35 / 47
Jul 2021

In my story magic is possible because of enchanted paper. If a spell is written on enchanted paper and is touched while the user says the magic words, the spell will activate. In the world of Pitch, spells are so common they are sold like cook books, but they are more complicated for the people who actually write the spells themselves. This is actually what sparks the first main event of the story. Pitch tries to write his own spell without realizing how difficult it actually is, and he ends up cursing himself in the process.

Pre written spells are so easy a baby can use them, but coming up with something original is difficult and dangerous.

Nothing too complicated. Every bodoblock is created with a unique set of abilities. Sometimes they can overlap (ie. someone with water powers and someone with weather powers can do water-based moves), but overall the theme is pretty unique. I'm a bit indecisive of letting other races have powers in a similar sense, but the series is only just starting so we'll see what happens.

Thanks my friend, keeps me motivated to know you find it interesting :smiley:

Yea that's cool the Corruptors are not evil, i'm guessing the MC might be one? As you said that I can picture some chilling situations: eg. Auster is left with a tough decision: a little Curroptor kid's life or the population's safety- worse if mc befriend or detrmined to save the kid too

Thats very relatable to the headspace i've been in for this project too. Always so cool to see others interpretations of similar themes. Owen and Evan might have had better luck if they had Auster around XD Theyd probably be busy devising a way around their unintentional zombie spread lol

Theres an organization named Arc-A that shows up to help citizens during the pandemic but the heroes quickly realise its a facade for something worse. They're not the main antgonist but contribute to many of the heroes' obstacles.

Speaking of power systems, that scene where Owen turns off the tv was a good decision XD (in episode 3)

Collective malice of humanity is the source of the most prominent type of magic in my world.

However, technology reaching at its peak can also produce magic.

Thanks, it's nice to see someone finds one of the magic systems in my comic interesting!! :hype_01:

And yes, it can spell disaster if one of the gems is broken... they're made and sometimes refined further to be nearly indestructible, but it can still break.

Well, one of those is actually using the "Light Echo" to grant a more stable type of INternet connection, or "Echo-Link", and with the ability to use that connection also to transfer matter, allowing so teleportation with the use of just one universal network... or the "Warmth Echo" that either is used for power supply, or energy weapon such as Light saber, or Blasters. etc... The range is very wide indeed!

thank goodness I have this written in a lore doc.

Magic is based on the nine elements which are observed in draconic magick. Earth, water, fire, air, spirit, maelstrom, light, dark, and chaos. These magics are often locked to each caster genetically, so what species you are born as determines what you have access to.

Azeri, Taloriens, Sand Elves have access to mana magics. Morins most notably use flux magic but a Talorien can be found using flux occasionally, and Humans who use Pseudo magic. Hybrid people have access to the magic types of both parents, but unlocking both types often comes with great difficulty. All peoples have access to spirit magic, as it is seen as the power of one's belief, which is most commonly observed in religious individuals.

There are 3 ways to access magic, mana, Flux, and focuses. A spell focus is used for psudo-casting where the human caster will use an item that is charged with magic. This is beneficial because the caster can cast powerful spells for long periods of time, without tiring. Unfortunately the focus can fizzle if it is not charged enough or runs empty. Thus, it cannot be used again and a new focus will need to be acquired.

Mana is taking magic from the environment which is seen in most spells that use the four main elements. The caster will channel that energy from the world around them and use it for their casting. This can be tiring though and if it varies on the caster's environment so some elements are weaker than others in other areas. It is also possible for the caster to channel too much energy than their body can handle and die.

Flux magic is magic of the mind and spirit. It is called flux due to its nature to fluctuate based on the casters confidence, and will. A caster with depression for example would be weaker than that of someone who feels powerful. Because of it's wildly changing nature, flux based casters are looked down on, because they can't keep a steady flow of magic, but with that being said, a flux caster has the capability to be as iron as their will, so they can also be some of the most powerful.

Within these three magic categories, there are magic mutations which cause a unique subset of abilities such as Energy Manipulation, Desarin, and Tainted magic. Energy Manipulation occurs when the caster forces electromagnetic fields to change to their will. This power develops as an incomplete ability to use mana magics, creating something invisible to most people. These electromagnetic fields can serve as shields and even disabling pluses.
Desarin are physical manifestations of magic based off of the caster’s will. This magic is seen as rather unstable and unpredictable as its limits are as limitless as the caster's imagination. In most cases desain magic is considered a type of flux magic.

Any caster can develop tainted magic, when they experience trauma or extreme emotional distress, where any spell that is cast is tainted by inky black shadows. A caster with tainted magic can use shadow magics, moving, changing, and commanding the shadows until the distress has been overcome. This can also cause magic to act out on it’s own, without the control of the caster directly, as a sort of defense mechanism.

Right! Whenever I see golems in media, their main powers appear only appear to be brute strength. So when I decided to add golems in my comic, I wanted to give them more depth in terms of power than most media by giving them unique magic, since they are an extension of their creators.

CWAM has a magic system! I don't want to spoil it too much, but it's an animal buddy-magic system based on the 5 senses! Heres a link to my comic, its an action fantasy btw!

My magic system has 5 elements - fire, ice, electricity, wind, and earth. There are those who are born natural magic users who have control over one element, and then those that acquire the use of an element via ritual. There are also those with multiple elements who have undergone the ritual for multiple elements.

In this universe, magic use is tied to life force. Those with "bigger" life force (not necessarily more) can more efficiently and powerfully use magic, though eventually they will run out of juice and pass out or die if they don't recover. The exception to this are the space pirates - evolved humans with a genetic trait giving them far greater strength and endurance. They have an extra "reserve" of energy that they can tap into before actually tapping into their life force. Thus, one that can use their energy efficiently can use magic for a long period of time before reaching any level of fatigue.

@11keys That such an original system I really like it and I like that screwing up the spells has consecuences.

@Awesomeness_Studios Thats cool, not all magic systems need to be complicated, sometimes a soft magic system is what works best for the story.

@stiatent Is my MC a corruptor? I gues we'll have to wait to find out about that :sunglasses: But yeah, Auster agents are constantly in hard situations like that and to that also add the fact that Shapers can still turn into Corruptors if they keep experiencing trauma, so is not that rare for Auster agents to turn into Corruptors in the middle of missions and then their teamates have to deal with them as well as with the original corruptor that they where trying to stop.

If resident evil has thaught me something is that you cannot trust organizationsin the middle of zombie apocalipse, that Arc-A organization is giving me some really strong Umbrella vibes.

@Ranty-cat Sounds really dark, I like it!

@cjspiethillustr That's a really intriguing system, I like it, especialy the way in which magic seems to connect with the mental state of a person in the case of Flux magic and tainted magic.

@Manyana Thats a really fleshed out magic system for a fantasy slice of life, nice! . I really like that peculiars seem affect mental aspects of their elements instead of the phisical elements.

@ElitaRenata I read the episodes that are out so far and your magic system is super interesting! Usually systems like those are limited to "animal does what user wants" or "user can posses animal" but your seems like something completly different. Can't wait until is explained with more details in the comic.

@thecrystalrook Nice! I really like the idea of it being tied to peoples life force, it adds stakes. Even if space pirates have that extra reserve they might run out in a very long battle and that creates a very tense situation cause they might be risking their life if they continue figthing.

waaah :cry_02: :cry_02: :cry_02: I accidentally deleted my post here huhu... is there a way to bring it back or nah? I was kinda proud of it huhu

Nice one :hand_splayed: (high-five)
yea from the 1st chapters I read he seems like he can go either way, he seems innocent yet the mysterious letter and past give the feeling of something dark, could b a red herring too, I'll have 2 wait n find out XD
Interesting that shapers can turn into corruptors, exciting that you're keeping the stakes high and no one can be truly trusted relied upon. I'm excited to see how that occurs

In a similar sense I tried to avoid showing off too many characters in promos bec I wanted the rest of the cast to feel like monsters or monster fodder themselves.

Yep Umbrella and Skynet (terminator) were definitely inspirations XD Thankfully the three guys knew early-o-clock not to trust Arc-A because (1) Liquid Guy's mia Ex-girlfriend is the company's chair (2) the company puts the boys on the 'kill upon sight' list.

Wow, hats off to you guys for making such interesting and detailed magic system. Brilliant!

In my series, there are only four races that are able to wield magic: merfolks, fairies, witches and jinns. Every other race may have superhuman abilities, but they can't do what these four races are capable of.

Merfolks have the most limited form of magic, such as enchantment, teleportation, water bending and weather control. Only people who inherit merfolk blood can have their magical power.

Fairies are naturally the most powerful magical beings. They simply just need to will something to happen for it to happen. However, their magic is about depth. So if they don't train enough or they're not confident enough (yeah, fairies need to believe in themselves too), then their magic won't work. There's also the trouble with the fairy law that prevents them from doing whatever the hell they want to do. And just like merfolks, fairy magic cannot be learned.

Witches and warlocks' magic is all about knowledge and power. The more spells you know, more charms you have and more training you do, the more powerful you can be. Someone can be a witch or a warlock through lineage or learning. So you're automatically a witch or a warlock if you learn their arts. As a creation of fairies, witches and warlocks can use their magic to kill. Their creations, such as vampires and some species of werecats, are also free to take lives.

I didn't get to delve into the jinns in the series because it doesn't have much to do with the story, but they're part of the ancient race alongside with fairfolks and merfolks. In this world, most of the jinns prefer to live in their own realm, separate from humans. Biologically speaking, jinn is classified as family. Their species include ghouls and incubi & succubi who can enroll in Erebus and predominantly live among us, although they don't possess magical power. The jinns that possess magical power are the ones that grant wishes and send curses. Jinns, except incubi and succubi, can only procreate with fellow jinns, so only they can have this type of magic. They have so many strict rules. One of the traditional rules is that jinns and their creations, such as shapeshifters, cannot kill humans.

Aaaand... that's all, folks :smile:

I have a power system that spans several series that connects them all together, the namesake of the overarching series: Summons!

A Summon is an inner power that every living being can tap into, however only few are
able. This power manifests itself through the truest aspect of oneself, meaning it is not affected
by self-perception or self-image. The power of Summon has existed for at least 5000 years,
however, due to the events in the era forgotten by time, this ability laid dormant. Only with the
re-emergence of The Nameless Relic has this power began to appear again. There are 3 major
rules in regards to Summons and Summoners:

  1. Summons draw their power on one’s Passion, Personality or Potential. Whichever is
    most important. Summons are near-infinite in terms of appearance, application and ability, however sub-divisions within the sources are being noted and classified even now. Summoners can awaken to their power at nearly any age and at any time, with or without their knowledge.

  2. Summoners are drawn to each other. Naturally, the further away, the weaker the pull, however a Summoner can train themselves to be able to sense a Summoner's presence no matter the distance. Similarly, a well-trained Summoner can repressed their ability so they’re not as easily found. However, no matter how well-trained, they will still be drawn to others.

  3. When Summoners meet, they are compelled to play a game with something on the line. However, the Summoners must unanimously agree to the terms. These games can be anything from benign to life threatening. Anything goes as long as all parties involved agree to the terms and conditions.

Speaking of a Summoner's Game, we're just wrapping one up right now! Give SUMMON! The Nameless Relic a read today and catch up to this story of Desperation and Games!

I'm still working out the details of that, but the main idea that a friend and I came up with is that a spell is not a spell because you said some words, its because it's an extension of your mind and the connection you have with the Primordial Spirits. Still need to work some details out but that's the main idea lmao :joy:
I'll leave my comic here. Feel free to check it out! ^^

@Dialusion sounds really cool, I'm intrigued by this summoner game I'll definitely check it out

@Schwarze_Neko sounds like a good base to build upon, hope that when you work out all the details you end up with a cool system.

The system in the novel is based on Chinese Taoism, based on Taoist canons written over 2 thousand years ago. The setting is basically our world and the physics haven't been broken so far, meaning there isn't any fireball and magic, yet...

I love system novels, but after reading too much, I came up with this novel. It's pretty much an anti-system system, basically a slice of life novel that starts off like a medical system novel. I wanted to show in the beginning volume that human abilities are amazing enough even without a system. Can't really recommend to anyone starting out the system genre because it will be boring to some people.

The main character, Li Yun, have different missions to fulfill into order to gain rewards.

I don't really need subscribers, just motivation to continue writing. I have atrocious grammar, so it's more for practice.