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Oct 2024

ALPHA SQUAD is a comic that I hand drew in 2019 - 2020. My drawing skills were not that great and my story telling ability still needed work but I loved the storyline. It made me step out of my comfort zone and wreck my brain doing research about radioactive and science and I loved every second of it. That is why I am happy and proud to share my work to the world

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 22


  • 401


  • 1


  • 26


  • 22


I've had the characters and their stories in my head for forever, but I've never put them on paper until July of this year. But I love them so much and I wanted to share my imagination with the world.

I believe Recollections of the Prince “started” in my freshman year of high school… but it’s hard to say- that was part of my homeschool years and they all blur together. That was when I created the characters anyway, when the actual story started forming was around 2 years later in my algebra 2 class. (When I came up with Mev)
So I guess it’s been somewhere around 2-4 years?

The idea for Trespasser first sprouted in 2015, shortly after finishing my 2nd animated short.

At the time it was being developped to become my Bachelor's animated short, which was finished in 2016.

I started slowly expanding the world the year after that, until in 2019 I decided to fully develop the story into its modern comic form.

Well, my last two stories were for contests, so like a week before I started posting, lol.

For Dreamseer, I have pretty much the whole story planned out (in my head, I'm bad about keeping notes) so I just need to figure out the little details. I've been working on it since the middle of November of last year and have about eighty-something chapters done.

Antemortem is my latest contest entry and I also came up with the concept about a week or two before I started posting. I have a decent bit of it planned out, but it's mostly the end and larger concepts/themes/events. I still have to work out the smaller details and flesh out the story arcs.

I also have a three part fantasy series I've been working on off-line for a couple of years now. It started out as a completely different story back in like 2017 and then I changed a lot of it up and started writing it early last year. Then I got derailed by contests so I only ever finished the first book and did a bit of the second. :sweat_02:

Hi! Thanks for this thread! I’d say it took me about two seconds to come up with the concept and an additional three seconds to draw it all.

“A farm that is funny….. what could possibly go wrong!?”

My thoughts as I hit the publish button on tapas.

Thank you :v:️

BTW, for the record, it actually took me way longer than the timespan outlined above. :joy::joy::joy:

For AngHell Dela Blackpill...

It all started around July of 2023... something terrible happened irl that shook me to my core. Not getting into it. And of course, it got me into reading philosophy and spirituality again because I'm the type of guy who needs an explanation for everything. Went through about 20 different books between july to October :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

Then I started writing down scripts in August to October... constantly going over them obsessively and I always had to change something everytime I go over the script. What I wrote just a couple days ago is NEVER good enough. So I had to stop scripting it then just draw the damn thing...

Then the uploads started coming in December 2023. Still remember the McDonald's I was sitting at as I was working on it. :laughing:

Had to use it as inspiration... (I changed the furniture, uniform a little and didn't use the logo for copyright reasons :joy: )

Honestly, Santa Fae has been on my mind for over a decade. I think it’s the longest idea I’ve had in my brain. It has evolved a lot since I was on my early twenties, but it was at its core, always about a Necromancer dealing with grief, and working it out with the person they lost. And that remained in every version of the story till this final one I am now writing. :skull:

I think about four years ago, I had published a comic with most of the characters from my current series on Webtoon, it was 8 chapters that didn't make much sense but it was definitely the basis of my current project

My protagonist & basic idea of the story born around 2015. The core of the story was mindmapped & drafted during 2016~2019. Began a test comic on 2019, and 1st episode was released on 2020 (comic debut). The details & intricates of the story... still thinking/plotting about to this day.

:stars: Greetings!

2012 - Pitch for two separate stories
2015 - Idea to merge both stories, characters and plotlines
2017 - Interactions, conflicts and worldbuilding
2018 - Rough drafts for chapters 1 - 22
2019 - Reviews by professors and close friends.
2020 - First posting on Wattpad
2021 - Rough drafts for chapters 23 - 48
2023 - Rough drafts for chapters 49 - 80+
Q1 2024 - Final Drafts for War of Neytives
Q2 2024 - First posting on Tapas!

Total: 12 Years!

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I also take inspiration from real life situations as well. But part of the beauty of a story is how well it tells you about the writer

My story is with me.. my whole life, since I knew that faeries exist in myths. But first drafts were done in 2017.
I wanted to tell it, always, but was too poor writer - and I am glad I didn't then, it would be much less impacting tale.

Mmm, all my current stories I thought of just a little bit before I wrote them because I started them for competitions and such. Since I've been working on "Damsel in the Red Dress" for about a year, I've been thinking about it that long lol. I concepted "Crystal Blue" for about two weeks before I started writing it.

So yeah with the exception of my comic "Sketchy Business" which was just for fun, I think all of them are pretty new ideas. I think that i've thought of doing a practice comic several times before over the years, but "Sketchy Business" was the first time I actually put digital pen to tablet.

The overall concept came from a moment of silly stupidity, and I had thought about making it a comedy. But then I spent about 6 months writing out plot points, and eventually an overarching plot began to emerge into something more in-depth and serious.

Since publishing, more has been added to the story, a lot more, to the point of changing the theming. But all I care about is how it ends...

Literal minutes. It's a story I'm writing with a co-author for the AF tourney and we didn't know we would be co-writing until the day of. They pitched me ideas, I said yes to one, and then we started writing :joy:
And I think we've done pretty darn good so far!

Check out Knightfall on Tapas https://tapas.io/series/Knightfall1