I even go back inbetween two frames just to add in another frame of content to make the comic seem more natural in pacing and also to add in feelings or other details that would help me get the story across.
Of course, I'm no expert, but the main reason I started creating my comic in the first place was because, I had a story to tell, and the story means so much more than the art style at first glance.
The art is something you mostly glance over while your eyes grab onto the text to get the juicy details from the story. The pictures and illustrations done along with it act as a buffer mostly (others might not agree with me, but this is also only from my own experience).
It is kind of similar to writing a novel, what is the story you wish to tell? when you have the answer you start writing to explore the world with the readers.
So, all in all, don't be too flustered about your confidence jumping up and down while you work on a project.
Jumping right into it is by far the best answer when it comes to creative stuff - only your mind can set the limit of your abilities.
Love Mini
It took a comic contest for me to get off my butt and finally start working on my story and publishing it, but the more I worked on it I realized that my first comic needed to be a learning experience. I was/ am going to make a lot of mistakes. There are also a lot of drawings that I am not particularly fond of - botched anatomy ect. but the only way how to learn and find confidence in your style and story telling is to practice.
I am a big procrastinator so I need the pressure of having to get an episode up every week to keep me going or I would constantly put it aside to work on other projects
I wouldn't say it's a matter of confidence, but more about having this impulse that arises whenever a story comes your way, and you feel the need to give it a form, whether it is through drawing or writing.
But like someone said, I feel another awareness to the passing of time and that if I don't put it out there, my stories will never see the light of day and they will die with me. This is an idea that has been making me write again.
I... didn't?!
I'm still unsure on all this venture not only because of my skill, but also because there will be much worse and amoral things in my story and I'm afraid I will be banned and lose all the audience when they will come. But I'm still sure that not all stories should be necessarily kind and light! Cause... hell, the world itself is far away for being kind, after all! (҂◡_◡) ᕤ
I just wanted to tell this story so badly cause it stuck in my mind, so I just can't do anything about it anyway.