9 / 29
May 2022

oh i remember actually my partner helped me count on this a while back in a similar thread, and i guess ill be doing my comic for about another 11 years or so :sweat_02: :cry_01:

but maybe even longer as i make no money and probably never will so there can be times i dont draw on the comic for a couple of months because im just so tired and then theres times where i can draw 4-5 pages per week.

ah well, as long as im having fun with it ill keep going and hopefully all the way to the ending :triumph:

Initially my story was planned to have 150 chapters (12-16 years of work), but recently I have re-estimate it to have around 80-100 chapters (8-12 years of work). I do think that time will only continue to minimize as I hope to be able to work on my comic faster and get rid of unimportant things in the story as I move forward with my project.

It’s going to be very long - long like you wouldn’t believe. Originally I projected at least 18 volumes of comic, but it’s now likely to be 40 or more. This is because I feel such an epic story needs more time to be properly told.

For my current series, I don’t have a clear end, it’s a Slice of Life so it’s super open ended. I do have about 8 to 10 chapters planned for the first arc. I guess after that I will ultimately decide if I want to continue or not.

My old main series was sort of ended on a cliffhanger after 11 chapters. I do have ideas to add more to it but I am not sure if it’s worth it. I might add one more chapter but after that I might not do much with it unless it blows up in popularity. It felt like a lot of work for hardly any readers.

Hurmm, right now I have a couple of stories, one that I already started posting, another that I started writing but still in the process of shaping it up.

For the story I'm already posting (on another website, Sci-fi/Adventure), I reckon I can keep with it for the near year. Not sure exactly how long it will end up being, but considering my characters goal and how things are going? I reckon it will reach between 70k to 90k. Mostly depends on a few ideas I have that I need to determine if I want to expand further upon or not.

The story I have is still a WIP (Fantasy/Adventure/Comedy), I want my main characters to explore the world I built, as the story also explores them, and have key locations in each country visited. But due to the story's nature, it will be shorter chapters (Leaning more towards a Light-novel format for this), so I'm not entirely certain about the length, but I do want to work on it for several years. Its probably my biggest passion project right now.

That's about the best estimates I can give. I never really plan that much about exactly how long I want my stories to be, just that I have the story in mind and want to put it on paper. And I just write it out. Usually end up getting my estimates when I've written my first 10 chapters or so? Around then.

I only want to do my current title for just another year, because I want to do the next title in a much better quality.

My current comics is 5 books, each consisting of about 25 episodes. Book one will be complete in 2 weeks (weekly comic). Looking at about 2 1/2 years for the total work.

There's going to be 10 arcs, 3 of which are already done, and each arc has roughly 25 chapters in it.

For my episodic daily comic strip, I plan to have it run for around 10 years with 5 comics a week for 40 weeks of the year which would by the end equal to 2000 comics. However, I'll script and write future seasons months in advance to build up an adequate buffer and maintain a consistent posting schedule.

I'm still working on Chapter One, which is starting to look like it'll be in the neighborhood of 100 pages (I'm drawing page 79 right now...), and I have a minimum of 5 chapters planned, although that number might easily rise. I have a script for Chapter One, but I've been fairly loose in following it -- I've cut whole scenes out for redundancy, changed how things happened (while still arriving at the same plot points), and I've revamped the ending entirely to be both more satisfying and, uh, easier. I predict I'll be done drawing this chapter around early October... two years after I started drawing it.

I sort of hope Chapter Two is shorter, but I have my doubts.


I draw a page a week, so... I'm going to be at this a while. Good thing I like doing it.

at least 10 years long based on how much stuff me and my writer plan to do

I don't really know. It will have at least 2, possibly 3 volumes. From some early drafts, 1st and 2nd volume had 13 chapters each. I cut down the 1st volume to 9 chapters.

I have no idea how many pages each chapter will have either. So far, 1st one was 4. For the 2nd I have 50+ planned and I didn't even get to half of the script. I'm doing it this way because I want to let the story take as much as it needs. Instead of trying to fit it into predefined number of pages. (Like 20-30 pages per monthly issues generally have.)

So I have no idea. It's going to be a loooooong comic. :cry_02: At least I have a bunch of other shorter ones that I can be happy about when I finish them. Most of those are up to 20 pages so far. But there's one graphic novel that's about 100 pages that I want to do as soon as I have more time.

I know I've replied a similar thread last year:
6 acts & 35+ chapters (full-fledge without further trimming).

I needed a bit of a simpler plot, since I was coming out of a really long rut that impacted my focus and creativity. As such, my current comic has no planned plot, and is a series of one-shots.

As for duration, it will go for as long as I want to do it. I have seen other pet-related comics where they stop when the pet crosses the Rainbow Bridge, but these comics will keep going because life will continue on. It makes me sad to know that it will likely bring readers to tears when that happens, but we can all take some solace in knowing that it will open the door for another dog in need to join the family/comic.

Not sure. I know I have a "Twilight Of The Gods" arc planned- where the gods are nearly pushed to the brink of extinction...my comic is setting itself up for some epic level shit.

I had originally planned for 30 chapters when I first started but it's looking more like 60 now and each chapter is 22 pages.
I don't know how many years this is gonna take cause some days I can push out 3 pages and some days I can't do any at all.
But I purposefully made the art and coloring simple so it wouldn't last long and I could get onto other projects. 60 chapters are just a lot more than I was expecting, and I'm only 1/6th into the art so it took me a year to make 10 chapters but a lot of life got in the way
so 5 more years till im finished with it if i did the math right?

Currently, it's planning to be 12 episodes long, each 18 - 25 pages, plus an end strip.

Well for me, I'm planning to make my 2nd series at least 160 episodes long, because I want it to be long but not too long, I have all the arcs for the series in my head and hope to make them flow perfectly, my first series on the other hand might be at least 300 chapters/episodes.

this is an interesting question, because I know exactly which direction to go. I have a lot of scenes on my mind right now and I'm walking through each one, but none of those scenes are the end of the story, just unfolding, so the ending isn't planned yet. :]

I usually just do 140-160 page self contained comic books but I have a series that was just published where the first book was 140-some pages and that took about a year, the second book comes out next year and has taken me roughly a year maybe a little less and is nearly finished at around 200 pages. And the final book will probably be in the 140/160ish range and I assume will take another year.

I’ve also been working on other books in the meantime and I’m wrapping up a different 200ish page comic at the end of this month. After starting it last year.