10 / 20
Feb 2021

I know a lot of artists will post art that's not a continuation of the story/Q&As where the characters are drawn answering questions/etc in-between episodes and I was wondering how you, as a reader, receive that? And/or as an artist, how do your readers react to these updates?

:herb:Do you (or your readers) think it's annoying and you want to just continue reading the story?
:herb:Do you (or your readers) think it's a nice way to world build and re-enforce caring about the character(s)?
:herb:Do you (or your readers) just appreciate the art for what it is?

  • created

    Feb '21
  • last reply

    Feb '21
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I do kind of find it "annoying" in a way because I want to focus on the story and what will the author'll bring without any of the extra episodes in them

I think it should separate the Q&A/Shorts of the story away from what the main story is because I as a reader want to read the story without any of the extra stuff but then again it depends on how the creator writes their story like if the story is written as the shorts/qna is connected in a way then I am fine with that but if its not than :pensive:

But then again I do find it "a nice way to world build and re-enfore caring about the charaters" and "appreciate the art for what it is" but entirely I still think it should be separated like I've said ( well number 2 should be number 3 I am already doing that :kissing_closed_eyes:)

Not at all, but if it's a frequent thing than yeah it could see for some it can become a bit annoying; however if the series is currently on hiatus and every now and then the creator wants to update us on progress or even drop a art piece now and again that doesn't bother me at all. Keeps the series in my mind even when the canon story isn't progressing

I agree with your sentiment. I personally find it a little annoying as well because I want to learn the characters personalities through the story on my own and not through a Q&A. And then if it's in-between sometimes it's like "oh an update :grinning:!!!!!" and then it's just art and then it's :"Oh :pensive:"
But it's not like I dislike the art, but I just want to focus on the comic here and the art somewhere else, but then I guess it's like well where else if the readers of your comic don't go on to follow you on other social media accounts. Maybe then there's just simply not enough interest to put extra art out.
I think people care more about art when they're more invested in the comic/story/character

I've seen a couple of artist such as VirusAP who is the creator of My Paranormal Room Mates makes art that's connected to the story so like I am good with that.

I guess you could look at it as a suspense for the next chapter/episode of the story ya know which I am kind of like if the chapter before the new was like Wow or shocking than I'll be excited to see the next one and having the shorts/QnA it builds ( well for me it does :sweat_02:)

It's fine, I'm not "annoyed" persay, but I think it should go on it's own twitter or be attached to a story update. I don't really see updates as like social media posts, I kinda want all updates to be...updates.

As a creator, if I do a post that is just a Q&A or a behind the scenes thing or bonus art, I usually don't post it as a replacement for a page update, but in addition to a page update. So I update every Monday and Wednesday, and I'll almost always post my announcements and Q&A and contests and all on Fridays. That way, nobody is disappointed that they didn't get two pages a week.

I appreciate the art itself, but when I'm subscribed to a comic with a plot I'm invested in, it is a little bit disappointing to see a new update in notifications, get excited, then realize it's just a holiday art/q&a post and not the answer to the cliffhanger from the previous episode.

Today, for instance, I got probably 10 notifications throughout the day, and I think 3 or 4 of them weren't Valentine's day art. It's not that I hate the art, it's that I love the story.

I guess I'd say it's mildly disappointing, especially when I'm invested in the story? But usually when I see stuff like that, it means that the artist needs a break for some reason (break between chapters, RL issues, etc.), so I understand when it happens. I think I'd be pretty annoyed if it happened a lot for no obvious reason, though.

I mostly follow comics/creators based on the energy for their work, especially if they're really hyped for a character/story. Definitely bounces the energy towards me. So I'm pretty chill if an update is non-comic related. I'm very big on lore, so anything you give me, I will eat it.

Depends on the quantity of the art and if it adds anything. A lot of manga authors will publish companion art that has the characters in new outfits, or process sketches, and often has accompanying info that wouldn't fit in the main story (like their favorite foods or stuff about their childhood). A few pages of that in the middle of the story is totally welcome, it's a fun way to flesh out some details that wouldn't otherwise get shown. Just one drawing that doesn't add much might be a little annoying though.

I guess it also depends on the story a bit too. A few pages of characters in different outfits fits well in a light-hearteded comedy series. Maybe a little jarring in a very dark story.

It's not annoying really more like disappointing. I don't mean that rude or anything because seeing the extra stuff is really cool but seeing the notification and clicking it feeling all excited to see the new episode then realizing it's not an episode is a bit of a let down. I've always liked artists who added that stuff at the end so whenever there was an update you knew it was an episode.

I like seeing artists posts bonus art, character sheets, Q&As, shorts etc but I definitely think you gotta get the timing right i.e. if you're in the middle of an intense arc and the last update ends on a cliffhanger then don't replace your next chapter with bonus material like that's gonna frustrate a ton of your readers.

Personally, I think the best times to post bonus materials are either midway between regular updates (ie your update day is sunday so post the bonus update on wednesday) or at the end of a regular update (works best if you only have one or two bonus images). If you're planning to post bonus materials instead of a normal update then imo it's best to do so inbetween chapters/arcs or as 'filler' updates while you're taking a break/rebuilding your buffer.

thanks for this post, i was sorta curious about what readers thought as well, maybe I'll stop doing extra artwork or only do it as side story of characters instead

I don't mind non-story updates, but I prefer it when they don't replace a scheduled update. Instead, pop it in there on a day you don't normally update! Or, if it's a character bio or something, place it at the bottom of a normal story update which involves that character. (That's what I plan to do with mine.)

I don't like it at all and I find it annoying.
A comic I used to read did that a lot and it made me stop clicking on it's updates right away, instead waiting to collect a few updates. I just find it disappointing when you see a comic you love update, feel excited that it's a new episode/page only to feel disappointed that it's not.
That being said I think seeing extra stuff IS cool, I like learning things about a story/characters I'm interested in but not in place of a story update. I like putting extra art/profiles/lore/etc at the end of the episode, this way I don't have to redirect to twitter/IG where most readers aren't going to go and I don't have to take the place of a story episode.

I don't mind extra updates at all as long as it doesn't replace a content update and/or it's not a regular thing. While I enjoy artists showing related art, it gets annoying when it's constantly interrupting the story.

I used to post extra stuff after an update, like 1 Q&A per update but I realised that readers used to react just to the Q&A and forgot about the story, so now I do them less often and when I launch it I do it in a separate update; I never replace any scheduled update for it.

As a reader, I'm a bit mixed on this, like when I'm binge-reading or excited about a new update and when I find out it's just filler it's disappointing.
Like it's neat to see cool artwork and Q&A's can be fun to know more about the characters. However, the comic itself should make you become invested

I think those things should go on social media, so the more invested fans can see it without it interrupting the reading experience.

I love Q&As, bonus art, bonus comics, lore comics and all sorts of bonus content... BUT in moderate quantities XD

For example, if I know the artist is taking a pause to work on a buffer, I'm more than happy to see the comic being updated with bonus content such as lore episodes or Q&As. Helps keeping the comic in the "fresh" section and gives a little bit of additional content while not taking anything away from the comic itself. And I can definitely appreciate character sheets at the bottom of a page update and/or at the end of a chapter (or cast pages on sites that allow it). But if we're in the middle of a chapter and all of a sudden page updates are replaced with fanarts, bonus art, bonus comics, Q&As and all sort of unrelated content for weeks or even months... then I'm gonna lose my interest :sweat: it's not that I don't want to see bonus content, but, like... if you're gonna use your comic as your own personal Twitter feed, I'm out ._.