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Aug 2020

Who is participating? Have you managed to do it? I never did more than 10 drawings, but this year I am organizing and sketching all in advance so I can make it!

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There are 49 replies with an estimated read time of 4 minutes.

Didn't the guy actually copyright the hashtag? Like, are you serious dude?

doing goretober and kinda making like maybe a 30 page comic series of unrelated images

I'm gonna do it because I have time to do ink drawings during my lunch break. Even if they don't look great, I still wanna try my hardest.

won't be participating in parker's inktober due to his plagiarizing the work of a black man and his lousy copyright scheme so I'll be seeking alternatives and starting prep sometime next month. If all else fails there's always huevember :sip:

Yeah I'm peacing out on Inktober this year. Gonna be doing OC-tober instead and actually doing promotion for myself instead of Jake Parker's brand (especially with the drama he's throwing over there.)

I did it last year, but I don't know if I'll have time this year. Plus there's the whole plagiarism shenanigans that makes it awkward this year. :grimacing:

There are a lot of other Inktober style challenges popping up that might be fun to try, but it's so frustrating that Inktober is unlikely to ever be what it once was. The wide net that it cast and brought together was so awesome. I was actually considering doing an Inktober focused on doing a quick sketch of my comics characters each day this October, but now I dunno.

Too much drama and shady stuff surrounding Inktober, so I think I'm going with OCtober this year.

Probally will do OCtober this year, because meh Jake Parker and all that controversy

I wanna do OCtober, but I'm a bit worried the hashtag won't work super well, since upper and lower case letters are treated the same for most hashtag searches and there are going to be plenty of people just uploading pictures of fall leaves/pumpkins since it's the exact same as the ordinary name for the month.

Yeah it'll probably get a name update right before the update as like #DrawThatOCtober or something (but shorter and wittier.) There's also #drawtober which has always had a pretty big following.

I'm participating! It'll be my second run. I want to see how much I improved compared to my 2019 run. I just hope school won't bury me alive by then :sweat_02:

I'm just gonna hit random on my playlist and draw whatever comes to mind for the song that day.
I think 15 is the max ive kept up with

Same here! It would be my second time too, if I do it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA will I have the time?????????

Thinking about doing Witchtober this time because of all the Inktober controversy. Witches are my favorite so that's an easy one.

I somehow completed Inktober last year. I want to continue that completion for this one XD. I hope. XDXDXD

Many, including me will be skipping the hashtag inktober, but as i do love that challenge i will still be doing it but using different tags and prompts.

Here is some really fun different challenges ive found that i probably will be using as my inktober prompts and ive read some using #drawtober as a tag instead so might give it a try :sparkles:

OC-tober https://www.instagram.com/p/CEfsFzIlekl/33
Swordtember https://www.instagram.com/p/CEh6PtSDz9e/10
Knightober https://www.instagram.com/p/CEg3K6IFUfL/7
Spelltober https://www.instagram.com/p/CEhJ9cJJRe_/11
Mythology/Nature https://www.instagram.com/p/CEaCA50MMvo/12

It's really a shame about the whole Inktober copyright/plagiarism mess, I never finished the challenge but I liked using it as an excuse to break out my pens. I never even knew who started the whole thing until all the controversy came up, and it's disappointing to see it get ruined for so many people because of one guy. I feel like even using the hashtag would draw criticism now because it'll be misinterpreted as some kind of show of support for that dude.

Anyway, I might attempt OC-tober but we'll see how much free time I have around then.

I'm planning on doing inktober but after all the plagiarism situation I will definitely not be doing the official prompts nor using the inktober hashtag. I was also thinking about doing daily drawings during October but not posting them, and wait until November to use them for the Huevember challenge. Previous years I've never had enough time to draw an color the same day, so this could work for me.

I ll be joining this year again. Hopefully this time ill be able to keep it up til end of octobre. However I am not sure if I want to do the schedule of jake parker. Do you guys know any good other lists with a good community to share and discuss your works?

I've never done it because honestly it feels like a lot of work and I'm kinda lazy, lol. And now that the creator of the hastag is coming after inktober participants with his lawyers I'm not going to. Love the art, though! Ink and the creative ways pepole use it is always fun to check out.

Last year I joined OC-tober instead of Inktober and I actually enjoyed it more! But this year I may do Drawtober instead, since it's just 6 prompts and I never finished all the days anyway lol

Could someone please explain the plagiarism situation to me? I hadn't heard of it until just now, and I'm kind of lost.

Jake (inktober's creator) screwed it up for everyone by plagiarizing the book of a black artist. I had already made my own list this year (all about my novel) and completed it last month. I am just doing my own hashtag and such, but its very painful to see Jake is screwing over so many artists.

1) It's the LAST day in August- a little too early to be worrying about October...

2) I've never done Inktober before because I'm too busy working on my comic or other art during October. Why would I want to stress myself working on an inked piece everyday for 31 days? I'm trying to get to the zone where I'm not stressing about doing/completing art PERIOD...

3) Then some goober goes and copyrights the term...that makes me want to participate even less, coz motherfuckers always fuckin up the fun aspect of a thing by trying to copyright some shit to claim ownership and trying to monetize off the ownership of said event meant to be for fun for people.

From I've heard, people are putting together a "promptober" of sorts to replace "inktober"- that'll be under the exact same idea to use prompts to draw in ink, but will of course open up the floor to writers as well since they use ink..... I haven't looked too much into it myself but it sounds a promising alternative.

I think someone referenced this youtuber before on the forums but I can't find it. I did have this pop up earlier today in my feed and thought it was interesting. A lot of drawing advice and writing advice is to draw every day, but what people mean is to just practice and practice better and if you don't you won't get good. This guy does a good job of outlining and explaining it. Since "inktober" is initially founded on the idea of "draw a complete thing each day for a month!" I thought this would be informative.

I always combined inktober with drawing a Digimon every day so I will just do digimontober this year.

Not doing it because I did it for the first time last year. Exhausting. I'll just do something else.

Well, I won't do Inktober (leaves a bitter taste atm), instead I'll do OC-tober, drawing as many of my OCs as possible like in the previous years =)

i might look into it, for now tho i think I'll give swordtember a go as a warmup for october

I'm hoping to use it as another chance to brainstorm and explore one of the fantasy stories I've been working on so I'm at least looking forward to that

Planning ahead, that's all... it is a big challenge, like you said yourself. I started to sketch ideas already, I think I will continue to do it and then decide whether I post with inktober tags and prompts later. In fact the whole plagiarism controversy is yet to unfold and I hope we get some truth before October.