36 / 45
Sep 2022

It happens regularly, but I'm to a point where I can't even keep track of my sub count so I don't notice unless I happen to look at the change right after seeing the numbers before. Doesn't bother me, it happens. When the main themes of my comic started coming through I lost tons of subs, them being folks who though my comic would be something else, but they weren't my target audience so it wasn't really a loss. Actually "They just weren't my target audience" is a pretty good way to look at things, if they don't want to read it then it wasn't meant for them.

I understand it makes some people upset but I personally don't care. I can't force people to read my work nor am I going to be upset if they change their minds. I also don't ever unsub (no real reason to do that, for me) unless someone does something really awful. (Which has only happened once out of all the stories I've read!)

I also recently remade my Tapas account due to personal reasons. That means I'm having to go back and resub to stories I was reading. People have been understanding though. :joy:

Yeah I think its more the Milestone one as you seem also a bit restricted if you are under 100 subscribers with adding your things to support for example. I think that pops up after 100 if I am not mistaken?
But like most of you said in the long run the real dedicated fans matter that rly read your stuff and like it/comment on it and give you the energy to keep going even on bad days =) I will also try to not take it too much to heart anymore when someone unsubs. ^^

I will never blame people for unsubbing, and I'm a chronic unsubber myself, but the annoying thing is that doesn't change the fact that monkey brain sad when number go down :'D Feeling don't care about your facts!

I try not to, but the number is right under your title and sometimes it sneaks into your peripheral vision despite your best efforts >:c

Same :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends on the site.

On Wattpad, most of my subscribers don't read my stories (for the past few years, the view count only changes when I edit), so I'm pretty sure they're bots. If one of those happens to drop off, I don't care.

On Tapas, it depends. There was one subscriber early on who seemed to want me to read and subscribe to their series, but it didn't interest me. ^^; They unsubbed pretty quickly. I think most of my other subs here subscribed to my story as a possible bookmark for later and aren't actually reading it, so if they eventually do and find out that it's not their style, that's understandable.

The other site I post to, Royal Road, there's no way for me to check the accounts of the people who are following me. Ironically, that makes those followers feel more real. There's no possibility that they're following just to get me to check out their own work. It's also harder for me to get followers there. So, when one of those followers unfollows, like what happened a few days ago, that actually makes me a little self-conscious about what I did wrong.

oooh wattpad I gave up as I never had anyone view it. I think as I dun have people there, that my things wont be found there so I didnt even upload there anymore XD

I also used to be on royal roads, but with 2 followers for a long while, I found its not worth anymore and left there. Honestly I am surprised that I have the most subs here now and also people interacting, so that does make me happy.
But like many said, seeing an unsub makes you sad regardless or make you think why.

When I'm in a low mood, I'd feel that my work is not good enough, which results in people dropping my comic.

However, you cannot force them to keep reading or subscribing. So, I usually learn to let go and work harder to make better episodes.:smiley:

I don't feel too bad. People have their own lives and interests, and sometimes those change. I feel grateful that they spent some time with me (well, my work). But it's just part of life as a creator.

And besides... I don't feel guilty not watching every Marvel or Star Wars release, so I think it would be unreasonable of me to expect every sub to stay subbed forever :slight_smile:

It makes me a bit sad too. I know I should not care, I mean, if people don't want to follow along, that is their business, not my business. But yeah I would love to have as many subscribers as possible of course XD

Since I only have 7 subs, losing subscribers is something I take quite personally since even 1 unfollow feels like a lot. If I had subs in the 100s or more, however, like I do on Instagram, I not be that concerned by unfollows by the single digits.

Sure it sucks to lose a sub, but life goes on, and I remember to always appreciate the people who stick around..

I've kinda been unfazed by unsubs recently. Every time you get a feature by Tapas, you'll get a huge tick in subs but then a big drop in them afterwards (it's still a significant net increase though so whatever). After that happening twice, I kinda learned to deal with it even on the smaller scale.

So yeah sometimes my subs dip a couple number or two, I do a little "aww" and then forget about it.

I've had a couple of cases where people deleted their Tapas accounts altogether - nothing can be done about that.

If the person remains on Tapas but chose to unsubscribe from my story - I hold no hard feelings whatsoever. I find it's completely natural for the person to change their opinion about the story. E.g. they may have subscribed out of sheer curiosity at the very beginning, but then upon reading a couple of chapters realized the story is not moving in the direction they had hoped it would. There are more reasonings, and all of them are completely fine.

What I find bizarre is when the reader posts several positive comments after reading a few chapters (and interacts with me as an author through the comments sections), but then days/weeks later decides to delete all of their comments. O_o
I can't wrap my head around the logic behind that action just yet: does this mean their comments were fake/they lied? Why wasting time to comment at all, then? If the reader liked a particular scene, can they stop liking it two weeks later?
I'm not sad or insulted about it, but I honestly find such occurrence just really bizarre. O_o Maybe because when I write a positive comment about a certain chapter/scene I enjoyed - I mean what I write. Even if I won't like something in the later episodes or will dump the story altogether - that will not change my opinion about the chapters/scenes I've already read and enjoyed. So yeah, this part is strange to me.

Back onto the topic and a final note - try not to worry about people unsubscribing from your creation. Water under the bridge.

I dont really care in all honesty. Sure I think to myself "aw that sucks", but I'll usually treat as me forgetting to do something minor. I've come to learn over the 3 years I've been posting online that worrying about loosing a follower or caring about follower count in general isnt worth it. Because most of the time, that number doesn't really mean anything and its likes and people's interaction with your content is what matters.

I hit 102 shortly after I posted that, so I do kinda wonder if someone saw my post and decided to be #102. Either way, I finally got to turn on ad impressions (without worrying too hard that I'll drop back below 100 again)!

We'll see if I'm overzealous there. XD

wow I nevr had that happen with the comments, but that is ineed bizzare o.O can't understand that either, its plain weird lol sorry that happened to you D=

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closed Oct 9, '22

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