6 / 10
Jun 2022

Hello everyone

Anxiety and depression, as we all know too well, are crippling our generation. Recently, I came across this particular video by Noah Elkrief that gave me tactics on how to address them, which I found incredibly unique and insightful.

Hopefully it may also resonate with you all. Its a bit of a long one, but to me, it was time well spent.

I recommend his other videos as well.

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    Nov '20
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    Jun '22
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I saw the screen cap and was like, “IS THAT NOAH? IT LOOKS LIKE NOAH!!” And it makes me happy that other people appreciate his videos, too :heart: :heart_02:

I constantly suffer from anxiety and stress due to being overworked by school. I also tend to feel depressed from time to time. This video helps a lot, thanks for sharing! <3 :blush:

1 year later

I have periods in my life when I fail, just like everyone else in life, regardless of social status, popularity or wealth. We all get depressed and each of us fights it differently. Someone finds a way out in drinking, someone in sports, and someone in drugs, or for someone it becomes a reason to change something in his life. Personally, when I get depressed, I use cbd edibles canada, which help me to relax and concentrate on something, like my family. But this is how I cope, maybe you have other ways.

Just watched it and I'm thinking about nearly exactly same ideas for a really long time, but never saw anyone saying it. Had a really hard time last year when I was afraid I was dying, when in reality I was just losing an identity, because it was too much of a cage. Thank you for sharing this video, I will now have what to show to someone who says "nobody thinks like that"

I struggled with anxiety & depression all my life and sleeping problems since 10 years.
I tried everything including natural and chemical medication, therapy and all other advice people / experts give you.
It didn´t help, some of it made it worse.
The only things that helped me were:
-Daylight, leaving the house for a walk 3 times a day
-No other drink than water and lots of it, no coffee, no soda
-Healthy food and I´m not talking about eating a little bit healthier, I mean healthier
than healthy. Reduced carbs to the minimum, no white bread, pasta etc and most important:
no sugar. I only eat fresh food now, I eat twice a day. 12 and 5 pm and that´s it. 2 meals which
I prepare myself 100%, salad, vegetables, salmon, chicken, tofu, high protein food. No fast food.
No food with added sugar or more than one ingredient

The healthy food part was the hardest part because you want to eat something satisfying when
you are depressed. My food now is more satisfying and I´m happy now. I have the feeling that the
healthy food part helped me the most but it´s a mix of walking/sunlight and living healthy.
And I can only recommend this to anyone struggling with depression, try those things that I listed
for some months. I felt better after a short time