36 / 50
Sep 2020

Jake (inktober's creator) screwed it up for everyone by plagiarizing the book of a black artist. I had already made my own list this year (all about my novel) and completed it last month. I am just doing my own hashtag and such, but its very painful to see Jake is screwing over so many artists.

1) It's the LAST day in August- a little too early to be worrying about October...

2) I've never done Inktober before because I'm too busy working on my comic or other art during October. Why would I want to stress myself working on an inked piece everyday for 31 days? I'm trying to get to the zone where I'm not stressing about doing/completing art PERIOD...

3) Then some goober goes and copyrights the term...that makes me want to participate even less, coz motherfuckers always fuckin up the fun aspect of a thing by trying to copyright some shit to claim ownership and trying to monetize off the ownership of said event meant to be for fun for people.

From I've heard, people are putting together a "promptober" of sorts to replace "inktober"- that'll be under the exact same idea to use prompts to draw in ink, but will of course open up the floor to writers as well since they use ink..... I haven't looked too much into it myself but it sounds a promising alternative.

I think someone referenced this youtuber before on the forums but I can't find it. I did have this pop up earlier today in my feed and thought it was interesting. A lot of drawing advice and writing advice is to draw every day, but what people mean is to just practice and practice better and if you don't you won't get good. This guy does a good job of outlining and explaining it. Since "inktober" is initially founded on the idea of "draw a complete thing each day for a month!" I thought this would be informative.

I always combined inktober with drawing a Digimon every day so I will just do digimontober this year.

Not doing it because I did it for the first time last year. Exhausting. I'll just do something else.

Well, I won't do Inktober (leaves a bitter taste atm), instead I'll do OC-tober, drawing as many of my OCs as possible like in the previous years =)

i might look into it, for now tho i think I'll give swordtember a go as a warmup for october

I'm hoping to use it as another chance to brainstorm and explore one of the fantasy stories I've been working on so I'm at least looking forward to that

Planning ahead, that's all... it is a big challenge, like you said yourself. I started to sketch ideas already, I think I will continue to do it and then decide whether I post with inktober tags and prompts later. In fact the whole plagiarism controversy is yet to unfold and I hope we get some truth before October.

I decided to go with Drawtober after reading about it. The halloween theme is not my favorite but I like the pace of it, giving almost a week for each prompt and having some community highlights. This will help avoid the controversy of inktober and feel like I can complete this challenge!

I watched this and another video covering the topic. I guess I'm just a little confused because the Inktober art book isn't out yet? They undeniably look similar, but isn't that because they're both tutorial books for the same kind of art techniques?

I wish they didn't postpone the book release. I would have liked to see it for myself to validate whether or not it was plagiarism. I don't take art theft lightly and I don't want to support anyone who does it, but I don't really have any way of knowing for sure until the book is out.

I've done it before, this will be my third year doing it, I've managed to do all 31 days twice in a row so I'm hoping to do so this year. Right now I'm also doing the Inktober 52 challenge as well :slight_smile:

I really love doing Inktober every year since it's actually helped me improve on my drawing skills :smile:

I do plan on doing this year's Inktober! And I will combine it with the OCtober to mix up the fun a little.

Inktober has been a fun tradition in each year october for me, and don't want to miss it this year, controversy or not...

I've never been able to do Inktober because making a drawing everyday seriously tires me out. Due in part because I'm a student. I'd go at most 3 or 4 days and I'd drop it. There's also the whole controversy with the creator of the challenge, with the plagiarism and the copyright of Inktober.

I think if I would do a challenge, which is doubtful, it's probably something that isn't done everyday lmao.

I think I'm going to do it this year too. I started in 2017 and I have done 31 drawings every year, but I often fall days behind and end up completing it in November. I don't usually follow the official prompt list. I did follow it every 6th day in 2018, but I think this year I'm just going to draw a pumpkin every single day. I love pumpkins.