22 / 22
Oct 2023

Why was Mickey Mouse depressed?

Because Pluto ran away...

Man, I'm bad at this...

Mars is red because it’s angry all the water vaporized and had a meltdown.

I'll one more and leave y'all alone...

I suspect dwarf planets are responsible for forging Saturn's rings...

People usually pronounce Uranus wrong.

It's not ur-anus as in "Your anus". It's more like ura-nus like in "urine us".

This doesn't make it sound any less dirty tho.

Some current estimates suggest the Earth will become uninhabitable for complex life within 250 million years due to the increasing heat of the sun and the creation of another super continent, instead of the billion as previously thought. Humans are likely to have gone extinct long before then and there will be no intelligent species around to dig up whatever traces of our civilization will still exist at that point. All of our wars and struggles and achievements will vanish.

The universe will not notice.

Bwa! Ha! Ha!

The moon shows it's fu- Oh... That was done...

Ura- Really, I'm resorting to that...?

Ah, forget this nonsense! I've got a conspiracy for y'all! How can Mercury, on the day side at least, be so hot if it's melting is a mere -37°F?! There should be only half a planet! There is something being hidden from us...!

Same reason why water stays on earth; gravity. Even if Mercury is pure liquid*, it'll still be in the shape of a ball because of its mass :]

* (or half liquid? the density there might change things, idk)