Okay bestie, let’s talk about your Kickstarter page ‘cause I’m obsessed but also… we can make it POP even more, y'know?
So first off, I love what you're doing with "Renna and Lily." Like, GL/Yuri vibes + dark fantasy?? Yes, PLEASE. But babe, we need to bring the DRAMA right out of the gate. The title’s cute, but let's give it some spice . Maybe hit them with something like, “Renna and Lily: A Love Torn Between Magic and Darkness” or “Two Girls, One Dark Fate.” Get that emotional hook, and people are gonna be, like, ALL IN.
The art? GORGEOUS. Like, seriously, these designs are giving MAJOR gothic fantasy energy, and the detail in Renna and Lily’s characters? Stunning. The stark contrasts and striking imagery are a HUGE selling point. I’m literally living for it. It is absolutely pulling people in (because, hello?! It’s eye candy).
Now, let’s chat about that page layout. It’s like, cute and organized, but you gotta hit people with the good stuff up top. Right now, it feels like there’s a LOT to get through before you hit the “meat” of why people should back this project. The text sections are really spread out and require A LOT of scrolling to get to important information. Streamline the page layout so it’s easier to digest. Move the story blurb and character breakdowns up, and sprinkle more of those stunning visuals between key sections so people get the feels AND the context right away ‘cause I am DYING to know more about Renna and Lily’s drama. Who are they? What’s their deal? Like, why do we ship them? Gimme the drama, gimme the tension, gimme the "oh no, but also YES" vibes. But do it before I lose interest and click away.
$200 goal tho? Babe, that’s like a Starbucks habit for a month, but it’s chill. Just make sure to explain WHY that’s your goal. Let people know where their $$ is going and how it’s gonna bring this gorgeous story to life. Maybe tease some stretch goals for extra magic—who doesn’t love more sparkle?
Last but not least, I’d recommend adding a bold statement like, “Join Renna and Lily on their epic, cursed journey to reclaim their humanity—be part of this breathtaking dark fantasy!” Put it high up on the page to immediately get people hyped and remind them that their support will help bring this world to life.
Anyway, y’all are KILLING it. Can’t wait to see this blow up. You got this.