5 / 17
Jul 2020

Is there a way to hide my series to keep it from being seen and from people reading it?

I have a series that is currently on an indefinite hiatus, and I'm tired of readers harassing me or trying to guilt trip me into updating it.

It's a series that I do indeed plan to continue so I would rather not delete it, but can no longer work on it at the moment due to my health problems, financial problems (I very literally cannot afford to invest the amount of time required to make this comic when I am no longer get paid to make it, I need to invest my time in series that will pay me) combined with me not being able to find a dependable colourist (yes the position was a paid one, I'm not making people colour for free, they just do not stick around long, mostly due to schedule conflicts) has plagued the production of this comic down to the point of hiatus. The community this comic has gathered and their harassment and impatientness is not making this easy.

It there a way for me to keep this comic from being seen or read until I am able to work on it again without deleting the whole thing?

  • created

    Jul '20
  • last reply

    Jul '20
  • 16


  • 1.3k


  • 11


  • 45


No, I do not know of such functionality. If it hasn't been released yet, the scheduled release is an option. If it's already been released, that's a genie out of a bottle situation. If you have an offline copy, you can erase the Tapas version.

I thought it was possible to turn off the comments somehow, but I cannot find the feature.
Anyway, did you made an official announcement? If you make an episode explaining your situation, I think they will be more understanding :disappointed_relieved:

Well sure, many people don't read author's note and especially your profile description, so I would say if you don't explain you have all sorts of problems with production, but continue making another comic, readers will be angry with you :sweat_smile: Not nice of them at all to harass or guilt trip the author of course, but you can kinda see where they coming from.

I don't think there's a feature like that cough but sure it exists on other site... cough

The only thing you can do is mostly say it directly on your series description and on the last chapter description.

Maybe we can @ratique And see if this kind of feature can be added to their consideration if there's an site update?

I know you voiced your concerns about these people for years and how they got your family involved in the drama. I somewhat fear they might get worse if the series disappears but I don’t blame you for wanting to take an extreme action.

I don’t think a feature like that exists on Tapas, I know the old Smackjeeves had it.

For now I've turned off comments (someone instructed me that I could do this by turning off comments for each episode), and I'm debating the pros and cons of just deleting this series. Cause I just don't know is it's worth it anymore. The more I think it over, the more I realize that this comic is just bringing me more pain and stress with the people that have chosen to latch onto it. Though honestly, I'm also worried that if I delete it, they're going to get extremely angry and I'll be facing a lot of backlash and harassment from them.

Yes, I have constantly, they either choose to ignore me or completely miss it every time. These fans are the type where if I have decide to do an art stream, with the ONLY rule for the chat being "Do not ask about comic updates" the only thing they will literally do is harass me about the fucking comic updating, despite the rule being right fucking there in bold under the video or even in the damn video title.

They will come to my other my other comics to demand why that one gets updates, but not the one that they want, and usually trash talk the comic they are commenting on like that will somehow make me 'realize the comic I'm updating sucks and make me want to work on the comic they want me to update more' They contact me through social media, contact my family through social media to try and get to me to update even though I make my contacts available in an attempt to get them to STOP contacting my family.

Each time I explain, again, and again and again, that I CAN NOT update the comic at this moment in time and will likely not be able to update anytime soon. I am so unbelievably fucking tired of trying to communicate with them about the status of this god damn fucking comic.

Personally, I wouldn't blame you if you deleted the comic and moved on. It's nice that you wanna possibly continue your comic sometime in the future, but frankly?

These "readers" don't deserve that possibility.

If they can't respect you telling them the same update time and time again, trying to communicate so they know, and refuse to see said update or just flat our ignore it -- they don't deserve this comic or you coming back to continue it. They don't deserve that time and energy.

Cuz for all this harassment to you and your family, I'm gonna bet good money you haven't been paid to continue this comic in any way. See, it's very strange how a lot of these people wanna complain about updates but don't wanna open up them wallets to support the artist.

So no -- I don't think you should have to continue it. If you want to, that's fine, but you're not obligated to. People say "think about how the readers feel" -- I'll consider that when said "readers" aren't hounding and harassing after they've been TOLD countless times and have been UPDATED countless times.

I was going to suggest editing the series title and the series description and, for good measure, make an update explaining the status of the series. But for readers this pushy I'd either delete the thing entirely or, even better, see what I can do about putting it behind a paywall.

they already detailed doing so and "readers" still had attitude so i doubt yet another update would do much to get them to back off if they're already being as belligerent as was described

You have devoted so much of your time and hard work over the years and people still harass you? :frowning: That's just wrong. I wish people understood that NOBODY invests more in a series than the authors themselves. Readers take about a minute to read an episode that took us weeks to produce.
It infuriates me that it is seen as "ungrateful" to want to stop making FREE content for them.
And even if they paid or gave ink occasionally, they got their money's worth already with all the episodes they have supported so far.

I don't blame you if you decide to delete it, they definitely crossed the line.
Is there a way to give them a "partial ending"? A way they can feel a circle is full so that they can at least stop demanding updates/or that you restore the deleted comic?
And then come back in the future if you want to finish it for real.

Then the author's cartoon version drives away wearing dark glasses.
"I changed my address, so don't bother trying to find me. Bye!!!"

In all seriousness, I'd recommend getting mods to blacklist or time-out people if you're streaming on Twitch. You can also make unsafe words for bots, so if they say word, a bot will automatically delete the message and tell them to stop using such bad language :stuck_out_tongue: I've seen various tools like that work on Twitch streamers. For here on Tapas, I'd flat out start blocking the users / reporting them for SPAM. Remember the old hardcore definition of SPAM is : Successive(?) Pointless Annoying Messages. It takes a lot of work to cull and manage jerks. And sometimes the true solution is flat out just abandoning the account(s) that they're stalking and harassing.