6 / 7
Dec 2024

Based on the title, I’m planning to write comic scripts, but it’s not easy due to thinking of pictures and story titles first, instead of thinking of writing first. My first question is: How do I write and complete my scriptwriting story (or stories)? And I don’t want my script’s description of panels and other things in scriptwriting to be long and complicated, though maybe it can be sometimes. So secondly, How do you script-write the story for your comics in a simple way (or as a simple form of writing scripts)?
I’m planning to make comics about kawaii and cute things and kawaii/cute characters, in my own way. I’m taking it easy on myself and trying to experiment and find my flair and “groove” in my way of drawing comics in a way that I enjoy.
Feel free to send me good script writing example images/screenshots, and feel free to give me picture prompts from Pinterest or manga/webcomics screenshots or photos that are cute or kawaii.

  • created

    Dec '24
  • last reply

    Dec '24
  • 6


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I make a straight dialogue script with very basic descriptions of the action. I then do roughs like a storyboards. I find the dialogue is far more important than the need for descriptions.

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When I write my own scripts I do the first step pretty much like @BoomerZ wrote.

The next step differs a bit, my first step after the script is placing the
dialogue in the panels. After that step I start the storyboard

I worked with writers a couple of times and I like my scripts as short and basic
as possible. Summary of what happens in the story. Character descriptions.
Setting description and then the script as dialogue + very short info about action

Ok so personally, this is how I write my comic draft!

  1. A: (Waving to B)
    Hello B!
  2. B: (Looks at A with a disgusted look)
    [Ugh. Every day I look at his ugly face!]

The numbers determine the amount of panels! I put ( ) to describe actions or BG descriptions, and the [ ] is used for character thoughts! :smile: I find this method very easy to understand, at least to myself.

Since I am my own artist, I just put enough in the description to have a basic understand of what to draw and worry about details when I am working on the art.
My scripts usually look like this:

Pg 1
Panel 1.1 Description of art
Character 1: Dialogue

Panel 1.2
Description of art
Character 2: Dialogue
Character 1 : (thinking) Thoughts

Panel 1.3
Character 1 (Off-panel): Dialogue
Character 2: Dialogue

Just as a quick reference this is what a script of mine looks like. Just an outline of dialogue and some very basic ideas.

I differentiate the dialogue with the first letter of the person talking. And I before the letter means internal dialogue. Each outline number is a panel.