10 / 10
Mar 2022

I've read many topics here recommending not to go on hiatus and the consequences are very clear, but I was wondering if going on hiatus here on Tapastic is so bad as going on hiatus elsewhere.

In an independent website people don't receive notifications as they do here, and we have creator notifications as well. Considering people usually follow more than one series, they'll be usually active on the platform. And considering they will be notified about new episodes and new creator posts (because it's unlike they'll subscribe because of the hiatus), is it wrong to consider that, although hiatus will be bad, it won't have so many negative consequences as it has for comics on independent websites and/or for services that don't have notifications?

  • created

    Dec '15
  • last reply

    Mar '22
  • 9


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I've gone on a few breaks here on Tapastic without any negative results.

I kept posting while on break though; guest comics, Q&A, extra type posts. Also I made sure my break wasn't unreasonably long. (about a month)

If it's well thought out, planned, and readers are made aware of it, I don't think it's a bad thing here on Tapastic.

Compared to my other sites, haven't noticed a difference. I post the same on those sites and Tapastic is a mirror site for me.

I've gone on breaks more times than I can count at this point in the past year, and so far I haven't had any huge negative consequences (the biggest being traffic taking a while to get going back to regular speed after being gone a while; you know, for people to come back and realize "hey it's active again").

Sometimes you have to take breaks, whether it's for your health, school, travelling, or other obligations that require your undivided attention. There's no problem with it. If you're super concerned about there being negative consequences, then just make sure you let your readers know what's going on; there's nothing worse than a creator or their work stopping cold turkey with no warning or sign of returning. At least if you leave a notice and an estimated date of return (just an estimate, doesn't have to be exact until you know what your plans are to the dot) then at least your readers know you're not abandoning your work without any reason whatsoever. It gives them a reason to stick around; something to look forward to.

Remember, if there's something else that's rearing its ugly head and requiring more attention than your comics, your work can probably wait and you should take care of whatever it is first so you can put your full attention back on your comics at a later time and continue to do your work in the long term; especially if it comes to something mega important like your education or health, which are typically the most common reasons for extended breaks.

I agree, here on Tapastic hiatus doesn't feel as bad. There's so much good content that you can easily forget you're waiting for a series.
But that's also the catch, you don't want people to forget you.
As long as you explain when you'll be back and give some news along the way. It should be just fine. Readers are usually understanding.

I took a year break a while back but it didn't impact much with so few readers. Now I'm being very careful. Consistency is one pillar of a successful webcomic!

Yop, I follow a bunch of comics in hiatus and I'm like "eh, I don't mind since I'll be notified when they're up and running again".
Also, some creators plannify their hiatus (when it concerns their comic). For example if they have a long form story and take a while to draw a page but they'd rather post 2 pages a week, they might make a pause at the end of a chapter to build up their buffer again, then post their two pages/week until then end of the new chap then make a pause again to build the next etc.
And add a little "previously in this story" at the beginning of a new chapter so that you're sure you didn't forget anything.

Sometimes I feel like it's even a better solution than posting 1page/week where some people will have more time to forget about the beginning. And making a hiatus after a closure of sort (the end of a chapter) makes it easier.

I'm still on hiatus since late August because of my school work (although in about 3 weeks I'll be back to work on the comic). While my following isn't very big, I haven't received any negative feedback. The worst that happened was that I lost 2 subscribers, but I'm not sure if they left because of the hiatus, or if they left for other unrelated reasons.

Since there are so many ways to get notified on tapastic, I don't think it's a bad thing. I feel like if your following is small then you can def get away with it and not worry to much. For larger followings giving an announcement is always good and just don't stay away for too long. Like a previous user said, a month should be good enough if you just need to charge your batteries.

6 years later

I started a hiatus for almost a year (I gave explanations) to start another project, I went back to the first comic and now I'm having difficulties receiving feedback or my readers reading my comic.

closed Mar 26, '22

6 year necro