5 / 5
Mar 2021

Thought other iPad users that aren't satisfied with their hotkey options might enjoy knowing that this exists. Chapstick for scale.

Other keypads didn't have the $%^*#$ cmd/spacebar that Clip Studio won't let you re-map so my husband went on an online quest and found this for me.

I've just got my most-used Clip Studio hotkeys on there now, but it also supports scripting and you can add profiles for other programs. I am SOOOOO excited as the bluetooth keyboard was taking up way too much space on my desk and this will be perfect when I want to do some work in coffee shops in the future.

I haven't done it yet but you can also change the color of the lights to anything :hype_01:.

It's called a Duckypad.

  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Mar '21
  • 4


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That looks so cool! I'm kinda tempted by the Procreate-specific mini-keyboards, since that's my main app; though if I were a Clip Studio user I'd be giving this some serious consideration, too.

That's so neat! I didn't know there were specific keyboards for Procreate :shook_01: but it makes sense given it's such a popular/nice program. I'm psyched that this works for anything since you just assign whichever keys/key combinations you want to the key on the keypad and being a big ole nerd I'm trying to think if there's any way to automate my export process as well :thinking:.

Is that the 12.9 inch ipad pro? I'm thinking about getting a bigger iPad.