1 / 45
Sep 2022

I have it happen here and there that someone unbsubscribes and it always makes me feel really sad. I wonder why people unsubscribe and what makes them do it!?

How are your expereinces/opinions about it?

  • created

    Sep '22
  • last reply

    Oct '22
  • 44


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  • 36


  • 138


Meh I'm like "bummer" and accept that they move on.

I mean for me, if they're not interested in my work, I'd rather not have them stick around if they're not gonna read it anyway. Sucks but it happens

I don't mind it

People usually unsuscribe if they are no longer interested in the story and don't want notifications about what they don't read

Sometimes is because they habe so mamy stories subscribed and they left the one that are less interested....

It's frustrating, but you get used to it. It's really common after a feature to get a few weeks of unsubs. The thing is, that the readers on the app probably aren't even aware you, the creator, get notified of subs, and they likely don't even think that you might pay attention to subs and unsubs, so they use subs almost like a bookmark. They see your thing in the listings, drop a sub on there so they don't lose it, then give it a shot later and... maybe they decide it's not for them after all, so they unsub to keep their feed clean.

It's almost never malicious. A large proportion of subscribers, especially when you're hitting larger numbers, aren't regular readers. That's just how it is. Some of them are a "dead sub" and others unsub.

Ultimately, hey, at least something about your work or marketing caught their eye and made them give it a shot, so it's not all bad!

This sub thing...I have to say this...subs don't not not mean much. I see many comics with high subs but with low comment/like ratio.
Those who actually read your work are the most important.
Subs do not equate to actual readers. Much like the cancer that is social media many people sub for sub soley for stats. So I'd not worry much about it.
Engage and focus on the ones who care enough to put a like and comment about your creation. Every one of them.

Mostly neutral.

I pick up and drop things all the time (usually don't unsub tho), so I just figure most people who unsub are like me. It's rarely anything personal.

Also I think unsubs might be better than dead subs. Higher engagement rate!

Thanks guys. That really makes me feel better <3 And you are right, the ones who like and comment on my novel are the people that matter. =D

Someone unsubbed me once and I don't mind someone unsubbing my novel since not everyone has to be interested on somebody's works

Hmm I mostly don't care unless the unsub is from someone that commented often XD comments humanize readers for me, whereas fluctuating subs are well, just numbers (?) I'm okay with the unsubs anyhow cause I do it as well, though it can be frustrating when trying to reach one of Tapas's milestones, I think that's the only thing that would actually bother me XD but weeell, aside from that, it's better that people interested on your story stick around.

haha yeah the first thing I always check is if the ones who commented are still there, cause that rly would bum me out if they unsubbed D= and ya atm I do try to get the milestone 100 XD

I predict that my story isn't going to be a "everyone will love it" type of story, and people can unsubscribe for reasons that are totally not personal. Pacing, notification annoyance, even accidentally subbing. So, I'd be happy if someone subs, but if someone unsubs I'll be pretty neutral about it.

my first reaction is always "oh no I lost ooooneeeee", but then I don't really care that much, is just a number, right? But when I was losing a lot, like 3~6 at a time, I was kinda sad, I asked myself a lot what I was doing wrong and it shaken me a little at the time, so I undestand how it can affect your self esteem sometimes. But the thing is, you have to focus on those who are reading and commenting on your work currently, those who unsub probably aren't them. I think that with time you'll get neutral about it, maybe after some milestones idk. I know I was much more into it when I started, now after 2.5 years I just make some drama about it and then let it go xD

It is what it is, you don't make the series to please everyone even though I care if people enjoy my story. I honestly made it to escape myself and vent feelings into a story to be honest

depends on if I was already previously upset
cause I remember one time like early last year I was just having a bad time and I lost 3 subs in one day and that didn't feel nice.
got over it real fast though.

like if you unsub you probably aren't reading it, or you don't like it
so I didn't really lose anything, and I'm not gonna hold you hostage
you always get new readers who actually like your story

my pattern with subs has always been -1 +2 so not much to cry about

It's kinda sad, but I'm of the idea that, if that person unsubbed, they most likely wouldn't have read my story anyway. I mean, having ghost subs is like not having subs, so at that point they might as well unsub.

I feel sad whenever I see that a reader has unsubscribed. I've been on Tapas for about a year and I still can't get used to the loss. Itā€™s disappointing, and leaves me questioning if I'm doing something wrong or if my story isn't good enough.
No matter the reason, it hurts but I try not to let it get me down so much. The worst blow is when they actively like and comment for a while and then suddenly unsub after an update and never come back.

I feel nothing because I don't look at sub numbers.

and because chapters vary in length which means an erratic upload schedule I fully expect someone to unsub thinking I'm dead. whatever reasons they have doesn't affect me.

the only thing I look at, is view numbers.