45 / 45
Jul 2022

Alright @Stargazer31 here is my review of Realmwalker! You make great use of norse terminology and names. And it's cool how you place lore in between story segments, I think that's a really good idea. Your drawing style reminds me of strip comics like (The adventures of tintin) and 90's cartoons, like the slice of life/adventure types! As for something that would help, I would say more full body poses because it would seem, most readers become more enthused to read when they see many different angles and poses of your characters. Also this helps make your series stand out even more than it already does. You started making posters before your comic begins which is another good idea because that is like, another great introductory way to pump up the episode before it begins. Lastly some readers might complain about the length of an episode if it's too short or too long, though I think their lengths are fine the way they are (but that is up to you). I hope this gave you an idea how to create more dynamically and also inspires you to try even more new ways to draw your comic!

Oh your welcome! And no problem, I'll give an honest in-depth review especially if someone gives my series one, that kinda motivates me to do it (lol) plus nothing is better than an authentic constructive review of your series, which is why I provided one. And again it's really no problem :slight_smile:

I used to try and avoid read for read type of things, but it seems that's truly the best way to get a read in. At least for me anyways. I'll have to get with the times and do it more.

But for sure, I've seen lots of reviews that are praise which is important too. (like motivation etc.) But you don't get the same kind of growth.

Yeah that's true to a certain extent! But you have to keep trying and eventually the right people come along who finally start seeing what you are doing and they become interested. And they sometimes do the same (growth-wise at least), plus the real growth comes from being constant/consistent. After 12 episodes I'm finally starting to realize that and this is my opinion from my burgeoning experience and (lol)

Haha guess I'll just wait longer than.

What was yours called godkiller? I'll help a fellow homie out.

Just scrolled up. Godking war haha. Sorry god killer is a video game I'm pretty sure.

Haha no problem @demetrinewdinosaur the name is bizarre that's one of my niches. And I see you do novels, I'll do a fellow homie a solid and give you a sub too and be sure to check in on what you create :smiley:

Ha much appreciated The list I have of things to write borders beyond 60 or so, Currently, I'm just trying to finish my second novel. I did one once which was very different from the genre I'm currently writing. One Day I will port that over from its current home site.

Ps wish I was adept enough at digital art to do comics like you and others.

Your welcome! And keep up your novel production and the port of where it's currently at! And you never know till you try, give it a shot you might like the digital art you create :slight_smile:

P.S - I'll tell you a secret...My art is not completely digital! :smiley:

Do you need a scanner? I thought about giving that a shot, but wasn't sure how to go about it I need a ...:scream: mind blown emoji.

Yes you do my friend glad that blew your mind (lol), seriously tho it's the only way to get hand drawn characters to dance on the computer screen XD. Hope a scanner price won't be a problem, but give it ago and if you draw fast it shouldn't be a hinderance on your process :smiley:

Hi everyone! I'm hoping to join in on this as well! :smiley:

This is a new novel of mine that I'm working on with my editor, Yejin! We only uploaded 2 actual chapters so far, but we'd love to hear any feedback on it! :slight_smile: If anyone wants me to do a review on their work, please let me know~! :blush:

Genre: BL/Romance/Fantasy

Quick synopsis: If you were offered a chance to be with your long-time crush in the afterlife, would you take it?
Heeyoon finally made it to Heaven but before she could confess her feelings to her favorite actor, he got reincarnated! Striking up a deal with God, Heeyoon agrees to be reincarnated as the opposite sex and make Song Yoo fall for her…
Will she fulfill her mission or will she be hauled back to heaven before she can even seduce him?!

It’s about an underwater superhero. Right now I’m slowly going through the first arc. Which will picking up speed. The first arc is about the Typhoon Squadron vs. the Cyclone Squadron.

1 month later

closed Jul 23, '22

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