This has been boring holes in my brain ever since some random person on YouTube pointed it if you've been paying attention, you may have noticed a pattern with some of Disney's recent releases. And by 'Disney' I mean the whole Disney/Marvel/Star Wars/whatever else content megaplex. Anyway, observe:
Step 1: Begin production of some needless remake or spinoff or other form of eye-slop that nobody really asked for, cutting all the usual corners with the writing and directing and visuals to get as much content as possible out of whatever's left of the budget after all the A-list celebrities have been paid.
Step 2: Cast a woman in the starring role (bonus points if it's a woman of color), and draw attention to this in some fashion with the promotional campaign. Either market the project as a "girlboss" ultra-feminist (performative allyship...) bonanza that is so unique and brave and a must-watch because there is a woman in the starring role, OR, if you're going the remake route, replace what was originally a white woman with a WoC.
Step 3: Get all the misogynists and/or racists to scream and wail and gnash their teeth and start harassment campaigns and send death threats to the poor starlet you've shoved into the middle of this mess. For even more bonus points, convince slightly-less-unhinged people to actively defend your eye-slop against these harassment campaigns, on the basis that you're being "progressive" and spotlighting marginalized demographics, and for that you deserve to be lauded as our savior...
Step 4: Once the first episode/trailer of this project releases and the general public has their "...oh" moment and begins to realize that it is indeed eye-slop, stoke the flames. Get the bigots to follow the project religiously, picking apart every frame to 'prove' that it's indicative of the downfall of society (and milk their outrage-addicted audiences for as long as possible), and get the defenders to argue that only a bigot would find fault with your wonderful generous progressive content, and that 'good' people need to support you and consume product even harder to compensate.
Step 5: Profit...???
...I'm sure you get it. So what do you think; is this by design...?
- Yes
- No
Personally, I'm definitely beginning to feel like this is happening on purpose. Especially after this vicious cycle was taken to new heights with the recent Snow White...thing. I really don't give a damn about the movie (that hairstyle is definitely a hate-crime though...curly bobs are some of the cutest hairstyles on god's green earth, you have to TRY to make one look that ugly), but I definitely did notice how vitriolic the discourse got this time around, and how much of that vitriol actually reached my feeds. It felt like Disney went out of their way to use their promotion (and the public comments of the 'starlet' in question) to make as many people as possible as angry as possible on a regular basis.
Almost as if...that anger, in and of itself, WAS the promotion. As if they knew it would be another ugly CGI flop that no one cared about, and decided to farm clicks and engagement while they could by showing that off at every opportunity. As if they're no longer (primarily) in the business of making entertaining films and shows, but rather in the business of making ~content~ that grabs people's attention by any means necessary.
And on the internet, that means making people mad. And historically, what makes people more mad than placing women and PoC in prominent places where they "don't belong"...?
^That's the part that really grinds my gears. T_T The idea that they're using these (usually B-list or lower...gee, wonder why) stars as scapegoats in the culture wars, knowing how viciously the public will attack them, and wanting it to happen so they can save a few cents on advertising.
The idea that they're willing to keep throwing bones to the "go woke go broke" crowd frothing at the mouth for more of this eye-slop to prove their point, making media discussion and criticism hellish for everyone else, because it's easier than writing stories with substance, or employing creative directors who are willing to try.
And worst of all, the idea that they're forcing their employees to bear the brunt of all this drama, twisting it into a matter of pride or righteousness that they should feel personally responsible for.
I remember reading a very depressing excerpt from an interview from Daisy Ridley about being cast for the Star Wars sequel trilogy, and all the pressure the staff heaped onto her about how """important""" the role was and how she was becoming part of a legacy and all that garbage...
...All of that for a "trilogy" the directors were making up as they went. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ But of course, the higher-ups don't have to care about the quality of the product, because they know all the hatred and disappointment from the fans will be offloaded onto their sacrificial lambs. To this day, I STILL have to see .pngs of Rey screaming on YouTube thumbnails; it's been a damn decade and this actress' face is still associated with the failure of a project that would have sucked no matter who starred in it.
...So yeah, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Really, this is just another example of capitalism ruining art, but I felt it was particularly notable because of Disney's influence on the cultural zeitgeist.
Do you agree with this, do you disagree...? Whether it's on purpose or not, do you think it'll stop soon, or do you think Disney will go on pathetically feeding this cycle until the novelty finally wears off...?
Please be civil in your replies; and don't fall for the rage-bait while composing them...this discussion is about whether or not a corporation is complicit in a phenomenon, not about whether some individual is more complicit and we need to be blaming them instead.
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