9 / 9
Jan 4

ok so for context, I deleted my comic for personal reasons and I'm going to reupload it, but I decided to also post this as the intro for the comic, but as the artist's perspective in a way.
is this a good idea? please read it before saying yes or no, and if you see any problem. this is in the scroll format, the same way it will be seen by the reader.

edit: the last page will be conected to the first of the comic:

2nd edit: I made a decision and I'll leave it at the end of the first episode. thanks everyone for the feedback, I agree that it might be too much information for a new read to start, and having it at the bottom for whoever is interested in sounds like a way better idea.

  • created

    Jan 4
  • last reply

    Jan 4
  • 8


  • 198


  • 1


  • 12


As a reader, none of that is needed. Take this as a person that doesn't know you ,and has no attachment to you other than as another human being. Why you stopped your other comics and deleted it means nothing to me. Your art style will speak for itself if it's better now. Your summary should be in the description of the comic on your comic's main page. People will read it then before they read the comic, so no need to repeat it here. Even your release schedule doesn't have to be there, just at the end of each arc/episode put the release date of the next episode. I would just go straight into the comics and let people enjoy it. The entertainment of reading it will be enough.

I think having a big wall of text at the beginning of your comic might actually turn readers away. I don’t think including this is a bad idea but maybe if it was featured at the end of the first chapter instead of the beginning it wouldn’t create a barrier for people who want to start the comic but are intimidated by all the text.

I understand your point, and agree on the fact that people won't care as much about my life, on the other hand, I do think they will apreciate the explanation of the schedule and what they should expect when it comes to the story and art.

Hm, I would put that in like a bonus panel or something or at the end of the first page at best... For me personally it would be too much text and this puts me usually off. I like the page, when he crashes through the window. It is something exciting! something to let the reader wonder, what happens next.

So in short: No, I wouldn't use this sort of intro.

that's a good point! maybe I should try to leave it at the end of the series, as in, "don't worry if you reached the end, tomorrow there will be more!"

oh, that's also a good idea! putting it at the end of the first episode might reassure new readers that this is a long project, specially if they read the whole first episode and want more of it, convincing them of subscribing.

edit: besides it'll be easier than trying to figure out how to keep the episode at the end of the series. I'm not sure that's an option, at least not one I have figured out.

It definitely shouldn't go before your comic. It looks like the sort of thing you'd put on your Patreon or maybe after your first chapter is complete.

I'm sure you have grown as a person and an artist, but instead of telling me about it, just show the better version that you're making!