17 / 27
May 2019

before it was the go to for indie artist but now the cost ways out the usefulness IMO
I prefere Krita, has everything photoshop has and a bit more geared to comic/painting and best of all it's free

I'd say it's not easier than other software but the more rounded because Photoshop cater to different workfield, it's flexible when you know what to look for. So it takes longer to find your footing.

CSP have an extensive focus on comic so you have a lot features that help you with the process

Personally I use both. CSP for sketching and lineart because the feeling is way smoother than photoshop.
But then, I use the latter for painting mostly because I've been using it for so long but also because when I tried to switch, I didn't quite like the vibe of the painting in SAI or CSP.

Yeah and a lot of great brushes online for free!
Krita is easy to understand, have lots of layers types, you can even set brush to work like layer, have good filters, can make animations and it's meant to making drawings by contrast to PHOTOshop, which is after all program made to editing photos.
Photoshop is good for making editions of finished paintings than making painting itself.

We only use photoshop for minor effects and lettering. Never for the actual main art.

i wouldn't recommend using photoshop for illustrations and digital art. photoshop is very expensive (last i heard adobe even increased the prices for it and lightwork) and also it's more for photo editing and manipulation. maybe you could use it for adding dialogue if you wish to do a comic?

instead, you can use clip studio paint (one-time purchase, free updates, and is constantly going on sale) but if you're looking for something free i recommend krita and medibang/firealpaca.

I have some Kyle Webster manga brushes that I could use for Photoshop without the use of a stabilizer, but I prefer to do all my drawing/inking in CSP then do most of my coloring in Photoshop(I toggle back & forth between PS and CSP with coloring).

I do everything on Photoshop. I saw with a Magic Mouse. I would try another program, but I have been using Adobe for 20 years and I don't want to relearn another software program.

Anyways, I use Photoshop to make comics and digital paintings. I satisfied with the program for both applications.

I've used Photoshop for years and am just too lazy to learn another program. I have CS6 and had to get CC for college so I'm using that until I need to pay again.
I think with Photoshop you really have to find that specific workflow that works for you. I tried SAI and just couldn't replicate that workflow I had.

I think Photoshop is only useful if you have one of those sketch pad things to connect to your pc. That's my opinion though.

I use the app called Sketch.

Like everyone else says here, Photoshop is absolutely terrible for drawing. Love photoshop for coloring, hate it for drawing. It's just not right. I use Clip Studio and Paint SAI for all of my line art.

I GREATLY prefer to use Sai for drawing, mostly because of the stroke stabilizer. You can have a stroke stabilizer in PS, but you'll need an extra plugin of some kind.

That said, I do use PS pretty extensively for finishing touches and resizing my images for Tapas.

I only use Photoshop to edit or crop images. I never managed to draw anything on it.
For drawing, I used Sai for years until I was able to get CSP - which is the software I currently use for any drawings that I do. It has lots of useful tools for comics too and many comic professionals (like Shinichi Sakamoto) use CSP for their works.

I use photoshop for my comics however, I use the old brushes that came with Photoshop CS5.5 due to the fact that I currently hate the new ones. Its interesting how people are able to make their coloring look like painting because for the love of God, I can never get mine to look like that lol. so with that being said, I keep it simple. so yes, you gotta keep practicing. its hard at first but trust me it gets easier the more you use it.

I use photoshop. I've been playing around with CSP since I bought it but there's no real difference to me. If photoshop does hike it's rates I'll drop it but for now I see no real benefit to CSP. If fact, I dislike a lot of CSP's helpful comic features. But I don't have to use those tools so it's not like it's hurting me. I haven't found the ability to warp a selection area, which for me is kinda a killer because I warp my textures around an object.

For CSP, you have to go to Edit and then Transform for the Warp Transformation, which is called Mesh

To heavy since it isn't a illustration software.

Go to the Clipstudio side of the force <3

No probs!
Free Transformation is kinda similar, as it allows you to make some subtle changes. But Mesh really helps with more curves and warps.
Takes a while to get used to, but once you hit a groove, it's a cool tool!