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May 2020

Hi, I'm Daniel, i started this comic a couple of weeks ago and when i started i was excited, i had tons of ideas, i was enjoying it and i'm proud of what i did so far but its getting harder and harder to keep doing it.

i'm feeling like i can't come up with anything good, it was supossed to be fun, but all i feel is stress, i'm starting to get tired, and i barrely started.
I want to finish it but is hard to stay motivated, i keep feeling i'm not good enough, that i don't belong here,That i'm horrible , i'm feeling bad about myself and i want to get better, i want to have fun making comics, but i don't know how to do it.
someone please help me.

edit: i want to say that you all are helping me a lot, and i'm very thankfull for that.

  • created

    May '20
  • last reply

    May '20
  • 13


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Don't compare your comic to the others. There are many amazingly good artists and storytellers on this site, and you can't expect to catch up to their level in a week. Learn from them, but don't treat it as a contest. Do your comic for your own enjoyment, and it's a bonus if anyone else likes it. If it's not fun anymore, take a break, slow down, or work on a different story.

If you had tons of ideas a couple of weeks ago and you don't now, start writing down your ideas before you forget them. Notepad is good enough for this.

What is your comic about?

I know how that feels. Sometimes I get real inspired and for like a week I want nothing more than to create as much as possible of my latest obsession. A fanfiction idea, candle making, weaving, or any other odd thing that caught my fancy. Its like a...mania in a way and you're never lower then when it leaves you and you have nothing to show for it.
I'm not an artist but I've found that doing a little work each day helps me keep on track with my novel. Also, unfortunately, I had to commit to one idea when I wanted to complete my whole multiverse in one sitting. I found if I had a designated a time for creating then that helps with motivation but what really helped was to have my friends and family invested in my story. I've actually stuck with something for longer than two weeks.
I wish I had a sure fire method to hack the creative mind but just know your not alone. I'd love to here about your ideas. Which one excites you the most?

You are self-deprecating yourself and have lack of enthusiasm, which hinder's your motivation and you from chasing your dream. You shouldn't do that. Every newbies need to start somewhere and it's okay if your comic is bad. Because you are LEARNING something from your experience. Be it, story-making, drawing, illustration, etc. it's alright if you suck because you are starting something new. Newbies always suck when they start something, but they continue to improve.

If you draw and do comic as well as doing story making everyday, you will improve. If you look at the other artist in Youtube where they show their old drawing, then you know that "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT."
My only recommendation for you is you look into Youtube and learn on how to draw, also get a sketchbook for your everyday life of drawing. Don't be discourage if you suck, be aggressive to do it to improve and to chase your dream.

P.S- I want to finish it but is hard to stay motivated, i keep feeling i'm not good enough, that i don't belong here,That i'm horrible , i'm feeling bad about myself and i want to get better, i want to have fun making comics, but i don't know how to do it.

That's totally me few years ago, but I DON'T GIVE UP AND KEEP TRYING. If you don't try, you will never bring out your dream to reality.

Deep breaths! It's okay! It's hard doing something new, and comics can be a huge under taking.

So, there's no one right way to do things, but just a suggestion, you might want to try to stop and create an outline. You can get your most important ideas laid out, and still leave room for improvisation, but that way you have a direction and aren't stressing constantly about coming up with the next idea every week.

I don't know how you're doing things, but I also suggest building a buffer, and coming up with a schedule for releasing pages that gives you down time.

Hopefully if you lessen your stress and pressure, you will recover your motivation.

*Also helpful to start with a shorter story so it's not such a slog to finish.

This one recalls seeing something like that on the forums. Do you have a link? What is your plan for this project?

I have an out line, the problem is that when i sit to draw the things i wrote i start to think is not good enough so i start to change on the go, and sometimes i have to trew out work that i spend time on so that the chages can make sense. i'm thinking about take a break after episode 10 to make a better outiline plan things better, and make a buffer.

my plan is use this comic as pratice so i can become better at making comics, tell a story with beggining middle and end, and have fun whyle doing it.
and i just realized that remembering why i'm doing this makes me more motivated, you helped me a lot thank you.

Just do a little bit every day. It doesn't matter how much. Personally, I'm a writer and I write in a paper notebook every night before bed. Sometimes, I'm really tired and only get one sentence down, but Sometimes I get a burst of inspiration and go on for pages. Just start. Just do a little every day, and the rest will come in time.

:smile: I made comics for practice too! Though I never ended up finishing them. It's really fun to test stuff~ I'm glad it sounds like you found your way again, so I hope you'll have fun again with your comic :slight_smile: Keep up the great work!

@SleepingPoppy hit the nail on the head with what I was going to ask about (planning/writing ahead), but after reading the above I have a suggestion that might help you in the short term:

When you're just starting out like this, don't worry too much about the quality of what you're making but just push forward and make it :smiley: Instead of second guessing yourself and deviating from your outline every time you sit down to draw, try to just follow what you already have written out for now. I know it's hard to spend time on something that you're not 100% confident in, but it sounds like you're possibly creating more problems by improvising as you go.

I can totally relate- as a comic author I definitely feel as though the writing half of the equation is my weaker aspect compared to my drawings, and while working on my first Tapas comic which took about a year to complete (70 pages) I definitely started noticing some of the weaknesses in the writing as I got deeper and deeper into the project. However a lot of the advice and tips I read encouraged me to just continue following my script and get the project finished rather than worrying about knocking it out of the park on the first try because you can learn so so much by simply finishing a project even if the quality is meh. Like by finishing something you're setting yourself up for the next project to be so much better you have no idea. Not only can you then reflect and analyze your own work to see what parts aren't working throughout, but it's also easier to get meaningful feedback from others on a complete project in some ways than one that's in its early stages.

This is also why while it's not mandatory by any means, starting with something short is kind of a life hack to accelerate the process lol. My 70 page comic was honestly a bit long for a first project (although I had tons of smaller unfinished projects beforehand) but even so I was able to complete it in just over a year and have spent a lot of time reviewing it and figuring out what to do better next time... instead of only being 1 year through a 5 year project or something where the end is nowhere in sight xD

Lastly... don't be afraid to pump the brakes a little bit and put some more time and care into the writing if you feel like it's holding you back :smiley: That's also what I'm doing with my upcoming comic- I spent way too little time editing and thinking through the plot of the first one... so I want to take some extra time to develop the story this time around even if it means that it'll take longer to get to the drawing part. I'm willing to invest the extra time on the back end to make an even better product next time~

My story of 17 years.

Here's the problem I've found.
Making comics is work.
You are putting a lot of work out for free.

You need to become organised and disciplined before the fun kicks in.

Write your scripts, do your sketches and make sure you have everything planned out before you commit to it.
That's how I've survived for 17 years doing this.