1 / 15
Sep 2024

Ever since I started with Defining Daecon I was unhappy with the cover. It felt like it was "phoned in". I had always wanted to do up a new one but haven't had the time.

Here is the old one:

Then I broke my elbow and was forced off work for several weeks (into week four now) and I had all the time in the world... but with a broken wing I couldn't draw. You would be surprised to find out how much of holding and using a stylus comes out of your elbow. Finally, though, it has healed enough that my physiotherapist told me to start drawing again to get some range of motion back or something to that effect.

So I drew a new cover!

So naturally I think it's a big improvement. Do you?

(obligatory series link)

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
  • 14


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  • 26


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Definitely prefer the new one!
Also like that you changed the layout of the title. While the original one is a creative way to go about it, I prefer a more traditional layout haha.

Also can I just say how much you've improved as an artist! The pose you used to so fucking solid and the anatomy feels correct.

Great job all around!

Thanks! I actually had my husband pose for me to use as reference. He felt stupid while doing it, but it was worth it

As someone with dyslexia, the title on the old cover is a bit hard to decipher right away. The formatting on the new one is much clearer to tell what the title is.

Wow what an improvement! so cool! I can especially see where you're starting to get a hang of the wing anatomy. thats always hard!

The new one's really nice! The colors pop and I love the pose

I'm loving the dynamic pose, colors, and composition. :heart_01: This is a fantastic cover.

I like it! I can see the improvement and it's more pleasing to look at too! :smile:
I hope your elbow heals soon. I can't imagine the pain and being unable to draw! :sob:

The cover looks amazing, your art is constantly improving and it's a nice change. :slight_smile:

Here's my free opinion. It's worth every penny. I think both covers have pros and cons and how you ultimately feel about them may interact with the larger piece of work.

There are parts of the old cover I like. We've got a clearly magical creature, but's dressed in street clothes and turned away from us with hand placement and gestures that indicate question or confusion. It provokes the question as to what is the story here. That also dovetails nicely with the title which suggest that maybe the question this being is pondering is defining deacon. So in the respect of storytelling it's successful in that the cover makes me curious about the larger story.

I do agree with the other comments that you technique has improved from version 1 to 2. I also agree that the type with the font choice, drop shadows, dimension and glare hits is busy and distracting.

The new version is more technically accomplished and visually stronger. It also has the virtue of actually introducing us to the character. (if that's what we want.) However, the pose while strong, is also clique. We've seen the “my kung fu is stronger than yours” pose before so I'm less curious about it.

New one! New one! Love that pose, it say "B***h, I'm magical" XD

I also like the magic emanating from his hand, it draws the eye to Daecon's face as a nice focal point.

You did a great job considering your injured elbow. Hoping it heals well :pray:

You pretty much nailed it: The "Wtf is happening to me" look is exactly what I wanted in the original, though I was never happy with the art. Those wings on Daecon's back had just appeared out of nowhere and he was still in shock. Some day I might give that concept another shot.

Though I do agree that the sparkly hand is cliche, sometimes cliche sells. I'm hoping the new look might better attract somebody's attention when the cover is displayed in a lineup of other covers.