There's this Family Guy episode (STAY WITH ME HERE) where Brian runs over a dog and tries to turn himself in because to him, it's murder. He's disgusted to find out that humans don't... exactly care? Peter even goes as far as to say "Yeah, animals kill each other all the time. This is normal behavior" which I mean... it sounds rough and callous hearing from your best friend, but I was really digging the vibe that despite EVERYTHING THEY'VE BEEN THROUGH, they still see him as a wild animal. Probably because he chases squirrels and still has those habits.

Anyway, there's an arc in That Stick Figure Isekai I've been debating about whether or not I should do, but decided not to because no matter where I take it, it'd just be a retelling of this Family Guy episode. BASICALLY a dog girl resurrects as a stick figure and hangs out with the gang... only for her to kill a stick dog which makes her feel bad. When she comes out to the other characters they all just.... stare sorta like they want to say "..... And?". Granted they're not as outspoken as the characters from Family Guy, but...

  • Naota and Nikado have a disdain for dogs due to how they grovel (same as Dio from Jojo). They were those weird kids who'd kill them for fun so the Dog Girl's existence makes them a little uncomfortable. Well... Naota at least. Nikado would still be more specist.
  • Quincy lived in a bad neighborhood where he constantly sees dogs die in brutal ways. He's like... desensitized from it. He is sorta the Peter of the group where he wouldn't get why the dog girl would feel bad because like... "You guys kill each other all the time." (the more that I think about it, he WOULD say it like Peter out of ignorance). I guess he'd also be a little more dumbfounded as well? He was dumbfounded with Eve when he found out she had a spirit and was insensitive about her being a robot. It's also funny since he lays his line for every human.
  • Eve would be the interesting one because you'd EXPECT her to be like "I'M SO SORRY, THIS MUST BE SO HARD!" since she's a robot who had to adapt into human (albiet a stick figure one) but I wanted her to be just as... confused. Like she's the humanist. She talks about how much humans mean to her and all that, but I thought this would be a funny opportunity to ask "Yeah, but what about the animals". She most likely never even SEEN one in her world since it's all Blade Runner-y. I think she'd be the one where the dog tries to confide in, thinking they're so much alike but Eve just... doesn't know what to say.

I think the only person who'd help the dog girl would be D since he loves dogs. The ending is where similarities just... don't stop. Specifically the plotline where Brian tries to create an organization to protect dogs and it just backfires. The moral is still the same in the end like "Oh you still have purpose" but yeah.

I'm aware of the "Simpsons Did It First" meme and all that, but I think I'm embarrassed of taking from FAMILY GUY of all things. Regardless, I do think a storyline like this does go with the theme of a comic and it would be cool where it deconstructs the idea of how the main characters constantly preach about the beauty of individuality.... but the moment where they meet a dog girl they're like "................. ".

What about you guys? Any ideas you wish you'd thought first?

  • created

    Aug '23
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    Aug '23
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These days I generally don't mind if other people think of ideas/execute them before I do; the only thing I'm afraid of is not being allowed to do my own version of the idea, but I've decided to just do them anyway even on the off chance I get into trouble for it :stuck_out_tongue: (That doesn't stop me from publically logging my ideas when I come up with them though, just to have a paper trail proving that I came up with them independently :sweat_02:)

If I had to choose something, I guess the premise of 'Promising Young Women' (kind of dark, look up at your own risk :sweat_02:)