24 / 35
May 2021

Webtoons is weird about this stuff, but a clothed butt should be okay. Maybe be wary if the cloth is so tight as to be painted on.

For my part I had a page pulled for implied sex. As in absolutely nothing happening on camera, but the implication of some kind of sexual activity was there. I thought that was way to strict, but I did eventually modify enough to get the page put back up.

Marking series as mature doesn't really help, you still need to cover all the butts, cut panels in half and zoom in so much that you can barely make out what's going on (ok, let's check if my last sex scene hasn't been removed... ok, no pages missing)
As for other not as opposed to nudity platforms - globalcomix has similair stance as tapas (website, not app) and you can go fully uncensored on flowfo, just mark your comic as nsfw

Oh, I wasn't trying to claim that marking mature meant you had to censor less, sorry if my comment came off that way. Trust me, I def know how Webtoons fucking sucks about this, haha.

Wow, that’s a bummer. I was hoping to post some horror comics there, but if they’re strict/only loosely enforce their censorship on gore too, that sounds like it’s too risky :frowning:

they will delete the chapter if creators don't follow the community guidelines, like youtube~ Well because you get paid from ads like google and other 3rd party~ also I sometimes don't understand the guideline as well, there are popular who don't follow the rules and yet the episode was still there~ mine was deleted because of the just a blood~ If you're curious what's the blood panel, here it is~

and i find it ridiculous because there's some other series (most are popular series) that is very gore than mine~ like stabbing knife in the eye, cut off finger, and etc~

yup~ they delete episode that is 3 years ago~ like mine, because I post a real image of my printer scanner just to say thank you to my fans who pledge me from patreon~

I read guidelines, I know what it say, that is WHY it was so strange to me, specialy as u said, there are more popular comics with worse content than mine comic had. Well, happens.

I should say it's not Webtoon's fault, they're having to do their best to comply with the several (mostly) American laws that make them responsible for the type of content you output if they don't take it down. And yeah they let featured creators get away with it, because they have control over them. They can stop a featured creator to not post something line crossing, they can't stop us, so all they can do is hit with stick when they feel it's necessary.

This is another argument why you should never center your content anywhere and have multiple avenues for readers to engage with your work. Platforms are a means to an end and they have to cover their backs and we're not their friends. While there's nothing wrong with wanting them to act fairly, when they act like this we should just take note of their actions and continue to use them to pump traffic our way.

Why I don't understand is... why doesn't this happen to Tapas too? Tapas has to comply to the same laws as them, they also depend on ads, they are also on the Apple Store. All the excuses I see are also valid for Tapas, yet the censorship on WT is WAY worse. Just why?

Maybe because LINE Webtoons standards are in sync with Naver Webtoons'. I recall Naver's target demographic is maybe 13 and above. Tapas' target audience is older teens and young adults.

Possible, but that's a terrible reason.
There is a lot content considerably more harmful for 13 years olds than simple nudity on webtoons, including in featured stories. I even find it scandalous to pretend it is super safe because no sex or even nudity is present. If parents or teens think there is nothing worse than something as natural and innocent as non sexual nudity on the website, they are being completely tricked.

If that's the case, shouldn't younger teens be explicitly forbidden on Tapas? Afaik, both sites state they're for 13+ in their terms of service, so the content on Tapas is already okay enough for young teens.

There is an extreme confusion over what is the public for tapas.
When mature filters were discussed, it was told Tapas is +17 but it makes no sense.

I asked questions here but apparently I got no answers (I kind of forgot that thread :laughing: I just realised now).
It's possible the lack of info is Tapas' way to avoid having to censor MORE, so I'm not inclined to push too much; however it is a big worry with the new situation with Kakao.

So, if I understand well, one has to be 13 to have an account on the website, but is not supposed to read the mature series/ pages before they are older (17?).

yeah... but then we have the "mature" series on WT too, which separates content for the older audience, but these series are also censored on the pretext of protecting their younger users, which makes no damn sense.

Yep, nothing make sense.
My opinion is that it is just all excuses. As all excuses, it does not survive a bit of scrutiny and common sense.
Problem is that companies, especially the smaller ones, are not in control anymore of their own content as soon as they want to make a reasonnable amount of money.

The level of strictness might be different but someone is taking a higher risk. Not out of love but probably because it's proved profitable enough. Or they believe it's an important standout feature

Funnily enough, I just had an episode removed this morning after it was up for almost a week and a half. Gotta love it!


You'll have to ask directly a staff member to make sure your content is not breaking any guidelines. Or if you have to put a mature filter.

In most cases on Webtoon Canvas, you cannot post anything that its too graphic nor suggestive.
I believe this mini page strip made by ArtOfAmontillado5 on Spiga-Rose7's case (You can see all their experience) with the staff editor, Reno; would gives you an idea about how they are.

I must have to mention, most of the time you'll receive automated answers, not real people specifically checking your work. As far as I know, we Canvas creators are not allowed to show nudity, nor use mosaic censorship, nor black boxes (We have to make ""natural"" censoring), as well pantyshots, female cleavage, nipples, too thight clothes are mostly not permitted.

The Originals may have a bit more of freedom, but its absolutely out of question to try to mimick what they do despite an editor already worked and approved their content. Webtoon has double standards regarding guidelines as well...

There are cases that they will reject your Ad Revenue for mature content, whilte they claiming the do check the chapters during the revision period, but, when it comes to tracing and plagiarism they are blind.

WOW, this comic hits the nail right on the head, thanks for pointing out this account to me! Glad I'm not the only one super frustrated by Webtoon's double standards.

Yup, we're several who are tired with Webtoon's guidelines.
Not so long ago, there was a protest about rating Canvas Corner 1 star to show how the Rating System is being weaponized by trolls, haters and mostly egoist readers, and that we can do the same to Webtoon stuff, yet you'll need more than 10 people again to raise what one single person can downvote with a 1 star.

After all, the rating is not about our perfomance in the entire platform, about our talent or story. A few ones actually give a proper rating, the rest.... well, we already know