1 / 7
Oct 2024

Hey guys, is it just me, or it's literally impossible to find any new comics worth reading that are free and by independent creators?? It's like ever since they changed the layout the only thing you can see are the paid comics and I never find anything interesting.

My own comic used to show up pretty commonly in the popular and updated category of BL - but now, even if I press "all comics" my comic doesn't come up? Is there a solution to this?? What's going on...

  • created

    Oct '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 6


  • 357


  • 1


  • 11


  • 1


we got sent over to the "community" section of the site where no one would go looking for comics to read :upside_down:

Just check promotion threads here... best you can do

Free Comics say free on the thumbnail.

Most of the comics on the Comics tab are not free.

AND IT'S ALL THE SAME...It's so depressing right? It's so so hard to break out on any social media either. I just don't know what to do get my work out there anymore...

(not sure if they do) But yep would be great if they had a 'Fresh' section at least for smaller creators to get some exposure on main page.
On the bright side, Tapas having a forums is what got me an active following and finding other free comics so maybe these forums can help you too? My experience on other websites not having forums are usually dead and met with crickets, and connections with smaller creators there isn't the same, so I'm probably more 'team- Tapas and Tapas Forums' lol
I honestly stopped watching checking my sub count to avoid similar intrusive thoughts XD
As you mentioned BL while my main comic has BL sub-plot I was even considering a BL spin-off to help with visibility so thanks for letting me know ahead and hope we get a solution :star2:
Saw you got an impressive follower count too so, don't lose faith & keep up the hard work! :muscle: