32 / 42
Dec 2020

killing stalking grosses me out. couldn't even get past chapter two. I'm not sure why it appeals to some people but I just can't do it. :confounded:
the worst part is that I ran into it by accident due to how much people were hyping it. Yuck
don't get me wrong, I respect the artist and her work is great. I mean, she's very talented to even create such grotesque work.

Clay-animation makes me uncomfortable most of the time. Other types of stop-motion I'm generally fine with, but clay... I don't like seeing it move.

Someone brought it up but I’ll hop on and say some forms of stop motion does mess with me. Rankin-Bass stuff, or even Gumby or Pengu is fine. But then there’s things like Jack Stauber’s work which just...

I barely made it three minutes into this before I hit fear goosebumps. (Which is sad because this seems like a good short :sweat: )

11 days later

Steven Universe is a fun show but some character designs from it (Spinel and Pink Diamond) unsettle me for some reason.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure's style is definitely something i'm on the fence about. I like the anime version so far (I was on part 3 but got distracted) but the manga looks a bit uncanny valley.

H.R.Giger's art is something that I appreciate but am viscerally unsettled by to the point of not being able to look at it for long.

Isn't that the intended reaction though?

This is mine. A Real FU** UP for real.

I-i Couldn't
my end time was 57 seconds :cry_02:
and to know that you watched it at least up to 3 minutes shows that you are a great warrior :cry_01: It probably do have a significant meaning behind it but I don't wanna have nightmares.

@Black_Conscious my brother showed it to me one day and it freaked me out lol. but then, it's always stuck in my head lol

I had came across this video and some of their other content and the vibe it gives off feels weird when you are beginning to watch it, and uh idk this isn't really somthin that's fearful but it is creepy, I guess if you put yourself inside the video than that's where I have to say I would be afraid.

(Some people had also said this was put onto YouTube Kids mistakenly, so sorry for you kids :cry_02:)

Edit: The name of their channel is also weird as well

I didn't think I'd have a response for but then I remembered something from my youth. When I was 8 or 7( a long time ago] I came across this image of the character Wolverine illustrated by Bill Seinkiewicz, In which the character had these huge hairy arms that were just so grotesque to me at the time. Now of course I love this image and Seinkiewicz is one of my all time favorites artists, but his work used to freak me out when I was younger. Lol

An interesting musical that's for sure, I got nearly 8 minutes in before calling it quits.. Not because it was unsettling, just bc I wasn't getting much out of it lmao if anything, it vaguely reminded me of Coraline and Courage the Cowardly Dog. There's an uncanny valley for sure, but that's bc the short film's messing with various mediums. Between the clay-mation, the live-action, and puppetry(??) I found that there's way more effort being put into it than necessary and that itself made me appreciate the whole thing somehow. The combination managed to become charming in its own way, if that makes sense? It might just be more of acquired taste kinda thing idk

And then there's @Tanako 's video that takes that stop motion animation with bunch of paper drawings and.. cursed lo-fi indie folk music??? I find it fascinating that both featured something more vintage in the creation process, in "filming" and audio production. There's something to be said about the fact that both of these can be achieved on with (probably) a low budget and still manage to be impactful on viewers

I'll take 2-D over CG animation any day.

2-D animation has an infinite range of styles even when it looks its ugliest. Most CG animation to me looks plastic no matter how often I see it.

I don't think this is a single art style, but I am often unsettled by large pupils.

The Monster High Reboot
Finding Dory (especially baby Dory)
And various animes

I think part of this is rooted in a slight phobia of pupils. I just feel like they are coming to eat my soul.
Like this.