3 / 10
Apr 2022

Ok so, this is a very very special day for me: I finally managed to print the entirety of my comic's script!
Of course, this is just the author copy that Amazon gave me, but I still feel so proud and happy about it. There's something really special about being able to hold the words you yourself have written.

Unfortunately, I won't be publishing this any time soon, because it contains spoilers for the entire series and it's just meant as a personal guidance/reference. I had the idea of printing the script while reading another novel. I thought to myself: "It would be pretty cool to have my own draft as a book." and so I went on XD.

This is my first ever time getting something printed and I can't wait to get my manga printed as well.

Anyway, feel free to tell me your experience with printing. Have you ever managed to get your story printed (not necessarily published)?

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    Apr '22
  • last reply

    May '22
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Big congrats! Best of luck with publication, and be sure to check each page to make sure everything was printed out so that it's legible and to your satisfaction. I've purchased from some books from webwriters before and they had easily avoidable mistakes, which was a definite shame.

Oh nice, congrats! Also, nice idea on printing the script.

I have printed an artbook of my comic (20 exemplars) Sadly I couldn't sell many due to covid so it's basically a "loss". But I learned so much in doing so and you have to start at some point. If you always fear, something could go wrong and do nothing, you are never able to learn and grow. So in the end, this was a big win :slight_smile:

That's so awesome!

I never thought of people printing their script before. That's really neat.

I haven't printed anything yet but I plan to use a local printer when the times comes just to not worry about shipping and all that. I thought a local printer would be hard to find but it turns out any printer that does magazines can probably do comics.

Oh wow, good for you! Having something physical like that like that must be such a cool feeling!

I want to get my comic priting someday so I hope you don't mind my asking, but how did you go about getting this printed? Is that a service that Amazon offers? I've only really heard about Mixam

Yeah, I've used amazon kdp, which is a pretty good service imo. It doesn't offer you as many options as Mixam, though. Amazon kdp doesn't have the option for a dust jacket, for example.
Kdp is also good for printing and selling comics, although for that I'd reccomend Mixam. For novels, on the other hand, I'd reccomend kdp (my script is formatted as a novel).

1 month later

closed May 30, '22

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