9 / 14
Jul 2021

Recently I've been thinking about the speed and how much time it takes to start and finish a comic page. And as my first post on this forum, I'm interesting in knowing how long it takes you guys to start and finish a page. It doesn't have to be specific, just an estimate I'll start with this off with how long it takes me.

For me, I can finish a black and white page faster than a colored one, but it can vary. For example, there was one page that I began sketching and finished inking and coloring within around a 3 to 4 hour time span. It also depends on the complexity of the scene, like the panel has a dynamic shot for example, or I have to draw one or more characters, or if I have to include a background for the scene. It also depends on if I don't get distracted while drawing which happens a lot.

Now it's y'all's turn!

  • created

    Jul '21
  • last reply

    Jul '21
  • 13


  • 732


  • 13


  • 6


It takes me about 10-11 hours to turn this:

into this:

Not counting time spent scanning, color-correcting, adding text, and sizing for the web. But I do traditional art (that's all marker), so there aren't any shortcuts, which is probably why it takes me so long. Because of this, I can only put out a page a week-- each one is a LOT of work.

Oh boy uh?? Not counting the time i take inbetween drawing, I'd say the total is probably like 15-20 hours for a whole page? But my pages are pretty long and I'm only working in black and white

I don't time myself, really, because that would probably drive me mad. It also depends on the complexity of the page, but generally, I find myself spending about two hours on a sketch, an hour or so on inking, and about 40 minutes on coloring. With probably double that amount of time tweeting or messing around on the internet.

It takes me forever because i spend more time on social media and doing everything else but draw lol

Hard to say. I do all the pencils for each issue in one streak, usually I get around 2-3 done a night, then it usually takes me about an evening to do inks for each page, then an evening to do colors for each page. So maybe around 19 hours per page from start to finish? Depends on the page too, pages with fewer panels often take less time.

This one took around that long though, because of all the debris.