239 / 708
Jun 2019

Well i'm gonna be 25 in just a few months. I do animations, 3D design and video editing as a job and comics as my hobby.

Here's some of my work:

My current story that is still on going

And two finished short stories:

This is a fun post idea! I added your comic to my library so I can check it out - looks fun!

I'm 29 and I am currently working on a comic called, The Forgotten. It's basically an excuse to draw dinosaurs. =P

I've been working on it in my spare time for over 5 years, but there were huge periods of those 5 years that I wasn't able to work on it. I currently work for a store selling used auto parts on ebay, but during the last 5 years I have moved 6(7?) times, lived in 4 different USA states, and worked in retail, in a wood shop, as well as spending about 9 months working for a comic artist, helping him with his stuff. (Essentially a paid intern.)

Well I'm over 25 years old, but my comic is aimed at the younger audience, my intention is to make a short series, and test my skills during the process, and also show that I can create stories of niches different from those I've done before

I was 23 when I started working on Castaways, but then took a long hiatus for hired comic work and am now pushing 30 with a full-time job managing a print shop (though I'm on leave for two months). Currently writing the third chapter of Castaways and considering going back to school for tech. Haven't given up on the passion for storytelling. :wink:

Hey! Im 26 and my fiance is 25. He's the primary artist, while I add effects and shading, here is our work. It's not easy, since he is in the military is work SO MUCH, but we're doing our best. And please give us your HONEST opinion to us as well. :milky_way:Destiny Oblivion​:milky_way:

I actually got another Idea for a thread. I just wanted to say I like and appreciate your idea

I'm 25! I'm currently underemployed as a grocery cashier when I'm not drawing. I write and illustrate Alli Ascending and I just started a personal project here too I'm calling my sketchbook.

Alli Ascending is a horror(ish) comic about a girl who gets more than she bargained for in an effort to keep her youtube audience captivated. If you like cults, hate onions, or if you're lgbtq, this comic is for you. I'm on chapter 3 out of 11, its been a year. I'm in this one for the long haul, though hopefully at a brisker pace.

My "sketchbook" isn't really a sketchbook right now, as its just a couple of finished personal comic pieces. In the future it might not be so polished, but for now it's a place to share my work that isn't Alli related.

Here's mine!!! I just turned 25 last month :slight_smile:

Hiya! I'm 29 and a half. Scary D:

I'm still developing my comic / hashing out timelines and character sheets, but I just finished some promo art for it last night! I plan to draw the whole series out of vector shapes in Illustrator. Please wish me luck :o

I'm over 25 and have been writing/creating stuff for a super long time. I feel like you can tell some of my oldest writing is different from my newer stuff, even though both Nice To Meet You and Nearly There Nicely were both started during a writer's block hahahaha

I balance work with my creative endeavors. Work actually takes more energy out of me so I do less drawing while working consistently. It can also effect my writing habits, but I try to keep a steady pace of at least doing something every few weeks, if not several times a month. The trick is that even if I'm not able to produce something, I can think on it - my commute to work and appointments is 15min to 1hr long, usually 1 hr. And during breaks at work, I'll text a passage of writing to my email (a special one just to receive these messages), and then later I can stitch them back together. It's a lot easier to write at work than it is to draw. Haha!

Here's one of my stories done between the two above. It's one of the few completed works I have, and I actually really enjoy the pacing and insanity that goes through it. Kind of around this time, or just after, I started to realize that I enjoyed working with smaller cast sizes and started to downsize.

Just turned 25 this year and my artist I believe is also 25+ ^.^ here is our series we just started it here!

Another work from me, this one is really exciting to write:

I learned recently that the way to grow on Tapas is by interacting with the community...

Hello! Am DEFINITELY older than 26. Made a comic about superheroes and jobs and consumerism and HR and all that jazz. It's called RoosterDan & Butterman! Take a look!


Hope you guys have fun with it!!

Hi :slight_smile: I'm Max. I'm 53. :slight_smile:

I write and draw, so I've got comics and novels, but my main work is The Moon's Permission, which is planned to go from 1915 to 1974 and the first Pride in Seattle. The story follows Gael and Jack and their extended family.

Please come read my story! :slight_smile:

26 here, and this is my comic!

With great pride and joy, I can show you the first volume of Burn My Shadow for FREE!

The first episode - Face in the Sand - had been released in both English and Italian on Patreon, Tapas, and Webtoons!

We'll deliver a new chapter every 6 weeks.

Burn My Shadow is a dystopian comic book created and written by Lanza Sebastiano, pencilled by Conti Fabio, inked by Pasquali Andrea and LortiaMJB.

The year is 2113. Global political and economic stability has been upset by extreme weather conditions, as well as an ever-growing population. Tharmas is an outcast in search of his long-lost sister. In spite of his objections, he begrudgingly accept K's company, a child journeying alongside him.

The search leads Tharmas and K through the megalopolis speckling a predominantly arid wasteland. Cauldrons to diverse cultures, the urban complexes, shielded from extreme weather events by gargantuan domes, house the better portion of the world population. Food and water reserves are scant; electronic masks, serving as IDs and credit chips, are provided amongst the wealthy.

The journey will bring Tharmas face to face with the new world's leading figures; he will avail himself of violence as he investigates his sister's whereabouts, whilst his relationship with K will delve deeper into his individuality.