
G Lindholm

I'm a person. Here mah comic

May 15, '16
Last Post
Feb 16, '17
Feb 16, '17
Trust Level

[image] Here's a bunch to pick from. (comic is here)

It's not immoral to talk about things you want to talk about. Comics are generally fictional, do what you want to do. Just remember that a lot of people have mentally vacated, so if you do something too uncomfortable, you might lose them. Also, if you don't do your research and have no idea what you…

Don't most comics have a history of being in newspapers and magazines? It's not like web-comics are an ancient art form, I don't see why politics shouldn't have a place on a site like this. I personally welcome anything I can find that isn't another slice of life comic about twenty-somethings tal…

If you don't mind doing some art of my incredibly stupid comic, I'd love to see it:

[image] From left to right. Luna is chaos. She does whatever she wants, completely impulsive, without thought of consequence. She is unchecked id. Maple is very logical, and thoughtful. She is reasonable despite Luna's being unreasonable. However, the stupidity of the world which surrounds her …

If The Trivial Tales of Luna Lesser was a game, it'd probably be a point and click adventure game. One of the Sam and Max style ones, where you have to play on the moral ambiguity of the lead character. Either that, or a platformer, but with a Psychonauts level of character interaction. I'm also not…

Thanks! Your style is really good too! Good to see some traditional, ink wash comics on here.

Not really at the start, but towards the middle I started rushing and failing at experimental stuff. So I'm in the process of redrawing.

Mostly cartoony city shots in my comic right now. Here's some panels. [image]

That's really smart. I just have a general idea of where major stuff is in my world.

This is Luna Lesser. She's an impulsive 7 year old who lives in a crappy town called Dystopia. A rat lives in her hair, and she usually ends up ruining somebody's life at least a little. [image]

Ratatoing Wall-E Monsters Inc Brave Toy Story

Tom Waits, They Might Be Giants, anything in between those two things.

I love having the ideas. Sometimes it's a struggle to get them to turn into comics, but that's fun too. Pencilling can be fun. I keep mine loose enough to make inking fun too. Coloring is a joy. Lettering and erasing can fuck right off.

Whatever you do, don't just write an explanation of what's happening without actually showing it. I've seen comics that express actions with asterisk's like * jumps * as if it was a messenger conversation, and it makes no sense in a visual medium.

I try to have proportions and perspective which are accurate to the very stylized way that I draw.

Artwise: Calvin and Hobbes, the Madeline books, the cartoons of Charles Addams (most popularly Addams family), Yoshitaka Amano (this can be hard to see), Eric Powell (The Goon) and several small things about all kinds of artists. Writing: This is harder to say. These are influences, but it varies …

Atheist. I like individual people irregardless of religion. I detest radicalism in all its forms. Nobody has the right to impose their views on others. Society cannot progress without open-mindedness.

I do both... just do what you like.

I draw comics and post them online.

Either is fine. I'm redoing a lot of mine so I can publish it and have it not look like garbage, but it is a huge strain on time to be making something that is not new. So it really depends how badly you want to redraw it.

Did your mom really go immediately from chastising you for playing it into telling you you suck at it? Either way, that exchange is hilarious.

I'm joking, but it's my first day on the forum, I dunno how to act

Oh man... What if tales, is like, qualified by another word? Like, say trivial, for general reasons, not for any personal reasons involving my comic being called The Trivial Tales of Luna Lesser.

Avoid cliches. Like, don't use the word dark. At all.

Semi-pro, I guess? I get a few jobs a year, and collaborate outside of my main thing. Also I wasted a bunch of money on an animation degree, so just humor me (crying)

Creepy fanservice(it's about second grade girls, so idk why anyone would want that, but this is the internet) Be too preachy (I have broached serious topics in the past, some of which I have a clear perspective on, but I try to find the funny even if I'm taking a clear stance) Be too serious (I don'…

The Trivial Tales of Luna Lesser it's about girls who go on adventures in a horrible town, basically. DUNNO WHO IT'S FOR.

Okay here here here I've got ten subscribers and I aim to get ten more