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Feb 2018

Just wanted to know from others. It usually takes me like, one or two days? A few hours, sometimes

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about 2 hours for the lineart, and after that it depends :confused: The shading can be for 1-3 hours.

hmm.. i do my pages in batches, so its hard to tell. but id estimate its an hour for sketching, half an hour for final lines, then 45 minutes for colour and 15 for letters and finishing touches. so 2.5 hours per page

From my current series, about 2 and a half hours. But if I start my big serious ones I dunno, maybe 2 days too.

It takes me 2 hours coz it's only a simplified style, also I do it on my phone so it's a little challenging coz of the small screen.

It sorta depends on when I have time to actually do pages. Sometimes, when I have a lot of time, it takes about 1 - 2 hours per page. Though, there are moments when I get the lining done for one page along with finishing another page, so that adds into the factor.

I think on average, give or take, I can finish 2 pages in 1 - 3 hours.

Uh I dont know if this was specifically for novels or comics but sometimes one page will be a couple of hours to a day to write.

i originally intended it for novels (because it was on the novels topic thing) but it can be both! feel free to...say whatever y'all wanna say

I'm doing pages in batches mostly, but when I have to make just one page for some reason, it takes around six hours to get done.

Comics anywhere from hours to a day. My novel its usually a couple of hours maybe a day if I'm stuck.

The fastest I've been able to finish a page so far has been about three days. One day for character inking, coloring and speech bubbles. One Day for background inking and coloring. One day for shading and finishing touches. I could probably do more but lately with my schedule I haven't been able to fit in longer sessions.

I work with a team, but I'd say for a page start to finish it's about 10-12 hours. The writer and I spend quite a bit of time thumbnailing first (and however long it takes her to write the story), which I think speeds up the process. However, its a couple of hours for sketching pages then inking them, a few hours for my partner to color flats, then I spend a few hours painting backgrounds and adding shading. She spends some time on text bubbles and formatting..

Really it just takes forever, but at least its not all those hours for just one person!

Depends on the page... Usually 2-3 hours

I draw a simpler black and white strip, so dependent on background quality, it usually gives or takes about 3-4 hours. Sometimes less, depending on how distracted I am.

Days. I work a FT job- a lot of times it extends into evening hours, so I work on my page as much as I can. I usually get in most of the work over the weekend.

I would say 6-8 hours for me but generally that means around a week to finish because...student life.

It really depends on the page, but I'd say it averages between 7-12 hours. It's hard for me to say though, since I tend to work on two pages at once, and bounce between them as I do the work.So that's...more like how long it takes to work on two at the same time??

One to two days of writing, depending.
On a good day, a few hours. Or minutes, really.
If there's too many requirements, I can be set back by about a week.

Student life.

Pages for Project SHaDe vary, and I'm experimenting with workflows at the moment, but they usually take about 1.5 for each page. I'm trying to achieve maximum speed while also maintaining good quality, as I've got a lot to get through.

Depends on the size of the pages and how much detail goes into it.
For me a 40 mins to a few hours

Depends if it has a lot of backgrounds or not.
For no BGs, it's usually 2-3 hours (for the sketch, lineart, color, text, formatting, etc) and an additional 2-3 hrs if it has a lot of BGs
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