11 / 21
Oct 2020

Yes! I highly recommend Clip studio paint. (╯✧∇✧)╯

Pro version certainly is, as for the more expensive EX version, it's mostly about the animation and multi-paged files (I switched from Pro to EX because exporting each page separately in multiple sizes while working in 16-17 pages batch took way too long) and it's up to you if you think you'll make use of this stuff

I have the cheaper version, and it's certainly worth it, the most expensive one I'm not so sure, but you can always get the cheap one and upgrade later if you need it

Clip studio Paints definitely worth it, I do have the expensive EX version because I wanted the longer animation creation (I've used both), but besides that the cheaper Pro one should be fine,

@K1NG2 - I use EX for multi-page management as well. If you're planning to compile your work into a graphic novel (either for print or digital), then it will save you a lot of time with batch management since you can resize multiple pages and/or the entire work at once.

They usually have a couple sales every year, so you can always upgrade at a super discount during one of them (that's what I did and paid about $25 for Pro, then $88 for the EX upgrade).

The page management is an incredibly valuable tool to me, so as soon as I switched from using it just for illos to comics, I shelled out for EX. In the past, back in "manga studio 3", page management was in the cheaper version and I'd always found it one of the best tools in the entire program. Clearly Celcys caught on and put it in the pricier one.

I've been using it for my comic and other doodles, it's well worth the price. I have dipped my hands in many various art programs, my preference is still CSP. Photoshop and Painter just felt too bulky for my work. The only feature I would say I miss is the tool presets from photoshop, CSP have something called auto action, but the two aren't the same still. I really like how much art variety you can do with CSP, if you want to do manga, there's manga tones, g-pen brushes, etc. for that. If you have trouble with perspective, can use a perspective ruler or download a 3d grid for that. You can even use 3d assets as a tool to help you draw certain things in specific perspective. Of course, you can paint too with blending brushes too if that's your style. I haven't used Medibang Paint that much, but I feel the UI are similar. But features with Medibang Paint feels weaker.

For me personally, I have more pressure sensitivity issues with photoshop in the years I have used it than with CSP hahaha

Yes it's totally worth it! I have the more expensive one EX and I bought it on sale at like 50% off which was a good deal. I personally prefer EX because you can convert 3D objects into lineart and that's something I've been doing a lot for my comic, I prefer converting them to lineart then editing them a bit to match the rest of my art as I don't like the blatant 3D look, here's an example of a WIP:

The chairs and table are 3D objects converted to lineart. If not for this function I wouldn't have gotten EX as I don't use the other functions as much as I do this one. If you're thinking of getting Clip definitely assess which features you think you're going to use a lot, there is a 3 months free trial where you can try Clip studio for free and see if you lean more towards EX's full features or just Pro. They have sales a lot so don't rush with buying it, I bought it during my free trial when I saw there was a sale.

Another very helpful thing for me is that you can share work between devices that have clip studio, I have a samsung tablet with the clip studio app and I often share work between my computer and my tablet through the cloud. The app is subscription based which sucks but it's worth it for me.

I think it is. I am only using a fraction of the features, but EX allows GIF animation for longer times.

Be sure to find the downloadable assets. Lots of useful content.

I have been using Clip Studio Paint Pro for a bit more than a year and recently upgraded to EX in the last sale they did, mostly because I'm also interested in doing animations.
I would say Clip Studio Pro is more than enough, the only thing I don't like about the Pro version is that you can't crop the image when exporting it. But you can just start with the Pro and upgrade anytime you want, preferably when it is on sale, to the EX version.
Also if you are getting a new tablet, depending on the one you get it is possible that it includes a license for Clip Studio (I think I got a 1 or 2 years license with my wacom tablet).

Since it's a software I use almost everyday, and the license is for life and not a subscription like others, I think it's worth it to get the EX. If I were you I would start with the Pro, which is more than enough to make a webcomic, then if you want you can always upgrade, preferably on sale, to the EX.

I've been using csp for a year now and I wouldn't even know how to make comics with other programs anymore, everything about csp is just so... handy. I use the ex version bc I had a six month free trial for it and during that time I fell in love with the batch function so much, that when the trial ended I waited for a sale and bought the ex. But the pro is certainly very good too! And it's really cheap during sales, so you can easily start with it and then later upgrade to EX if you want. Downloadable content is amazing too and a lot of 3d objects can shorten the time to make backgrounds or difficult poses a lot~ so yeah, deffo worth of money.

EX is the 50$ version right? Because if so I absolutely believe so. 50 bucks and you just own the program? Who even does that anymore. Screw adobe. CSP is fantastic. I actually got it first because I liked how crisp the lines were for inking and since I started using it I gradually transitioned as I learned the program more and now I do my entire comic in CSP

They are doing discounts pretty often. So if you aren't in a hurry, I would wait for them. Also yes, I do recomend it although so far I draw my comic traditionally and just edit it and ad speechbubles in csp ex.

No, EX is the 200$ version. Which may hurt the pocket but I don't find it expensive taking into account it's a single payment and once you own it you can keep updating it.

Ok I couldn't justify that one personally. Doesn't it just give you more of the 3D options? Not really what I want personally.

Basically it adds unlimited animation frames, more 3D options and better support for publishing. For drawing itself you don't need the EX version at all.

Ah okay that makes sense. Definitely has its place but yeah, totally unnecessary for me personally. And probably not necessary for most comic artists

@naoro_san @jcmraz

The Ex version also goes on sale at half price. But if you already have the Pro version, you can upgrade for only $84.

Most people probably don't need the EX version, so getting the PRO at $25 is a nice exchange.

personally, I was only tempted for the 2d animation tools--but I don't really animate so I just couldn't justify it. I tend to use Blender for my 3d stuff (I like to make my own assets and I draw in most of my 3d stuff with Lazy Nezumi rulers) and I always do my finishing in Photoshop anyway because I prefer how Photoshop paints so I tend to stay in Photoshop as long as possible because it's a hassle to move between programs. So really, it depends on your own style and background. Every artist will use different tools.

I got the regular version, but it is awesome!!! I'm still learning how to use it, but man is it good!