1 / 14
Jun 2024

I never won a cent with comics, so, I no longer feel like spending an entire day per page, so, nowadays I only spend some minutes...

Good enough to understand what is going on without killing yourself for no reason...

  • created

    Jun '24
  • last reply

    Jul '24
  • 13


  • 802


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  • 15


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It is solid logic! Sometimes you just wanna get the point across and that's enough. I've made a lot of fancomics that look pretty much like this and they don't require any more effort lolol

it looks good with the downgrade. I always wanted to do that to but I can never trust myself or where the story is going to do so.

I "downgraded" my art in the sense that I stopped trying to draw smooth lines. I have a medical condition that gives me shaky hands, so smooth lines were hell even with the auto brush stabilization turned all the way up. Now, instead of smooth lines I have an almost sketch-like style. It's easier, and to me it looks better too!

My MC Daecon done in the old "smooth line" style:

And the new "sketch" style:

I'm the exact opposite. I'm constantly trying to level up my art. My entire comic is used as a vehicle for that improvement.

This one has more quality, maybe because I had to painfully draw the details to make it understandable, still, all I get in return for my efforts is smaller than the quark... :stuck_out_tongue:

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13 days later

I drew the lst page with more quality, I paved the way with garbage just to reach this XD.
Presenting the Magnificas to the word: Kaxea, Ovora and Seles. The only survivors of the battle of the 3 realms where 3 armies fought, 970 years ago.

15 days later

In this type of art form it does help to pace oneself. I've tried to navigate a middle path in this regard. I do sometime regret not spending more time on this or that image but if I kept second guessing myself I'd never get much done. As it is I'm up to page 116 of 250+ project. Maybe as you progress you want to toggle back and forth between the more intricate and the gestural. You can a feel for what's just right for any given moment.

I admit I did the same with the shading and it was a good decision. Now I can finish things on time.
