26 / 27
Mar 2

Here we go! I decided to make her a Rock/Psychic type and make her fakemon a little goat/ram, because those are often also stubborn. Hope you like it!

Alrighty! Time for me to entertain someone else. You can give me anything you want me to do.:smug_01:

I'll go with Cassiopeia (or Cassie for short) this time.:smile_01:
She does what she likes without thinking about the moral consequences and lives her life how she pleases. Some may say that she's straight up evil and they're right. Given that she's an esper a dark/psychic would fit her well, but it's up to you if you have a better typing idea.^^

I’ll try too ^^

I think you already know Tortura. She’s a classy lady who also happens to be a member of a violent dissident group. She has a mental ability that allows her to inflict pain on living beings in her immediate surroundings, and she enjoys using this power a lot. She usually wears a set of wooden earrings+hairsticks and her favorite color is purple.


How would you like me to entertain you? :smile:

This sounds fun! Here are three of my ocs in my comic, you can pick which ever one will work best as a pokemon lol xD

Oop I admit I forgot about this thread. Might come back to it later

Apologies for the wait, now as for your herculean task, you must name your favorite Pokémon for each of the 18 types :imp:

One of the reasons I don't do free art stuff on the forum anymore is cause I'm genuinely worried I will forget about it for weeks after my first post :joy:

I think it would be fun to see Jack as an electric type fakemon :smiley:

I originally wanted to characterize Jack as a comically stoic child, but as his story progressed, he became a bit more eccentric.
His favorite animals are cows.

I Love dog type like Entai Forever PAPA for the guy and the girl make her in the family of the Zoroark (Mama) if that is not to much to ask!

(Ahh, no sweat. Life is like that. I took my sweet time too, otherwise, I would've been already done.:information_desk_person:)

Oh no~. What am I gonna do-do with a task like this? Ahhhh sigh. I guess I have to list my TOP 3 favorite Pokemon since I’m here to entertain you after all. :smirk: (Actually I was going to have 2 but then decided to make 5 but that would be too long, so three it is. Not an easy task given that there are over 1000 of them.) I just tell what I like about them since it's mostly boiled down to design mostly and not competitive wise. Also, I’ll keep it short since when it’s a topic I like, I tend to go into a semi-hyperfocus state. But give an honorable mention while I’m at it. And definitely have to do multiple posts since it's HUGE.


Scizor: Cool evolution, cool design, double the weakness to fire. :,)
Pheromosa: I just love her design man. Also fast as fuck boii.
Heracross: Bug and Fighting is an interesting combination and he looks so adorable.^^
Honorable mention:
Yanmega: He looks so cool but his moveset is so bad.


Zapdos: I really like him. There is a neat little story behind him as well. When my dad bought me my first booster pack, I thought it was some snack I used to love in it, I opened it and his card was among them. But I don’t have the card anymore for reasons I don’t want to talk about.:expressionless:
Electivire: At first I didn’t like his design but over the years it grew on me.^^
Toxtricity: He looks so cool but getting this evolution sucked balls to achieve since you have to look at its nature which I don’t do.
Honorable Mention:
Ampharos: Whenever I get the chance, it’s a must-have for me


Typhlosion: Not even the allegations can stop my fave. Best Johto starter since day one!:speaking_head: :speaking_head: :fire::fire:
Infernape: Your only option of a fire type besides Rapidash In Diamond and Pearl. Monke goes RAAH!
Charizard: Nothing beats the OG for me.
Honorable Mention:
Blaziken, Armarouge, and Ceruledge: I just have a HUGE Hoenn bias, nothing more. Also, I really like the designs of the latter ones, so it was a hard pick.


Sceptile: The Hoenn-Bias speaks again. : ) Also he’s cool af.
Exeggutor: I don’t know what it is. Is it the dragon type or because he looks derpy?
Lilligant: I just have a soft spot for cute stuff. (Didn’t play Legends Arceus otherwise that form would be there.
Honorable Mention:
Cradily and Victreebel: It’s just the designs I really like.


Exploud: Look at his mouth! He’s so cool!!
Ursaring: It’s just a big bear. Loving it.
Snorlax: It was either him or Tauros, but big HP beat Bull.
Honorable Mention:
Porygon-Z and Lickilicky: If Gen 4 did something right it was with these evolutions (for me).


Aggron: He’s a fucking dinosaur. Nuff said.^^
Tyrantrum: We’re not beating the Dino allegations here. It’s a friggin T-rex!
Tyranitar: GOJIRAA!!
Golem and Armaldo: I still love Golem's design and another Dino RAAHHH!!


Krookodile: He’s a crocodile and has shades. Peak.
Obstagoon: He looks like a punk or a dedicated KISS fan.
Sharpedo: Is a shark and can hurt you with physical touch. Perfect.
Honorable Mention:
Absol: I kinda dig its design.


Tinkaton: It’s cute and has a big ass hammer.
Gardevoir: Hoenn Bias again. But still a must-have for my team.
Weezing: It’s Doug Dimmadome owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome. Also, his ability is perfect for certain Pokemon in double teams.
Honorable Mention:
Mawile, Mimikyu, and Grimmsnarl: I love the mischievous-looking type.


Crobat: Easy to get and super fun to have on the team.
Altaria: The dragon-typing caught me by surprise. Looks so fluffy.
Xatu: The Johto agenda starts rolling with this one. I love his design (but his moves tho.)
Honorable Mention:
Pidgeot: The OG is always good to have on the team.


Flygon: I love its design and I always try to get one in my team.
Garchomp: The second Dragon/Ground Pokemon I always have on my team.
Gliscor: His pre-evolution is adorable and this evolution makes him much cooler.
Honorable Mention:
Groudon: Cool legendary and that Drought/Solarbeam combination is so vicious.


Nidoking: He’s the King baby. :speaking_head::fire:
Toxicroak: Plain and simple cool looking.
Seviper: Him and Arbok are my favorite Poison Snakes.
Honorable Mention:
Dragalge: First Poison/Dragon that can also learn Water Moves.


Metagross: Hoenn back at it again. And pretty cool too.
Empoleon: My choice playing Pearl for the first time.
Excadrill: It was pretty useful to me and cool looking as well.^^
Honorable Mention:
Steelix and Melmetal: I always think Steelix is cool and Melmetal’s design is pretty badass.


Rayquaza: Come on. It’s Rayquaza for crying out loud.
Druddigon: It looks so powerful.
Salamence: We’re not beating the Hoenn Bias here. :speaking_head::fire:
Honorable Mention:
Dragonite and Kingdra: Okay, picking a dragon type is really hard cause all of them are good.


Kommo-o: It’s just cool. That’s it.
Annihilape: Big scary monkee.
Hitmonlee: I always have a soft spot for him.
Honorable Mention:
Lucario: The Steel/Fighting type choice is interesting and Aura Sphere goes BRRRR.


Dusknoir: Pretty intimidating looking.
Gengar: I love the whole Gengar evolution line.^^
Banette: You can’t hate the creepy-looking doll.
Honorable Mention:
Dragapult: He shoots Dreepy like torpedoes.


Baxcalibur: He looks more like Godzilla than Tyranitar.
Mamoswine: Big Mammoth.
Glalie: The flying head thing is a cool design choice.
Honorable Mention:
Lapras and Walrein: The Water/Ice combination is always welcomed.


Deoxys: Is an alien and has four forms. Peak.
Claydol: It has an interesting design and love it.
Alakazam: It’s the OG of psychics. He’s got spoons as well. Can eat cereal and soup at the same time.
Honorable Mention:
Hatterene: Being cute got the W for itself.


Swampert: First and favorite Hoenn starter for me.
Blastoise: The OG takes this W for Kanto. Also, his Gigantamax is pretty badass.
Milotic: It’s just so majestic and I thought it was dragon for a long time.
Honorable Mention:
Feraligatr and Wailmer: Johto take this W for looking cool. And Hoenn one more since it’s so spherical. SPHERICAL!

That’s all I got. There were more I like, but like I said, it’s not that easy. And I tried to avoid most Legendaries since that would’ve been unfair and too basic. I hope I did entertain you like this my friend and fill your needs. :smirk:

Whoa you went above and beyond with this one, I will say this is indeed very entertaining! Also bonus points for Flygon, Aggron and Claydol

Alrigthty I'll whip up a fakemon design for Cassie then

Take your time cooking, dude.^^
Excited to see what tasks you have in store for the others to do. 🤭


I decided to try my hand at making an evolution of this little Cathrine goat, based on her adult design.
Here's the result. While some pokémon evolve into wildly different shapes and sizes, I wanted this one to be a more straight forward design.

28 days later