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Sep 2024

Hi everybody.

I have put together a Kickstart for a project I am a part of. And in short I would like some feedback on it and to make sure everything looks okay.


In long.

I would like to express that I am familiar with marketing creative works, SEO marketing, graphic design, and to a lesser extent crowdfunding. However, this is the first Kickstarter specific campaign I have run. I did do about twenty some hours of studying –– and additionally read over and analyzed a couple dozen comic Kickstarter pages of various types, although I do know that there are always cultural and specified information that is harder to just pick up on through study. And not through hands-on experience.

So I humbly ask if I could receive feedback by people familiar with Kickstarter specifically who can give more tailored comments on Kickstarter specific concepts.

But any and all feedback is appreciated. Obviously, we are a bit deep into the campaign to make sweeping broad changes, but if something logically makes sense to update I’ll try to get it done before we launch.

[The page may be missing a couple details. I am waiting on a couple more pieces of art (primarily the updated and higher quality Renna sheets). There will be a concise trailer as well professionally made, but it is held up on the last couple art pieces for now].

[And yes the Kickstarter is a non-standard style for the comics category. I don’t have a lot of data on this type of campaign. Most I saw got funded, with some getting well-funded. But I primarily want to test out this type of campaign for a few reasons. So, yes I am aware that it is a different style than normal and am actively working to try to get this type of strategy to work.]

(Also if it isn't too much to ask, if anyone has insights on communities that would be great to share this in please let me know. Whether it be for indie comics or more specific to the story).

Thanks again for reading –– and thanks in advance if you decide to look at the page and leave feedback for me on it.

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

This reply is very well written and has some good insight.
And I do quite like having a more call to action style description worked in towards the start.
I will note we have a breakdown of the finances and stretch goals included.