4 / 12
Sep 2023

Hi, Guys! As you probably know, I had a series called Clyborne-Peri, where I wrote a mystery kinda as it goes (Not a good enough plan lol :joy:), and handwrote all the text. Now that I have a text software for comics, it's kinda moot to change the writing midway. And, it's kinda moot to stop a mystery story in the middle. So, I'm due for a rewrite of the series.

I'll start by redesigning the mains, as well as changing the title to the original name, Clyborne-Chatterjee.

I was wondering which of the redesigned sketches for Detective Cornelius Clyborne look the best. The original that I'm changing is on the right.

The character is a P.I. and the single father to a kid who helps him solve mysteries. Clyborne is analytical and methodical, and his sense of humor functions a bit differently than most.

Let me know which one looks best, or feel free to offer suggestions. :grin: Thanks a lot.

  • created

    Sep '23
  • last reply

    Mar '24
  • 11


  • 1.1k


  • 1


  • 22


I like the first sketches in the first and last rows. That hair is amazing!

Thank you! And, I was kinda realizing that a lot of my characters from this series have pretty basic hair, so I wanted to give the styles more personality. :grin:

I personally like the middle one, but they are all fun designs.

A good trick when designing characters is the to draw them with only the black silhouette shape of the character. You can instantly identify most, if not all of these character based on their silhouette alone and it makes them stand out.

The fun thing with silhouette character design on ones with glasses is that they can have that ominous eyeglasses glow when they are in the shadows being brooding or evil. :imp:

I’m just here to say that I recognized every one of those silhouettes except the third from right, bottom row (between Snoopy and Olive Oyl)

I've got a design! Tapas seemed to like the curlier hair, and instagram voted on a more angular design. I'm happy with how he looks.

It’s a nice contrast with the angles of the body and head and curls in the hair.

4 months later

Well, folks, I have a good design settled for Clyborne and his Kiddo!

I'll be set to revamp the story over the summer!

1 month later

Well, since I'm already updating this series over the summer, I may as well show you Amrit Chatterjee, Clyborne's husband, and Rin's other papa.