7 / 16
Oct 2018

I'm doing 3 pages Friday and 3 pages Saturday (in total 6 pages per week)

Do you think its enough? Or do you think you it needs more to grow a comic viewership?

(Btw check it out if you want it u.u )

  • created

    Oct '18
  • last reply

    May '20
  • 15


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  • 10


  • 19


  • 2


hmm seems good. i think six pages a weak is good. you disperse it well too. 3 for each day you upload. so the viewers can nom nom nom on your work for a little longer.

in my comic ive just been posting a lot more often

Personally, I don't like the idea of pumping out that much content in such a short period with no compensation. However, if you're dedicated and can do the work without getting burned out, I say go for it.

Here's an alternative way to look at it: Maybe publish as many or as little pages you need per week to reach a satisfactory story beat for that update? Like make sure something moves forward in the narrative even a tiny bit. Cause that's probably the main reason why I can't read most webcomics weekly. They just have a set number of pages they release a week or every other week and it takes forever for anything satisfactory to happen.

If you can just plan things out by small story beats rather than pages that might be better for your readers? That might mean that you publish 4 pages one week and 7 another week, but each week some kind of satisfying story beat is taking place and things keep moving forward. But that's just an alternative way of looking at it.

Yeah!! Someone finally put it in words. This is exactly how I feel.

I'm an unpublished creator making buffer now, and the way it's going, my story beats will vary in number of pages. One update will probably be two pages, but another might need 3.

Try to see if you've gotta based your updates on that pattern. It probably won't be as easy to judge how long your buffer will last, which is why I'm make 3-4 chapters of buffer in advance.

Just work at a pace that is sustainable! If you can pump out 6 pages without burning out, do you. Though consider keeping a buffer so if you're sick, busy, or need a break, you're covered. :smile:

I mean, I do one page a week, as do many others, and we do fine. Don't feel obligated to do as much as humanly possible. One page a week is what I can sustain, so that's why it's how I do things. So whether it's 2, 4, 6, 20, just make sure you're comfortable. Content and consistency breed growth.

@BlackRose108 is right about it.
Many webcomics are lacking episode format. You may divide your readers into two categories - subscribers and new readers. First group is, as we assume, waiting constantly for new episodes and they read it by little chunks with each update. New readers are starting from beginning and usually they read multiple episodes (or whole comic) at once and for them the way you format story is crucial. Making too many small single-page episodes is not only a opposite of nice infinite scroll format but also chops off adventages of episodical storytelling.

Hi! I usually post about two pages every day actually xD i have some free time we could say...
For a weekly update i saw many comics posting chapters around 6/7 pages ^^
Maybe you could try that! Best of luck!

Honestly as much as you can do to be completely honest I've posted the first time in over a year and still got new subscribers so I'm pretty sure you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

1 year later

That's exactly what I was planning for my comics, so I really do appreciate the clarity. I'm basically the new kid on the block, but hopefully, you'll be seeing a lot more of me in the coming weeks.

Until then, thanks a million Jenny-Toon, you can consider me your new subscriber