40 / 47
May 2016

The subscriber rate for Radio Silence4 seems really strange! It's been hovering for a while around the same area, but with my return to Tuesday updates, it shot up 10+ people overnight. It wasn't even a particularly exciting page! It could be the increased frequency or just that I posted on a Tuesday in the early morning. I guess I'll try another Friday and see if it makes even a dent in the subscriber amount this time!

Gaining sub is sorta slow process I have to admit. Lot of the time your series will get washed away in the new and fresh section with new comic being updated. My series is :Rebirth7, it's quite new, I only just posted it almost a week ago or so! On Tapastic, every day I gain a few subs or so, around 3 or 4. Until now I only have around 60-70 subs haha. But surprisingly enough on Webtoon4, :Rebirth does a lot better at gaining subs despite I have never tried to advertise it as hard as I do with my Tap link. (I gained over 800 subs in a little more than 3 days ;; _ ;;) I feel like I need to raise my bar to try my hardest and not failing all these people the pressure is real

As long as at least 100 people are reading your comic, I wouldn't worry about subscriber count that much at all.

Its true I came to that realization n made up plans to correct those mistakes like getting someone to help color the pages so that people can over look my earlier mistakes while reading it while still perfecting my art style

I think everyone here is on point with the tips and advice. sweat_smile

My comic, Cryptic Yume, has only 13 subscribers. Even though that's not much, I say to myself, "Well, at least I have readers." Haha But yeah, don't feel bad. Over the years, I've learned to do a few things:

1. Promote yourself (advertise your work). Project Wonderful and other places are good sites to advertise. More info about that here: http://forums.tapastic.com/t/free-self-promotion-through-project-wonderful/9627

2. Go on Social Media and share your work (Facebook, Twitter, Tapastic, DeviantArt, etc.)

3. Make comic friends. Show your support to other comic creators and like/comment their work. Helping them to improve and giving them constructive criticism helps. Oh, be sure to be friendly!

4. Schedule. It's best to have a schedule for your comic and keep your readers updated. For example, I'm going to have my comic updated on Mondays and Fridays. Try to be flexible with the schedule, to make it easy on yourself. If you have to do one day of updating, that's fine! Just make sure you draw sketches and post them to keep your readers interested.

5. Strive to improve. Once you share your work with others to see how you can improve your comic (such as groups and forums), people are willing to help. Now, you'll get good criticism that'll definitely help. Then you'll get criticism that might hurt you. But don't let it get to you! Stay humble and listen. Yes, it's good to stick up for your work and what you believe in. But just humble and positive.

6. KEEP ON DRAWING, MY FRIEND. This is very important. Drawing and telling a story are your passion. I can actually see that in your comic. As long as you keep drawing, ask for reviews on your comic to improve, and never give up, something good will happen. Keep practicing and drawing.

7. Last, but certainly not least, have confidence in your work and in yourself. Like I said, never give up. Keep on drawing. Heck, if you have 5-10 subscribers, that's something! But as long as you keep telling your story and sharing your work, you'll get more subscribers.

And remember: It's not about getting subscribers and being popular. It's about the passion and not giving up on your gift of art and storytelling. I hope this helps. smile

Woah u were able to do all that with just manga studio, I really have a long way to go.

Yeah it's hard for me though. I always unpopular in everywhere LOL~ but I keep doing things that uninteresting maybe~ i wonder how the other get their followers/subscribers in such a beautiful way hohohoh~

@ms94maychan Don't feel bad, maychan. Hey, I only have 13 subscribers. I feel bad at times, but do my best to stay positive. I'm really grateful to have someone enjoy my comic. I would like to aim for at least 50, but hey: Patience, right? Lol

Yeah thats right. Stay positive~~ I need to focus on my comic first instead of subscribers heheee. I'll slowly make improvements if that's the cause of my comic not catching any others eyes x)

Hey, it's going to be alright. Just keep practicing, keep drawing, and keep sharing your work. I hear that advertising helps as well, along with social media.

Oddly enough, I get the most these days when I haven't updated for a bit. Used to get a surge WITH updates. Not too worried though. My comic is to make me happy and help me grow.

I find that I'm still getting a few at this point? I never got a lot to begin with but I still have them.

I try not to focus on the numbers too much or else I go crazy.

Comment, like and subscribe to other comics! Talk on the forums, make friends and help each other out! But dont be an ass kisser, don;t sub for subs, and dont make any kind of deals! The subs you get need to be people who like your work for what it is!

I got like 4 subscribers now but hey don't worry about it they will come. as long as you continue to draw and do what you love and as long as everyone can see it and if they'll like it, they will come.

Thanks for the advice ^^ I really appreciate all of your concerns :))))) I'll try to advertise myself on social media. Maybe I should be more active but I always have problem with limited internet connection. One of very a tempting reason I couldn't stay as active as I should. TuT

@KreativeConfusion Same here. Thinking about not gaining more subscribers can drive a person crazy. To the point where they want to give up on their comic...

We as creators gotta remember: It's about the passion of doing the comic, not becoming popular or numbers/stats.