13 / 33
Apr 2018

If you've ever seen Over the Garden wall, Miss Langtree sings "A is for the apple he gave to me, but I found a worm in side" in Episode 3. Well, I was singing that in the shower and then I went "M is for the Monster that hides underneath your bed" And I was like, ....sure year lets do that title. And it'll be about a monster XD

Shredded Light came from something a movie school teacher once said in a history class about film noir. He described that archetypal light as ''luz picada'', which is actually something more like ''chopped light'', and I never heard it being described with these words. It kind of stuck. When it came time to translate it to English, ''Shredded'' just sounded cooler and more aggressive.

The Bold Adventures of Maxiboy is pretty usual Silver Age superhero stuff. I did chose Bold because of ''The Brave and the Bold'', which is still one of the coolest series names ever.

Mantra - Ghost Music, well... I can't quite remember. But I'll give my best shot.
''Mantra'' was the name of a proto series I designed with a friend starring this same character. It was about pragmatic chaos magic, in a way, and we decided he would be a singer-songwriter, updating and equating the idea of Mantra with the idea of Song Lyrics. Years go by and we decide to get this same character and build a metafictional fuckfest with him at the center, so we add a ''one shot title''. Now the music of Mantra is a ghost music, because I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of ghosts and it's incorporeal, sad nature. This is one pretentious title, I'll tell you.

Mine’s named after the name of the jazz combo my characters are in and what my MC thinks she is :smiley:

For the longest time, my series was called "War of the Heavens" as the original idea had intended to be something kind of different. However, the overall idea of the series had changed somewhat and eventually, I felt the original title just didn't have the same expression as I wanted.

I thought people might mistake it for some kind of "battle series" and something taking place in the heavens like gods battling it out. Instead I decided to change it to "Saga of the Wide Winged World" to better grasp the idea of the series without making it seem like something else.

"Goo Goo and Squick" is named after two of the characters. Partially because I knew the domain name would be available. Some say I should have picked a more "obvious" name, like "The Flock" or "For the Birds" (as the strip features bird characters,) but I figured those had already been done. I wanted something more unique.

Well, sir.

When I first started working on my comic/novel, it was centered around angels and their workings but over time I changed it, to focus more on the overall scope of how otherworldly decision affect us in the mortal realms.

One thing led to another and, after close to 12 years of toiling, I finally renamed my novel "Descendant". True story.

My Overwatch fan comic? Second Wave is military terminology and it fits with what I envision some characters in Overwatch to be like. ...and I hope I'll be able to finish this comic amidst all the OTHER things happening. Yeesh.

Sixty-Four1 is kind of an artifact title from the first draft of the story, referring to the 64 components in the drug distributed by the cartel

That part doesn’t matter so much in what is now the actual published comic, which is a highly political action-drama, so I like to attribute the title now to the fact that there are 64 spaces on a chess board

Helmuth Chronicles was originally called "Hellmouth" but I thought that was too on the nose. Symco and Hodge is named after the main characters, and Dead Man Walking just seemed to fit.

I've named my comic different things over the years. When I was younger and finally thought of giving my story a name, I came up with "Wolf Curse", but over time the title felt too cheesy and it no longer fit the story.

Around the time I decided to start drawing my comic, I began listing out some other ideas for a title. Some of them included:

"Wolf Warriors" - Dear God this one sounded even cheesier than the last

"They Call Us Wolves" - I thought this was too lengthy

So I cut the last one down and simplified it to be "Those Called Wolf". Somehow, I thought it fit really well with the story I was wanting to create.

I called mine Raining Knives because it rains a lot in my comic, the name has the right unpleasant sort of tone, and I because spent the longest time not really sure if raining knives was a real idiom for heavy rain that people actually used or something I'd just made up at some point and convinced myself was a common turn of phrase >_> which I guess fits as well!

When I was in like 6th grade, I wrote a bunch of potential band names on my mirror in sharpie and since I can't get them off, I just kinda wrote stories about them

I don't know if I nearly got hypothermia, but when i was in high school i was waiting for my stepmom to pick up my brother and I in the middle of a rainy day. It ended up pouring like a crisis. We waited for what felt like a couple hours even though i suggested to my brother that we should probably go seek shelter in the gym cause so many other students were still there. He said no and my stepmom ran late. When we were finally picked up, my body began to ache all over. I remember back to when i saw Titanic and Jack warned Rose that when in the water "It feels like a thousand knives hitting you all over." I thought he was exaggerating. But of course even if i took the hottest shower, wore my warmest sweater and wrapped myself in my sheets. my insides still felt like i was being ripped apart. It was awful. And that's why i titled my comic The Rainy Days to remind my readers that something bad is gonna happen when the droplets start falling.

Doomed One(s) is a comic about the great evil in a world with a prophecy and a chosen one, the great evil is destined to either destroy the world or be eraticated by the chosen one themself

that said, I had to title the series to resemble that exact fate, being chosen to essentially be a sacrifice

some titles I had were "Dark one", but I didn't like it, and it was too obvious on the protagonist (wanted to make people think the chosen one was the protagonist, then throw them in for a loop for the depressing life of being the dark lordess)

another was Unchosen one, but eck, it wasnt coming off the right way (like you werent chosen anymore)

I eventually came up with "The Doomed One(s)" since it was good contrast on the trope of "chosen one"
I removed the "The" eventually to have the title roll off the tongue more

Doomed was perfect, because in essense, the dark one (protagonist) is basically doomed, the (s) was because the dark one was not the only character destined to eratication, infact, there are several characters that are also "Doomed" and are the Dark One's loved ones, so they try everything in their power to protect their loved ones from an ill fate, this also keeps it vague as it may not just refer to the dark one and their loved ones...

mainly because... what if the dark one and their loved ones arent really doomed after all? what if the whole world is screwed because the dark one will succeed and destroy the world? who knows? I dont know :stuck_out_tongue:

doomed ones: do do edition (extras series) was a meta joke
acronym for Doomed ones is "DO", and this version of the series is showing off the pages before its remake, the really crummy ones... so DO DO

Really angsty1 was a more simple story, I made an edgy self insert joke character, so I wanted a title that reflected the edge, "this comic is really edgy" was one title, but "this comic is really angsty" was another title as well...it was originally gonna be a daily one off strip kind of ordeal...
eventually, I just stuck with "Really Angsty" because it used less words and it still got the idea across...

My completed series is called T.P. (True Power). The group of aliens in my comic are nicknamed by the initials "TP" which I chose because it's short for toilet paper. But the actual group name I made True Power so it could have the same initials. In the comic though, the name is only ever used once.

The sequel is called True Power: MS2 because the two main characters have the initials of "MS" (Michel Somy and Midnight Schwitters).

Celestial Chronicle Shion is a pretty self explanatory title. The name of one of the main characters and the ship they are on are both called Shion (the ships and captains have the same names because they are linked together). Celestial because I like how the word can refer to both outer space and heavenly things which is and will become accurate to the story. And the word Chronicle helps tie it together since Celestial Shion would have sounded weird (imo) and it is a chronicle.

The Comic Storytale is literally the mash of the word story and fairytale. since it's a story about fairytales. now that i type it is sounds so basic.

Lalita at the end of the universe is because the main character Lalita is suppose to travel through space to a place call "the end of the universe"

the hardest thing i've ever had to name is a unfinished, unpublished comic about magical girls called 'Crystal Anklebiters'
I wanted it to still have that magical girl feel to it. so i needed a word that like Lunar or Mystic or what I chose Crystal. And a kind of rough and tumble, ready to fight type adjective. and since my story was about kids messing up the plans of adults most of the time. Anklebiters kinda stuck.

Me: Well there's a shitton of people in a mansion....
Sister: How about "Crowded in?"
Me: Nah, that sounds like a subpar Sony movie.
Sister: The 10 residents?
Me: Nah, that sounds like something RR Martin would say. I'm not that good yet.
Sister: How about "The Residents of the Mansion?"
Me: EYyyyy Good idea! Maybe add in the old frack's name for more effect! "The residents of Earl Picurus' mansion"
Sister: shorter
Both of us: EYYYYYY

Well the story itself came in a dream, and there was this sequence when one of the main characters talks about her hopes... It kinda stuck, so much in fact that the whole sequence is now in the novel.
Anyways, Abby's Hope seemed fitting because in the end, that's what the story is about.
Damn that seems so flat...