Part of the reason I'm as sketch about Vella as a platform is because their current ebook market is so hyper-specialized that bad market shakeup will obliterate an entire ecosystem of people that only succeeded because of weirdly specialized market forces. I'm writing again, but I have a lot of material that I'm cleaning up and putting back out, but until I'm back writing close to what I use to, I don't have enough archive material to split audiences, or drop big binge-worthy projects in places they won't thrive. Heck, I'm just happy to have an audience again. I was to a point of despair and generalized depression that I was going to delete everything, burn all my hard copies, and just resign myself to a life of sales that I can't stand. It was... bad.
take a guess how many times Miss Loud Mouth Truthtalker (me) has been BANNED from the karen's fb page and must have all posts "approved."
I feel so priveleged.
these are gate keeping boss babes and really... MLM all the way. They have "clubhouses" for group chats and.... ewwwwwww. I'm sure the first time they'd here me say... well that there is f**** I'd be out on my ear... and happy about it.
YES. That is EXACTLY it. Argh, I despise that crap.
I'll definitely keep a mind open to it. I've got a paranormal detective story I started that would probably do well, but I'll have to see if I can get it just a little further in because I'm not stoked about setting up posts with as small a buffer as I have ready for it right now.
I have two episodes (novella length) stories up and the rest are going to wait until after rewrites are done (which will probably be after the launch). If you decide to upload to Vella later on, I think it's smart to have the story further along. I hate writing to meet the buffer window.
@therosesword I needed this post. I feel SO much better nown.
Yeah. Tbh, I fell into the same trap. I dove into sub4sub because, embarrassingly, I'm hard-wired to exploit algorithm for previous job marketing businesses. I actually intend to follow up with everyone, consistently, that I subbed to, so that's my attempt to make it right and not just exploit number manipulation.
@cherrystark I think we had this convo in the group chat, I called kindle vella support and they said tapas novels COULD NOT be uploaded to vella. I know you have uploaded yours, which is a direct contradiction to the guidance I received. Others in the FB groups have also shared direct correspondence about NOT uploading novels that used to be free. I'm not saying you're wrong or I am right. I'm saying I'm confused. I remain confused. Any insight on this?
also contradictory:
spoke on the phone with a vella rep who said words on covers are okay. so, thats apparently a thing
That's so weird? The rep I spoke to explicitly said it "can NEVER at ANY POINT have been free. NEVER."
I'm naturally paranoid, so I need to think about it. I'm personally hesitant to do something after a rep explicitly told me not to. Granted, thats totally a 'me' issue.
The bots approved your story, which means I guess its okay? And like, lets not pretend there are tons of people doing this, uploading free stories after taking them down.
bots approved my work too and I have an email stating mine is fine. if you talk to someone tell them it is serialized fiction. do not mention "book." I've unjoined most of the FB pages but one of them actually had a copy of something stating as long as everything was done etc. and they said it was written in guidelines. But.... there's so much wild speculation that I just keep doing what I'm doing and if they tell me no... so be it.
So, question - does Tapas count as being published?
I've recently finished a story on here that's 89ish chapters longs, and I'm sort of thinking about taking it off of Tapas and putting it up on Vella. I'll be editing the **** out of it because, well, it's very much a first draft, and by the time it's done with editing it'll likely have a further twenty chapters...
I ADORE everyone here on Tapas and the readers have been chef's kiss, but a bitch needs milk money, lol. Readers have been kind enough to donate ink, but Tapas isn't really, uh, putting bread on the table, ya know?
So what I'm asking is...if I took my complete serial down from Tapas and worked on it - got rid of spelling errors, added chapters, buffed the story up a bit - does that still count as it having been published elsewhere?
I'm getting some conflicting views on this from several sources, so I thought I'd ask you guys as well.
I get it. I've met some amazing people here but grocery money is grocery money. The only hang up with having your stuff published on Tapas is the lack of a paywall. Since Tapas is a free site, the bots will go crazy..
Howeveras long as your work isn't available for free somewhere online OR is behind a paywall of some kind when you start uploading to Vella, you'll be just fine.. There are a lot of writers with stuff on multiple apps so that's a rule Amamzon had to clarify.