24 / 25
Mar 15

This represents another way to get stuck in your "hell".

"This world is a stage" William Shakespeare

It's something I once saw in my dreams....(Not exactly the same what I saw. what was different is a I saw a blue clear sky with red ocean of nothingness.) And I tried to draw it......Will incorporate In my story - VOLKERMORD https://tapas.io/series/Volkermord/info1

14 days later
11 days later

Here is a preview for my next chapter:

This one is to illustrate Corrine’s perspective on marriage.

Life things got weird so it’s time to make symbolic art again…

Frozen with fear of everyone hating each other. Literally how instagram comment sections make me feel.
And then unfreezing

It may look like a children’s book illustration until you look closely at the boy on the left and realize that the shadow around his head is actually not a shadow…

is this the outline of a mountain under them?

yeah, comment sections are crazy

No, just a puddle of melted snow. I only now realized that Elsa’s sweater looks kind of transparent due to the lighting. It looks so cool and it wasn’t even intentional. Love it when this kind of stuff happens.

The desperate need for housing in Halifax.

While that’s definitely an important thing, it isn’t this thing. Think more along the lines of mental health, depression, alcoholism…

16 days later
23 days later

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

11 days later

Experimenting with a new style. Didn’t like the way it turned out that much, but I still like the symbolism. This is supposed to be about othering & how you, if you’re a minority, will always be considered “something exotic to look at” rather than a human being, even if you’re doing something as basic as eating a sandwich.

so why are the things in the room glowing? how does that tie in I mean?