10 / 10
Oct 2022

Hey Tapas Forums, long time no see! I've been sticking to the discord for this last year because my previous job made it impossible to catch up with the forum, but every time I meant to look back I knew there'd be more to read, and Dark Reader only helps so much with the UI so mounting that mental wall became easier... ADHD is one helluva drug and I stuck to the discord. Trying to at least visit once in a bit when I can!

But! Still creating as before. So let me make this ontopic with a question - ship dynamics, weird premises that come to mind, ridiculous but attractive character types. What are the fun things in isolation that you can't just put into a work?

I want to write a monster-hunter-falls-in-love-with-monster story, but it just never gets off the ground. I always have more fun just making a world where they coexist with no killing!

  • created

    Aug '22
  • last reply

    Oct '22
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I think I'd want to make an assassin action fantasy story, but... I keep retreading old ground and it just comes out as boring in the end. Something else I've been thinking about but haven't gotten around to is a post apocalyptic story.

I doodled a bunch of creatures inspired by my love of Neopets (I guess they are sort of like fake Neopets). But I don't really have a story premise for them. I sort of wish I could write something as wholesome as Mr. Men but I don't know if I could pull that off.

Sci-fi about rebuilding the society, or about psychological experimentations for that goal. I want it to be nuanced and does not feel awkward, edgy, shallow, or pseudo-intellectual. Well, how those things are perceived is in the eyes of the beholder, but I don't want to be the one that is just ridiculously missing the point, or overtly optimistic/pessimistic.

Ah man... I have this one story premise about teen cadets on a space ship, and it has this concept of superhuman augmented clones of this one famous general who get loaned out to various military ships and the main character is one of them in training, but ends up making friends with the other teens when they treat her like a person rather than a disposable weapon. She gets into conflict with the captain, who is also a clone like her, so it's almost like she's in conflict with an older, harder, more jaded version of herself...

It has some cool stuff, but it's all a mess in my head. :sweat_02:

I want to write a story that would help people to heal from psychological issues, to show a healthy society which doesn't exclude irrational nature of humans, but is able to work with it. Hopefully I will figure out how this story should look like

there's a red riding hood x big bad wolf type story that's still rotting around in the back of my mind but i could never get past a few ideas for the start when it came time to put it to paper. i still have some of the early designs for it but like :cry_02: i miss them

i also realize i've been craving something like otherworldly entity and their human counterpart or something angsty with a corruption arc or something (one falls or both fall together idk) and it's like...even if i can't make it myself i'm gonna eat it up whenever i find it or just play around with the little character puppets in my headspace :rofl:

Aw, man.. I remember making drafts a couple years ago for this one I sorta gave up on. To be blunt about it, it's a Victorian-era romantic drama where Satan is in love with an angel and is desperately trying to get God's blessing to be with her.

Full spoilers and geeking out about it

The thing about it was that although I loved the premise, it had a weekly gag comic vibe. I wanted to get as far away from that as I could lmao so, I had to write a lot of story outside of the romance itself.

A war breaks out in heaven between angels led by God and corrupted angels led by Lucifer (or Satan, I tend to just call him by his old name here). Lucifer falls from Heaven with his army, and they're scattered across the Earth. He then wanders the Earth for centuries and essentially learns to live alongside humans peacefully, and he eventually reunites with Belial, close friend and advisor for him, in late 1800's London..

All this until his angel crush, Lailah, comes down doing some business or whatever, the romance part picks up from there. Essentially, this was enemies to lovers and a forbidden romance in one.

After a good chunk of time, God takes Lailah back to heaven and does not allow her to return to Earth. As it turns out, that time together started slowly corrupting her and if nothing was done about it, she'd have eventually died. Lucifer flies up to heaven to brutally and forcefully take her back not knowing this, and he was stopped. In a backhanded act of mercy, God allowed their relationship, but Lailah would be forced to become human with Lucifer outliving her.

As an extra bit of a story, I wanted to do something that ties everything back to the beginning in a lowkey tragic fashion. The epilogue would've taken place just after Lailah's funeral. Lucifer and his son stuck around after everyone else left, but a strange disfigured man comes up approaches them. The man turns out to be Belial, and he makes small talk but then asks if Lucifer will ever take his rightful place at the throne in Hell. He rejects the title of Satan out of respect for his dead wife and Bel decides to take over right then and there. Lucifer condemns Bel for the decision and ends their friendship. They part ways.

And just like that, it's over.

His most trusted friend is the reason he saw himself equal to God, the reason he had the confidence to build up an army, the reason he incited a civil war in Heaven, the reason he lost the war and fell from grace, the reason he became a corrupt angel and could never hold on to this romance in the first place. Bel idolized a friend to the point of wanting to become him, just like Lucifer had done with God. He was strangely dangerous to be around despite the guy not having any malice in his heart until the very end.

I just- this unintentional villain approach is so interesting. In my mind, it's literally the best part of this entire plot. Lucifer and Lailah being main characters falling in love is good and all.. but Bel? Sheeeeesh. I've tried replicating the vibes in other comic ideas but it does not work as well in any other context lmao

Looking back on it.. the romance I wanted to focus on initially, kinda feels like it took a major back seat. Now the comic's a tragedy, I guess? I haven't read any tbh so I'm just assuming that's what it became. I quit on this because.. well, I wanted to focus on my other comic idea. That and for whatever reason.. I don't feel like it's a story that needs to be told, if that makes sense???

I think what I ended up putting together was a very solid outline and could be like a super dope 200-300 page graphic novel if someone else wrote it :grin:

I want to do a comic with in-depth worldbuilding where I convey as much lore as I can while keeping it accessible, engaging and fun ... but also, some of the lore is secretly about concepts in pure mathematics (continuity, symmetry, the Yoneda lemma, different notions of equivalence etc) :smiley: I fully intend to figure this out eventually though - I just haven't yet :stuck_out_tongue:

1 month later

closed Oct 1, '22

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