12 / 17
Feb 2020

Hey guys I made a new webcomic on webtoon and I realized that there are webcomics that do well and get lots of subscribers when others that just never make it.
when I first started I thought that on webtoon you can get lots of subscribes in short time but it didn't happen.
I am not expecting my comic to get featured because I realized that it's almost impossible for a beginner but my real question is how do some comics make it on the recommended section on canvas?
do they recommend them based on their popularity or based on their popularity?
if you wanna check my new webcomic it's called Harmonica it's on webtoon

  • created

    Feb '20
  • last reply

    May '22
  • 16


  • 5.2k


  • 15


  • 31


  • 1


I suppose they just...find you out one day :smiley:
I think the possibility to be found is better when the comic is new and already has all that good points they look for when they search for the comics to put in recommended (like, good art and all these). Because after a while you got buried under the piles of other comics. I don't know if it happens that audience first finds your comic, you got a ton of subs and then they find you because of how popular you are, but I guess it is possible too.
Overall, they just find you, and (if they like the comic? I don't think they will put on front page anything they don't like), they put it in recommended. No, they won't write and/or ask you in advance :slight_smile:

I think that they eventually just kind of find you too, hahaha, but I think what increases the chances of getting recommended is getting lots of reads and likes.

I tried making Webtoon work for me but it didn't really work. Also, why can't you click on people's profiles when they comment? That is really a feature that I miss.

From my own personal experience working with a collaborative of other artists on one series, it made it to the recommended section a couple of times. That was due to the hard work Kotopopi put into promoting it on other social media sites as well as consistent uploads of episodes each week. I believe it was early last year when we made it to the recommended list after being on Webtoons since 2017.

All the current comics on the recommended section have at least 2K subs and have been consistently updating for a couple of years.

My recommendation for getting more subs is patience, promote yourself through social media and make sure you keep a consistent schedule for uploading new episodes.

the canvas team is pretty active on twitter, and often put out calls for you to tweet them your comic, or have hashtag events (just yesterday they had a celebrate canvas hashtag day). they retweet comics that tag their updates with #webtooncanvas too! their handle is @webtooncanvas. lies within has been featured a couple of times on canvas and i feel like it's a combination of being visible and being lucky.

one of those things you can control! :slight_smile:

Something I noticed, it is just an assumption and it may be right or wrong.

If you go on webtoons canvas, and see what comic they recommend on fresh you can see that those comic are usually
- one month old at least (quite new)
- have some chapters (about 5 I think)
- they update consistently

So I know it is hard, but try to be patient (:slight_smile:
And if we think about it from webtoon's perspective as a business, they are right to recommend comics that meet the requirements I showed above
After all, so many people post 1-2 chapters and disappears, so people wouldn't want to read those comics and webtoon wouldn't want to recommend them since they want us to come back :slight_smile:

Like others said above, they find you.
A few days ago I found out from a friend that one of my webtoons was on the front page among the Canvas Specials. I literally hadn't noticed for days, because I've been focusing on my main comic and haven't updated this one in a month, and I didn't even check the sub count constantly because it didn't seem to grow at all in-between updates.
This exposure got me more than 3,600 subs and 40,000 views in just a few days... on my main comic I could hardly gather 2,000 in two years.
My updating schedule for both is all over the place because I don't have time because of uni... But I suppose anime-style, coloured scrolling-format with a simple to understand plot is really what they were looking for when they chose Switch: absolute...:smiley: (If it is hand-picked and not based on algorythm of course) In contrast, my other one (Prince of the Underworld) is black and white and is in manga format.
So just keep updating, eventually you will find your audience. They might come slowly, one-by-one, but it's a great journey seeing as your comic grows over time! ^^

My experience contradicts a bit of what other people have said- the first time I was put on the front page was not soon after I started but rather after 9 months of weekly updates. Also, at that time, I only had about 200 subscribers. And I'm page format, not scroll format, and did not promote my webtoons site at all.

bruh you've been posting for like, a week and already have like 40 subs after only two episodes? (that first episode doesn't rly count because it's just explanation stuff). Not trying to be a dick or anything but like, whoof. Relax, you're doing fine. No one becomes a sensation overnight and if being a sensation is all you're looking for then you're kinda in the wrong line of work :stuck_out_tongue:

Chill. Have fun. Everyone makes progress at their own pace. Focus on your comic, not the algorithms.

(as an actual answer to your question, most comics get recommended after consistent uploads for a month or so with positive reception - because obv they don't want to recommend comics that barely upload lol the rest is just luck which you can't hold yourself accountable for so try not to hyperfixate on it!)

lol I am chill , I just wanted to ask because I am new to the world of comics (and beginner as artist as well so I am not expecting much)
as an observer I wondered how some manage to get recommended and some don't

I dunno man. I got recommended several times and I have no clue why they picked mine.

9 days later

My answer will be quite like what has been said earlier but here's my own experience :

my webtoon has been featured on the 'special' part of the website/app (that's the panel at the bottom of the website which suggests you to check Canvas) and at the time I barely had 300 subs, it lasted for 2 weeks and really helped me to get more exposure but as soon as they changed the section it stopped.

I was disappointed at first, because it gave the me idea that you could barely get any readership growth without Webtoon's promotion but it's actually pretty wrong. You can do it yourself:

  • Be as consistent as possible, webtoon audience is actually pretty involved once they like a comic and if you keep posting each week, your readers will come back, jump on your notifications and interact with your content!

  • Promote: as somebody said above, the canvas team is very active on twitter and usually reposts tweets where they're mentioned or that uses the #webtooncanvas hashtag. Most of their editors also have a twitter/IG account so if you keep promoting your work you'll have bigger chances to get noticed by them.

  • Spend time on your thumbnail : my series first thumbnail was just a Screenshot of my first chapter and it apparently didn't look very interesting because people wouldn't check it a lot. I spent 2 hours drawing, coloring and shading a proper piece to make it my new thumbnail and now when I update I get about 10 to 30 subs each time! Thumbnail is the 'face' of your comic, the more appealing it is the more people will want to check it out.

  • Last but not least : have fun, it's better to have 50 readers who interact with you and that you enjoy doing content for than 5.000 who barely read the whole chapter and involve in the story you're trying to tell!

I think that's only the case for toons in the Romance/Drama category, other categories seem to struggle to find growth if their following is small, at least that's my experience. :sweat_smile:

We raised our first 8k subscribers all by ourselves without ever being promoted. (We received our first promotion in the ‘binge worthy’-list shortly before we reached 9k. I remember that because I was really confused about the sudden surge in subs and even asked where everybody all of a sudden came from xD)
Back then you could only have one category to put your comic in (we were in Comedy. Nowadays it’s Drama/Comedy)
We achieved the 8k by constantly updating, cross promotion and social media promotion.

My second comic was promoted two days after I posted the first three episodes. I assume because we have a good track record with the other, still ongoing, comic. But also because it was a popular genre (comedy/romance) and with a popular element (cat girls).

I don’t want to say the more persistent you are the more you snowball for sure. I mean, there are a lot of old and long comics that never got a bone tossed.
But in our case being persistent was what helped us grow and eventually getting noticed.

2 years later

All recommended webtoons look the same to me: too much romance, too much pointy chins, and baby faces they all look the same to me...
Something different is surely to stand brave.